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Spices, what to do with them?


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I just finished the evil dave part of rfd and have tons of spices left, are thye any use?

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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I just finished the evil dave part of rfd and have tons of spices left, are they any use?




Yes, Spices are for making curry. Which heals 19 each. It requires lower cooking level, still just 1 less healing than sharks. So it's good for monster trips. Just drop the bowls.




Different spices liek the Red spice, yellow spice, orange spice, and brown spice

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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they are taking up liek 2 rows in my bank, so unless someone comes in here








im going to drop them

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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Making stew with those color spices makes spicy stews that raise random stats. Only problem is, which stats that are raised are always random. And if you really want more spice, I think you can get more from Evil Dave's basement.




Just drop 'em.

XXXX says I'm a noob. And then keeled me with his troop of lvl 100 CW buddies.

Yay for being a Dead Noob. XD

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