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How many Arrows and where to shoot em at?


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Im 49 ranged right now.. getting 70... how many arrows approx. would i need and also wheres best range spots based on my lvl...




PC on iron and steel arrows too




Would i t be cheaper to smith and fl3etch arrows?

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According by the calculation by goobore, you will need about 11k bronze or iron arrows if your picking them up, and if your not you'll need about 45k iron or bronze if you dont. And i would recomend either Hill giants or moss giants, and then move to lessers at about lvl 60.




For Arrow prices: Bronze usually go for 15-20 in large quantities and iron for about 25 each, so if your willing to put in the time, fletching would be a lot cheaper.






To check my math on this you can use this formula:




ArrowsNeeded = ExpNeeded*(1-p)/(2*Maxhit)


Where p is the portion of arrows that you pick up and is about 0.75


and Maxhit is the maximum hit for the arrow type for your level.



"Long live the sun. May the darkness be hidden."

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