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Temporary Sig Shop


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Okay, here's the deal...








These things take a while to get right, in my opinion...and I work a lot, so that takes some of my time away (Until the weekend...)








I need some RS money so I will be making a few sigs.








Examples (oldest to newest):








pix3.png (first ever...lol)








zombiepix2.png (Unfinished)




kbd.gif (For Sale.)
















Wow, that's all of them. Heh.








Now, I will only be taking 2 orders at a time, because of time restraints...








Minimum price will be 500k, to keep down the ordering level to serious bidders.








If you see more than 5 requests, please don't spam by asking if you can have one too, I'll finish as quickly as I can, and keep them in the order of money - as our society is wont to do.








When you request: It's not necessary to provide a screenshot of your character...just let me know what you want them wearing, and the theme (explicit or vague) of the signature and I will do my best.








Speaking of working a lot, it's time to go there now. Happy buying.

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Lol Awskid...








Nothin' stoppin' ya. :wink:








PS: I don't have a problem doing sigs for items....but it would have to be agreed upon by myself before creating the sig.








Edit: Wow you people reply fast. Lol...








Awskid. I'll PM you about it when I get off work.








Plastique: I was thinking of entering...I just may. ;)

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C'mon people, don't be shy. Lol.








Here's the latest project I just started this morning.








Everyone keeps telling me to get myself a new sig (though I adore my current, as it's my second ever...), and I thought I should try to give a little love to the gentler gender. So I'm effeminating myself! Er...sig-form anyways:












For those of you who think my price may be a bit too steep, I can show you how much effort I put in by showing you a screenie of her *before* the shading, which took a while.












She'll tell me what to do, so you'll have to watch to see what happens with it.








In the meantime, order up.

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I wouldnt mind a pixel avatar. Basically wanting myself "looking into the camera" and making a feirce pose. Wearing drag med, drag shield, drag battle, rune legs, and what ever else can fit it. Just make it look sexy and ill pay good :)








By the way the names Gooey_Duck

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