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Small suggestion on home accesibility

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Well I was thinking that i would be usefull if you could set entrance rights to your house.




This could allow a friend to enter your house when you are not there so they could use the equipement/items in the house. However they wouldn't be able to remove any thing or enter building more.




This would be useful if you wanted to share a house with a friend, or if they want to raise construction, they can just walk in and use something.

Runescape Name: Thy Sens Fan

Home World: 130

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I have three siblings that play RS also, it'd be nice if I could let them use my house for it's teleports without me having to be there (I have the best house out of us of course!). It wouldn't bother me if my siblings could allow people in with them, so my brother could have his clan meetings at my house and they all use the portal room or glory tele or whatever.

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