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~@guide to the fight pits@~




first up: if you want to flame my thread because you think im a noob, you dont like me or my thread, or you're just plain bored, please feel free to do so.




NOTE: if you are lazy, and cant be bothered to read all of what ive written, skip to the summary lazy bones.




with that out of the way, here is my guide the the fight pits:






1# intro - your reading it


2# note about this thread


3# inventory


4# tactics


4.1# basic survival tactics


4.2# mob psychology-teams


4.3# mob pshycology-if you lead a team


4.4# 1 on 1's


4.5# invisibility


4.6# more


5# rewards


6# summary




2# Note about this thread


This thread deals about how to win the fight pits, also im going to assume you know the basics . a LOT of it isnt just tactics about what to bring, its the pshycology of the people you are fighting, and what to expect them to do, and how to manipulate it into a win.






basicly, your inventorys going to consist of your best armour, your best weapon and full dragonhide for those oh so annoying mages, i would also storongly advise barrowsn armour, simply beacause of its toughness and the fact that non barrowers dont normally last for 1/2 a minunte.. for your benifit (but mainly mine so if i forget something people dont complain about it.) im going to post the inventory i use.






(note, a friends got my guthans, ill repost my inv when ive got it back)


For fight pits, verac is the ideal armour, it hits throught protection from melee, armour and gives an awsomely useful prayer bonus, dharok too is very useful for those KO's, mainly because its extremely unpredictable-i once got hit a 43,47 by a dharoker who i thought would be a pushover alas, he ko'd me. as for the inventory and worn inventory, substitute anything you want for anything in their, each to his own, youll develop your own inventory over time, and for you it'll be a helluva lot better than mine.






Fight pits is not about brute force, i 107 combat win about 50% of my games. granted that may seem high to some of you, but in some cases ive beaten multiple level 120's; its hard but not impossible.






the first thing im going to talk about here is the more basic elements of just staying alive. basicly, its a list of donts.the first and most important, is dont mage! people hate mages, and about 80% of the time, theyll pile you , especially if your an ancient. next of, only eat 1 on 1 when your fighting with only two foes remaining, if you do it before that its highly likely that someone else will join in and kill you for being a "food noob". the same thing goes for protection prayers, and potions this doesnt mean to say dont use them, it just means dont let people know you are).




The next basic tactic is different for higher and lower levels.




lower levels (99-): your best tactic is to get into a team, if you try to follow the other tactic i suggest, you risk of being killed.




higher levels:(100+):100 is a great help in the fight pits, people see the three digits in barrows armour, and stay away from it. you have two choices, either join a team, or just stand near where everyone is fighting. getting this right can be a tricky part. if their are two contesting teams, standing near give no alegence to either, giving you a big chance of survival whichever wins, for maximun safty doing this i suggest you join the fight near the end. the trouble with doing this comes when you a team with either lots of members or very high leveled ones. the team members become bold, and will more often that not say something along the lines of "get him, hes not on our team" and after that, you have the survival chance of a dead fish in a furnace.






My next part is about mob pshycology. more specifically, how to deal with teams, and good tactics if your lucky enough to become the leader on one. The most important part while being in a team, is that its a group of individuals. they are out for themselves to win, not the team as a whole. this makes them very reluctant to stick their own necks out when it comes to fighting a threat such as a very high level in serious equipment, or a smaller yet tough looking team. very often they'll just stand around arquardly for a while, as everyone is afraid that if they attack, they'll take a pummeling. if you are that tought looking individual or team, join the team! fighting them will probably kill you, and even if you do win, youll be low on food. if youi join the team, then when it comes to 1 on 1 fights, you can very sucessfully beat the living hell out of the noobs you happen to pick as targets.






as for team leaders. if your lucky enough to lead a team (normally by shouting "follow to team" though this doesnt normally work unless your one of the higher levels in your pits game., youve probably got a win in the bag. from becoming leader, you have two options: the first is to murder anyone nopt with your team, search for hiders then do 1 on 1's. your next option is to shout all on -insert name here- untill you have nobody but teammates left, then do it to your strongest teammates until you can kill whoevers left single handedly. both tequniques have their hard parts. the first tequnique can be carried on for many games, as people will see you as being fair, and you will have made few enemies if you win, but winning this type can be hard. the second tequnique on the other hand will give you almost a certainty of winning, but you will make many enemies, who will normally gang up on you the following round. you probably can't keep this up for more than two rounds before everyone turns on you.






This next section is mainly about what to do when it comes to 1 on 1's. This is the tricky bit, as any prayer, food or pots will probably earn you a free ticket to lumbridge (metaphorically speaking of course). basically, when it comes to 1 on 1's, if you want to pot, do it off screen; make up some excuse like your looking for hiders. then, pick somebody you are sure is not your equal in combat ability; this sounds cowardly and unfair, and for all i care it probably is, furthurmore, if they dont accept your challenge, either attack them anyway (their team wont stick their necks out for them) or fight somebody else. when fighting, especially with verac i find the three stat prayers extremely useful (ultimate strength, incredible reflex's and steel skin) if fighting somebody your level, it will almost always lead to a win as very few people bother to use them.


like i said before, dont pray, eat or be seen potting else you will probably get piled. fight fairly, and only eat after fights. also dont be afraid to do stuff thats considered nooby in the wilderness like pjing somebody on low health after a fight (you have to be careful with this as they normally come back with a vengance). when it comes to the last three people, if you can, get one to fight the other. you have about a 50% chance of managing this, if you fail, pick the weakest one and bash his head in, eat to stay high hped so you dont get pjed (again be careful of vengance next round). when it comes to the last fight, go for it all out. pray agianst them, eat, do anything in your power to overcome them.








unfortionatly, you cannot become "invisible" but you can get pretty damn close. alchers (especially if they wear intimitading armour like veracs or dharok) rarly get killed untill the end. i once overcame a lvl 117, a level 101 and a level 93 with a full inv of lobs and 20 hp left, to be beaten up by a level 90 alcher who was concealing a whip. another supprising one is the easter ring. if you stay as an easter egg very few people will attack you (however if a team leader goes for you, you've had it), especially if you generally joke around and maybe occasinoally step in to help the team thats winning; quite often you can stay until the last few fights, by which time your full inventory of food, backed by full hp and prayer makes you almost unstopable.








i will almost certainly think of something else to put here, so this bits "reserved fora slightly forgetful person"








well, after reading my marathon of a thread, putting it to use until you win (or not putting it to use as the case maybe), guess what you win? thats right, tokkul! its not a fantastic reward (the sum of your opponents levels, usually about the 1k region), but if you do it enough times (i estimate ive earned over 200k tokkul at the fight pits), you might scrape an obby shield, or maybe something better (onyx gem anyone?).








for all you lazy bones that just skipped down to here and didnt bother to read what ive written, its basicly a guide on what to bring and how to manipulate what people do to your ends (aka winning). if you want to know how, read the goddamn thread.


for those of you that read the whole thing, i congratualte you on your patience and reading skills, thank you for taking your time to read it and i hope it points you in the right direction.








oh, and just for good measure:



I'm not drunk! You wouldn't dare call me drunk if i was sober!

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nice guide and i agree, the 3 super prayers are great against those in dh :twisted: though veracs hits through :evil:




anyways, i just do a 10 step rule, i go at least 10 steps away from everybody and i end up fighting the last person or last 2 ppl becuase im low enough they think they can own me later on but high enough to be too risky and end up without eough hps later







<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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