boyofwonderland Posted June 12, 2006 Share Posted June 12, 2006 Seeds of Discord by Vladimir von Belzwik (boyofwonderland) :: characters :: :: a.k.a. / owner :: Dmitri Aens :: dmitri_aens - lvl. 22 Trant Aens :: god_trant - lvl. 34 Hexeros :: hexeros - lvl. 102 Rane Metal :: raneundead - lvl. 63 Etrigani :: entrigani - lvl. 38 Jesse :: jesselang - lvl. 73 Seprpio :: seprpio - lvl. 106 **please note! the levels given for the owners of the listed characters are subject, and expected, to change. Also, their levels of the RuneScape do not neccessarily relate to their characters in the story. Thanks! (~_^) **Also note, the following characters used and their screen names are posted WITH the owners permisson. As the story progresses I would like some other characters so if you want them included. PM me with their names, (class), personality, and even history if you think it neccessary. Thanks again! ::DISCLAIMER:: It's FanFiction for a reason! I do not own anything officially affiliated with Jagex and RuneScape. I merely write to convey my thoughts and ideas. RuneScape is only inspiration and a setting. Remember, it's FanFiction! <3 Any resemblance to these fictional characters to people in real life is coincedential. Except for a select few because they are doomed to live with me and be my friends *laughs* But seriously, no intention to shirade. Special Thanks To... -Jagex! Lol. I'd like to thank Jagex for giving us RuneScape- although I think we all could live without the withdraws we get from not enough game play. Internet crack, ya know. -All the owners and players listed above. Thanks for letting me use your characters in the fic- much obliged guys! -forum.Tip.It ... For letting me use their site to express myself. --Vladimir von Belzwik ::Chapter One:: -Introduction- No one ever really remembers their young days in RuneScape. The first memory anyone can recall is the sun beaming down in the Lumbrige Castle courtyard with just them and some mundane items and no ambitions. At least, that's how Dmitri Aens remembers his humble beginnings. Those first steps wading through the crowds of newcomers, venturing aimlessly around Lumbrige and picking up bits and peices of knowledge along the way. Just as Dmitri Aens passed a small, yet fairly busy, general store, he saw a well-trodden dirt pathway leading westward. Dmitri looked down the path into the thick woods for anything dangerous. A couple of adventurers fighting off Goblins, but nothing too life-threatening from what he could tell. So he turned and walked down the wooded trail. As he made his way further down, Dmitri passed several landmarks. A couple which he made notes of. A fence leading towards a marsh area to the south, some worn buildings with a noticable trap door, and even a strange arrangement of mysterious runes at the end of the path- not too far from what looked to be a prison of some sort. Dmitri didn't think much of the prison as he passed it, approaching a small settlement bustling with lumberjacks and fishermen, however one of the guards approached Dmitri with a cross face. The man was dressed in khaki pants and red tunic, along with a well crafted hardleather body. Gripped tightly in the man's hand was a large steel mace. Dmitri began to carry on, seeing a bank close-by. He tried to think nothing of the man but his attention was soon gotten once the man swung his mace at Dmitri without warning, hitting him in his back. Dmitri whirled around, bronze sword drawn and slashed back at the guard- who easily dodged the counter strike. The prison guard then raised his arm and swung back down on Dmitri, who nearly collapsed under the force of it all. Dmitri was quite inexperienced. Without word or warning though, a red, flame-like bolt flew over Dmitri. Dmitri ducked down and covered his head suddenly feeling this world wasn't as safe and peaceful as he thought. "Whoa what the-" he began to exclaim, only to see the guard retreat and grasp tightly to his burns. Dmitri looked back to see an older wizard clad in blue robes and a red-orbed staff standing there, looking at him like some sort of inferior being. "Uh, thanks," Dmitri said. The white haired mage chuckled and turned around, leaving with only these words, "...Pitiful Noob." Dmitri scowled and stood, baffled at how close to death he'd actually come. A dangerous world indeed. He decided it'd be best to get to the bank before another guard made his way over, but a second glance behind him revealed a pile of scorched bones, a leather body and a mace where the guardsman stood before the mysterious mage redeemed Dmitri. Dmitri gathered up the loot and put it in a bag on his back, everything except the bones of course. He figured the mace and armor would come in handy eventually. Although he was too unskilled to weild a steel weapon. 'What power...' Dmitri thought to himself, approaching the bank doors, 'he completely obliderated that guy with no effort. Conjuring a bolt of flame by will!' An elder woman helped establish a new RuneScape bank account for Dmitri Aens. The process was quick and easy, ending with Dmitri setting up a four digit code and receiving 25 gold peices for beginning a bank account. Here, as Dmitri deposited a few of his miscellaneous items, he continued to dwell on the mage and his power. 'If I had power like that...' Dmitri thought to himself, placing in the leather body armor and mace lastly after everything else, 'I wouldn't need a sword. Only my hands.' The thought of being so high and mighty made him grin. 'Wait,' he thought, looking at the only spell in his spell book, 'I need RuneStones, it says.' He closed his vault and turned away, with only his bronze sword and a few Runes on person. He sighed aloudly, "Where am I going to get RuneStones? I can only cast maybe one puny wind strike." Sure enough, and with the first luck he had all day, a man rumaging through his items responded to Dmitri. "Well, you could make them you know." Dmitri's eyebrows rose with curiousity. "Oh really?" The man nodded. "Yeah, just go east down the pathway cutting through the woods." "By the guards?" Dmitri said, cringing at the thought of almost dying again. "Mhm- just run past them- and talk to the Duke at Lumbridge castle. He'll give you the details, promise," the stranger said before dawning a set of a dark, almost blackish blue armor and a razor-sharp longsword of the same metal on his side. "Well, I'm off. Cya." With that, as more people poored in the bank, the man in Mithril left and Dmitri did too soon after. He sped past the prison, the guard outside didn't give chase this time luckily, through the woods, and down the streets of Lumbrige to Lumbrige castle he went. The Courtyard was still packed full of people. One of them even begged for money. Dmitri pushed past the begger and into the castle, he was sure he heard the word "noob" pop up again. Which caused him to scowl and curse again as he scaled the stairs to the second story. The first floor of the castle was pretty basic. A large kitchen and dining room, and several corridors, but the second floor was different. It was a long strip lined with several large rooms. Dmitri searched the first few before finding a brown-bearded man with an elegant black cape pacing about. Dmitri's intrusion stopped the duke, who was quick to exchange friendly formalities. "Greetings. Welcome to my castle," he said, almost automatically- like he had done it thousands of times over and over again before. Dmitri explained about what the man from before had told him. The duke nodded and pulled out a small talisman with the same symbol as the air runes in Dmitri's sack. "Take this to the head wizard. These things have been appearing lately and they obviously have some sort of mystical power to them. I just never have had the chance to research magic while in these castle walls. Bring it to the head wizard- he'll point you in the right direction." And so, it was with this information, and previously known knowledge, Dmitri ventured back to Draynor Village. Except this time Dmitri turned opposite of the bank and made his way down a long, twisting white marbled bridge that was built over the sea a ways out to a small island with a tall, white tower with saphire blue windows which was the Wizard's Tower. ~*~*~*~*~*~ ::Author note:: This is just what I posted of the prologe. There is more to come! Promise! But I kinda would like the story to grow as it continues and more characters (main and minor) would be appreciated. Just PM me with your current Level, Screen name, and the name of your Character. Cya later! Also! Reviews, Comments, Suggestions, and other forms of Constructive Criticism would be appreciated. And I know I'm a terrible speller, lol. last updated... 1:49 a.m. June 12, 2006 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragoncmd Posted June 12, 2006 Share Posted June 12, 2006 this is by far the most thought out story I have seen in the RS world, any others are either comedic (GAAL, SMOKE WHERE ARE YOU!!) or fail miserably, I might send you a character later. Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.A Seal Clubber is me!A Oxygenarin is me!6*9=42 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boyofwonderland Posted June 12, 2006 Author Share Posted June 12, 2006 ^_^ Thanks so much! Lol. I don't know how much I'll be using the actual forums here. I JUST started back on RuneScape and since I gave away my old lvl. 102 (6500) I've had to go back to square one. At least I get a chance to write, and maybe post some of my art here. Lol. But Thanks so much! I'm actually writing on it more as I post this lol. Also, I would love a character. If you wouldn't mind, I need his/her personality and stuff like that. As you said, It is well thought out like some of my other works. Lol. I just hope I finish it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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