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[Price Check] Hides and leathers


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Dont tell me to search for it...


Im not trying to be rude...


Please dont tell me to do so...




If i posted at the wrong place, please tell me the actual place to..




Im trying to make money on hides... but i need to know the price..




I need to know the price of:






Soft Leather


Hard Leather






Please do not make spam here if ur not helping...


Thank you...

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Your best bet is on the Pick n' Apron bazaar board:








There isn't a price check sticky but you can probably get a good idea from posts on that board.




Cowhide sells for about 100ea on f2p and I have seen it sold regularly for 150+ on the forums (in bulk obiously).




The main problem is many players on f2p only sell in batches of 28 or less, often unnoted because they are often new.




I think most people sell cowhide rather than tanned leather because it's easier to sell.




Its not hard to pick up hides on f2p but it is often slow.




Good luck





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do u think i should tan those hides so i can make more???




i usually collects 1k hides then sell... its easy to get.. i pick at least 600 a day or even 1k....




btw, im f2p..




so, i was wondering wether i should tan it...!




can any1 give me some advise?

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