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Teleother - Dharoks Tomb!!!


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I'm not whining... the thread asked about what your position on people using teleother in barrows.. I stated my position....




sorry, i didnt mean you personally, i meant the community in general.

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ok the people who do it are jerks, but they are not breaking any rules. It still isnt a bug though. Jagex fully intends for the teleother screen to pop up anywhere, unless accept aid is turned off.


Jagex itself has stated that its breaking rules.

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You see, it may not be bug abuse, but it's screwed up. Look at luring, there is not bug abuse involved. I actually respect the people that think up the ways of luring just because they have the knowledge and patience to perfect them till their luring is top notch. I personally do not care if people lure or not, you go into the wildy, and you expect the danger that you will die and you know what kinds of risks are there. When you go to barrows, you are not in the wildy. You should not have the fear of dying from another player in an area which is not PvP and other players are not involed in your combat. Luring is looked down by 99% of the community, and I do not see why this is not either. It's not bug abuse, but so isn't luring, teleing, pjing, running, etc.


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simple soultion if someone trys to do it to u just clik yes to tele wherever then turn aid off and go back to barrows and never worry bout it again




u clik yes u wont die lol






dieing is rs is so ncommon compared to most other rpg's that i dont mind players trying to kill u






if ur gonna do barrows b prepared and turn aid off




if ur not that smart then suffer conciquences

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