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Help with PKers...


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Back when I Played RSC, before RS2 Came out, The Pkers owned the wilderness. Because of this, and using all my genious, I decided to create my own Pker. At the time, (much like now) I had no idea what I was doing, and took the advice of others to create my "pure." The result was this...








LVl: 43




Hp: 39




Atk: 42




Str: 44




Def: 11




Rng: 36




Mage: 2




Pray: 25








A failed attempt at a black prayer pure? After 2 battles...which ended in horrible defeat, I scraped this guy vowing to never again play him, and try agian. After wasting hundreds of thousands of gold on this character, (r2h's cost alot back then!!) I was hesitant on my new character but proceeded anyway. I decided to make him a juggernaught, nothing but attack and str. A few weeks later, I was left with this.








LVl: 38




Hp: 39




Atk: 40




Str: 45




Def: 5




Rng: 1




Mage: 1




Pray: 1








After taking up runescape recently after some years, I ran into a group of pures on their way to the wild. This reminded me of the two characters here. Though I have not played them in RS2, I am sure they will suffer the same fate as in RSC. As it is, I havent dared travel back to the wilderness after my last defeat, so I question hear, is there anyway to salvage my first embarasment of a character, and what do I need to do to make my lower level beast a killer?








I have no faith in either of my apprentices, and contemplate starting over...again. This time with a mage. My main character (should be in my sig) will be able to support the cost of a mage up to 75 magic. So again I query, should I scrap both of these characters, and go pure mage, or can either of these two be turned into a character worthy enough to brag about? I have the money, and time needed to train any of the stats to a necessary level so please dont hesitate to post opinions. It will be a relief to actually play again rather then merchant all day long (like my main character...)

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