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I need some quest help (not quest guides)


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Well I want to do nature spirit (lol for a lvl 65 I guess) but I was wondering about the ghasts.... They give me the creeps and so does Draynor Manor (with lobsters (rofl?)). I just don't like scary things I guess... And after you get the pouch, they can't rot your stuff, right? And would a pie take 2 rottings to rot or just one? They have 2 bits you know. Finally how much dmg does ghasts do?








Also I haven't done anything in the jungle, although I'd like to I'm afraid of poison (rofl for some?) even though I carry many a-p pots And the stange broodoo guys who shoot some wierd pinapple things.








If anyone would like to I'd like to take someone to help :lol:




But only today or tomorrow, As I don't have much internet time.

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- The ghasts are not that dangerous, they dont rot the food that often.




- Yes, a pie would rot in 1 hit




- The pouch works this way : you have to fill it for it to work, when theres something in it everytime a ghast attack you it will appear, no food will be rotten.




- Ghasts are not a threat, really




- Unless you attack the tribesman theres no real risk of poison, I have never been poisonned in the jungle








Oh and theres NOTHING dangerous in the draynor manor, just so you know :wink:








I hope i was of help :)

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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Ty but i'm talking about: spiders aswell, and broodoo guys... They hit me!








And wasn't there the attacking trees in the guide? And one of my irl friends (who mistankenly said I was hacked and says strange things) said the candles burn you! Is this true?

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draynor mansion if you stay on the path you won't get atked normally.








However, if you do get attacked by a tree just run from it, they're not too dangerous.








If you do wonder off the path their are vines that will hit you every couple seconds for 1 damage








The candles (by the vampire) they burn you, but you just say something like "Ow!!", but it doesn't hurt you

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Draynor Mannor is no threat, just dodge the evil tree and you'll be sound.








Ghasts are the most irritating beasts in RS, I advise if you need to travel through the swamps just to run using all your energy and trying your best to avoid their attacks. They do not rot your food 100% of the time, and if you do not have any food in your inv, they may hit you for a lowly number like a 2 or 3. Druid pouches can help you defend yourself, but IMHO, it's too much effort to fill them.








Beware of the tribesmen! Their posion hits 11! I realised this when I was doing My Arm's Big Adventure quest. The Broodoo victims are vile, they can damage you alot. When I was around your level exploring the jungle I was close to death many a times. The key is preparation. Just bring 2 or 3 Ani poison potions, armour to fend off the Broodoo attacks, a tele just in case, and some food. You wont have to worry about anything then.








Hope this helps. :)


Quit RS to play real games. :P Bye TIF, miss you.

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