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Supposed to be unbanned days ago. Please help?


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Ok well my account Sombra3292 was banned on May 9th for verbal abuse. I sent in an appeal and recieved this-




However after further reflection we will lift this permanent ban but your account will still have black marks placed on it and you will still receive a weeks ban. Further to this we will be monitoring your account very closely and if we receive any further Abuse Reports against you, your account will be banned permanently with no further chances given.




This was recieved on May 10th, meaning my account SHOULD have been unbanned on May 17th. Needless to say it is now the 21st and Sombra3292 is STILL banned. I want to know what is going on, is there some kind of misunderstanding here based on whats in the part of the message Jagex sent to me that I posted above? What's the deal?




PS: Also if someone could help me out and tell me who in Jagex I should message about this and how I could contact them it would be MUCH appreciated.



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Well I would do that, but your only allowed to send in 1 appeal per banning. So I'm not allowed to send in any more appeals.



Add to your sig if you agree, don't let the others lead you the wrong way.

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ArchersOwn, I don't know how Jagex handles temporary bans like yours (a software checkbox or what). However, the latest news here and on Jagex probably makes it clear that Jagex temp banned hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of accounts to try to keep them from being stolen.




Due to this fact, and the fact that some users report having to make 5-6 appeals to convince Jagex that they are the true owner of the account, means that Jagex ban appeals must be totally overloaded.




If it were me (and I DO NOT speak for Tip.It or Tip.It staff when I say this), I'd wait a couple more days and then send in an appeal, including the text of their message to you about the temporary ban, noting the dates, and asking that it be lifted. This is at your own risk - I cannot say for sure if this is the right thing to do.




I know it's difficult, but try to be patient. Good luck.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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