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~Septic Blood-new pure on the block~ Updated! 48 mage 9-12

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Ok, since I havnt been able to pk anyone since ive gotten def on my ranger pure Heavenly Law, im making a new f2p pure. He will be the greatest f2p pure ever(hopefully). Using all combat styles to defeat any foe. This will be fun indeed...




Name: Septic Blood




Just in case any of you want to know what septic means here is the definition directly from the dictionary:




sepÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷tic (sptk) Pronunciation Key






1. Of, relating to, having the nature of, or affected by sepsis.


2. Causing sepsis; putrefactive.




Basically Infected Blood.




So to start off i wanted to get his melee up, then range, finally mage.




Week 1 Goals:




1/40/40 Attack -COMPLETE-


1/40/40 Strenght -COMPLETE-


1/1/1 Defense -Who needs def?-


1/1/40 Range


1/48/41 Mage -COMPLETE-


1/1/1 Prayer -Prayer is fo' noobs:oops:-


10/42/40 Hp -Complete-




To start off, i wanted to make him balanced. There will be no prayer or defense on this pure.




Week 2 Goals:




60 Strenght


60 Range


59 Mage




Hopefully all will go well. If real-life doesnt hold me back :wink: i shall be owning armors in a matter of 2 weeks




since this is my first attempt at creating a hybrid using all 3 stats(my other one was a ranger/mage) any help and advice on where to train would be nice.




Will update every day or two. Pictures coming soon!














used 5k minds and 15k fires to get this lv :cry:

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Keep it up, only a few more days till you can get your pure up and running around beheading people in the wilderness. GL with all your goals, if you want you can add my pure O0 xblade 00 ingame and maybe we can train together :XD: .


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