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Maybe a better way of collecting seaweed


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No, this is not about piscatoris...which is rather slow. Its about pest control and the void knight outpost. Normally, seaweed gatherers collect seaweed on entrana, glory to draynor bank and repeat. Well, with the release of void knight outpost and a bank there, it may be faster to go from bank to entrana seaweed spawns, then back again. I'll have some times. These times are me wearing full ghostly robes, set on run from void knight outpost to entrana spot. Then put on walk, then run again to bank with about 20% energy left. If you are going to use this option, then u may want to walk from spawn to bank. And from draynor, i'm running from bank to entrana seaweed spawn, walking to gather then tele.




Void Knight Outpost Time (from bank)


5 minutes 33 seconds




Draynor Village (from bank)


4 minutes 23 seconds




Well, draynor village remains much faster, but if u agility in the 70s or 80s u might wanna try the void knight outpost.

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