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Good plan?


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THis is my plan:


1.Get things


2.Go to Black Demons in Taverly Dungeon


3.Use prayer and set up cannon


4.Go to a safe spot


5.Collect drops


6.Continue til I'm out of Cannon balls or prayer pots


7.Tele out with dueling ring




Good idea, ill check tommorow because I'm tired




From 58 range how long will it take to get 70 range and how many D meds will I get? Will I get any. Well Seeya tommorow

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i don't like it to be honest.




you will hit many 0's with your cannon. a cannon alone is pretty bad, as you can only get 30xp MAX each hit.you will be standing still alot, waiting for your cannon to kill, wich i find a waste of time. instead you could go to the lighthouse and set up your cannon there.there are manny dags and it's multi combat.you just train some melee or ranged on the dags while cannon is shooting. you should get many herb seeds by doing this, and there worth pretty much. :wink:

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