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The Gardener


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I know this story sounds extremly stupid, but it actually has nothing to do with gardening. (You'll get it later on)




Chapter 1:


Alscaar was a simple man. He was 43 years of age. He never rushed anything, never had tried to rip someone off, or had comitted anything illegal. He was just a simple gardener. He didn't have very much money, and he didn't care for money, his task was to garden for people.




He mainly gardened for the king, in falador park. He didn't get payed very much but still did it. Alscaar was singing on a beautiful sunny day, while plating a flower.




He reached for his shovel, but noticed a tall skinny man was carrying it and he spoke "Your alscaar right?" Alscaar spoke softley "Yes, I am." The tall skiny man dropped the shovel and said "I have some terriable news,"




Alscaar suddenly stopped planting the flower and turned around slowly. "I know why you've come here," he said in a sad voice. "You've come to tell me my brother is dead." The man said nothing.




But then he finally spoke "Yes I do come here to tell you that." Alscaar sighed and keep putting the flower into the ground. "He was murdered last night," said the man. "He was murdered in a gang fight, and all of his gang members we're killed too." Alscaar stoped planting the flower and turned around and said




"I remember when he joined that gang, he was only 23 years old looking for a easy paying job, there was lots of other ways but I told him....." Alscaar paused "I told him, If I ever see him again; I would kill him myself."




Alscaar went to go sit on the bench gathering his things. "So tell me," he said. "What gang was he in anyways?" The man spoke and shuffled through some papers he had in his hand "He was part of the Black Arm gang in varrok."




Alscaar sighed and said "Ever since he joined that gang, he didn't even say good-bye to me. He was dead to me the day he left, and he is dead to me the day he died."




The man sat on the bench next to him and said "It's all over in the Papers, here take a look." The man handed alscaar new-papers and read:




July 23rd


Recently In Varrok, a giant gang battle occured last night. It killed over 40 gang members, and 12 innocents. All of the bodies have been identified and still, no evidence was found of the hideouts.




Alscaar continued to read when the man spoke "They still haven't found the gang hideouts. Guards are all over the place, they've been searching ever since last night. Hell, they even have the damn army looking for the hideouts!"




Alscaar put down the papers and said "How could they be able to escape something like that, where was the attack?" The man spoke "The attack was in an alleyway, there was at least 100 people there fighting eachother. I guess they heard the guards come when the battle was almost over, and both gangs ran off."




Alscaar got up from the bench and said "Thank-you." and started walking towards varrok. When he got to varrok there we're guards on full aleart searching everywhere. Even one of the enteries was closed becuase there was guards blocking it.




"Halt!" yelled a guard. "You cannot come past this point, this is military only beyond this point!" Alscaar said "But my brother was killed in this battle, I have to get through!"




"That's too bad sir," said the guard "But i cannont allow any civilians beyond this point." Soon as the guard was done talking, alscaar ran and tackled the guard and ran towards the crime scene.




"STOP HIM!" the guard yelled. Fifteen guards suddenly turned their heads towrds alscaar who was running to the scene. He saw his brothers dead body being dragged off by the guards. "wait!" yelled alscaar.




As soon as he yelled that, something hard struck the back of his head. He fell to the ground in pain. He felt more pain, then he realized guards we're beating him with the handle of their swords.




Alscaar was hit at least 7 times, the guards dragged him by the arms and through him out ont the street. "You come back again, and we will kill you." yelled a guard.




Alscaar was in so much pain, he passed out as soon as he saw a man with two guards standing right next to him walk towards him.

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Pretty good except for one line at the very end. YOU WROTE "7" INSTEAD OF "SEVEN"!

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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