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I need some question answer


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I am f2p. Ok first the tip.it range cal says i need to kill 190 lssers to get 50 range i have full green drg hide with cof with short maple bow but i am all out of iron arrows so how do i get 10000 iron arrows( i am goin kill 300 lessers) fast with spending that much?




Second wat is the piont of falure cuse?




My freind said he bot his red party hat last week at 30mill gp but wat is the chance hes lying cause i cant remember the prices?

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Unless your friend was extremely lucky he didn't get a red partyhat at 30M, I currently own one and they are around 135M, and rising. If you think your friend is telling the truth just have him wear it for you to see :)

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Seeing how your range is under lvl 50, I would advise you NOT to try and kill lesser demons. Train on hill giants or guards. The cheapest arrows are in the store in varrock, 18gp for iron arrows normally. 1000 arrows will be enough. And as miner i says, either your friend is amazingly lucky or he is lying, just ask to see it and you will know.


89/99 farming

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