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A tale of two Brothers war


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CHAPTER 1 - The life of Isaac the drunk.




It was a cloudy Sunday and it was unusually hot. But i didn't mind, hell i was to drunk to care. People say I'm just like my old man. He was the town drunk, once a holy man, a priest I should say. Me on the other hand, I'm 15 i haven't done anything with my life. I don't care anymore. I don't live up to anyone's expectations and that's fine with me. I don't know my mother and my father, my father left me when i was ten. All he left me was a half of a bottle of rum 773 GP, and a steel dagger. I also had a half brother... i think hes twenty. He had another father, a falador knight. Heh... a woman falling for a knight and priest. I wonder what kind of woman she was. She died the night i was born. I've lived in the blue moon inn, in varrock, ever since. My old man knew the owner of blue moon. They were cousins. And so he let me stay and drink for free, since 5 years. Hes a good fellow, has a family. i really knew nothing of him, however. Anyways i spend most of my time begging and drinking and sleeping, i use to fight, had big dreams of fighting lesser demons, i gave up on them.




Oh my god! a merchent. A merchent was walking by. I'm sometimes a begger. Especially to rich snooty merchents. " hey, can i... i... barrow some money?" He stared at me, and then chuckled and broke up and laughed so hard he started to cry because he was laughing so hard. I hate it when someone teases me, especailly when i am drunk. I dont what im capable of doing when im drunk. Once i got in fight with a ton of goblins the next morning I woke up in Lumbridge with cuts and bruises all over, and with my hang over it was horrible.




Anyways I was really upset. I wanted to use my dagger in my pocket. but instead i tapped on his shoulder as he was walking away. he looked back and i popped one in his face. he went down quick. But to my suprise he got up within second and pull out an addy long!!! i had no chance he was level 57 combat and i was a weak level 33 and i had a steel dagger. He attacked with a mighty swift. It sliced through my chess. luckly it was 1 and a half inch deep. but my hp went down by 10! two more attacks like that id die. Then he attacked again, this time i dodged the attack. And i turned around and ran. i ran as far and as fast as i could. All the way to the big fountain i stopped and took a deep breathe. i looked back he was following me and he was close! i saw a knight in rune! oh thank saradomin! i thought. i ran up to him and asked if he could help. he was silent. the merchent cought up. please i whisepered. he took a deep breathe. and pulled out a rune long! The merchent voice shook, " i just wanted talk."




The knight had a strong build with long white hair. He looked so mighty it as if he was one of the kings knights. The knight had a strong deep voice. he told the merchent "Come on man leave this noob alone, hes just a poor drunken boy who could barely think.The merchent stood there staring at me. Then all of the sudden merchent took a plunge at at me! and to my suprise the knight casted a strong spell that took 15hp away. the merchent fell to the ground, he was unconcious for a minute, he lifted his head up and looked around as soon as he met eye to eye with the merchent he slowly got up and ran away. The knight turned around, he looked me in the eye and said "hello little brother."

Everyone Sucks but me!!!

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Not a bad beggining to the story. Maybe for the combat part a little less statistic and a little more vivid detail. Like for instance, I wouldn't be as interested if I knew that the cut was 1 and 1/2 inches deep and it did 10HP of damage but if I knew the word picture instead it would be more interesting.








I like the ending, keep writing it! =)

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