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prepaid membership card


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ok i think it would be cool if you could go to the store and buy a card with membership credits on it. if any of you have itunes it would work the same way as the itunes gift card. the cards will have either 1 month- 1year membership on them. yo can activate the card buy typing the code from the card into the runescape website then the credit will be added to your account. so what do you think about this??/

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Though it would be nice, one small mater. Distribution. it would likely cost Jagex way more to send cards out then what profit they may reap from it.



Eventually you will be a mindless Runescape addict like the best of us.
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This idea would be very hard for Jagex to actually go through all the trouble finding all the music sites or programs or w/e... It'd be best that they didn't go through the hastle. Although, I wouldn't mind some R&B, some Rock, and different musical genres in the music player we have today.

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it would be useful and much easier for players, but jagex wouldnt benifit as much from it, unless a whole lot more people became members or something. and btw, the_trinity_11 posted in the completely wrong topic

DinoSAUR!!! Flying through la-ZERS!!!! Pchu! Pchuu! (Try running around in wal mart or something screaming this)

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