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Keep Our Streets Safe! :o


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think about this, 6 people say. we have 4 pkers [peopleX] in ice plattu...platue...platterpuss, a normal mager [person A] in fally, and a lunar mager [person B].




person A ~ casually stand there and tele others to fally over and over, mostly richer players.




person B ~ he would then after about 10-12 tele others from person A, would tele-other somebody to ice platterpuss.




people NOOB ~ these lot would then think "ohh! another tele-other screen! it must be the same person because im and assuming git"




*PINUAMMM* ohh look theyre in the icey platterpuss with people X running at them! oops! bye bye santas/masks/fats.




so yeah uuur, keep safe.




police man pete strikes back.


Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?

Final Fantasy


Currently Listening To ~ Hotel California / The Eagles

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Uhh.. this has allready been covered in another topic.




When it's a wilderness teleother it does show up another box in the chat-field saying that it leads to deepwild so ppl cannot fall for it.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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Uhh.. this has allready been covered in another topic.




When it's a wilderness teleother it does show up another box in the chat-field saying that it leads to deepwild so ppl cannot fall for it.




thanks for this, alot more useful than ^that^ gonks answer <.< , i was thinking the tele-other screen would be the same to fallys, apart from the obvious ICE PLATTERPUSS written on it instead of fally.


Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?

Final Fantasy


Currently Listening To ~ Hotel California / The Eagles

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