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New Interface...Locational Ideas!


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Here is an "idea" for the final interface. When you click on certain aspects in this interface, and then the "show results" button, a box appears showing you the nearest place for each aspect. For skills, it will show the nearest place for each skill, dependant on where you are.
























Here I have chosen the "Skills" and "Trading" aspects.




(Image has not been finished yet, text will appear in the box)








If I am in Varrock, it will say for the skills aspect Cooking Guild for cooking, Varrock Palace for combat etc. The Minigames aspect is not in yellow, this is because this involves Member's.




For the trading aspect, it will say East bank for trading with another player and the General Store for NPC trading.








To the right, it will show a part of the world map, indicating the areas suggested and your current position.








The Misc. aspect will involve anything from picking cabbages to anything else of interest (dungeons etc.), and the socialise aspect will show the popular places, so you can chat or make a new friend. (For Varrock it would be by the fountain)








This will be updated soon, but what do you think so far?








If you read, please post.

Moving to new account, subtle_rune. Please PM me there. Now you know that you can trust him!



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