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Post 500








Meh, you're friends with oo anima oo?








He's a noob ring of stone stealer.








Tell him I want my 5m back.




OMG that 500th post was so mine.








Yes i know anima.




He is the one who stole your ring of stone?? He's maxed in pretty much all combat skills and he has nothing better to do than scamming? and pcing :-$ He looks like a decent runescaper i'd never thought he'd scam someone :(




But didn't you already get the 5M back from the santa you picked up?

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Post 500








Meh, you're friends with oo anima oo?








He's a noob ring of stone stealer.








Tell him I want my 5m back.




OMG that 500th post was so mine.








Yes i know anima.




He is the one who stole your ring of stone?? He's maxed in pretty much all combat skills and he has nothing better to do than scamming? and pcing :-$ He looks like a decent runescaper i'd never thought he'd scam someone :(




But didn't you already get the 5M back from the santa you picked up?

I did get it back, but he is still a scammer :P








Exactly how I thought of him too, just don't trust him. BTW, look up his stats. Aside from RC'ing, they are GARBAGE!

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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I'll talk to him when I see him.








Had an Elf task today. And since there was an altar pretty close I tried to max:












And then I got bored PCing, worlds were getting really slow. So I went castle wars heh and got my Strength lvl:





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Nice on 98 str :mrgreen: and dannng on the 46 :shock:








Dang forget to invite me to ur 99 str party if you have one




TY. Yes I'll invite you all :P I don't know when it's gonna be right now though.








Make the party F2P? Please? If you don't I'll use the force! :wink:




POH's are p2p and most of the stuff I'm droping is p2p :( It'll be a drag to go f2p tbh. I'll vid it for sure \'

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I better make this party <.<








Missed your last like 5 prayer lvl parties lol.








Gratz on 98 Str :thumbsup: \'




It'll be on a weekday at 4-6PM EST.








Had Steel Dragons for slayer. I was burthorping like everysingle task cause I wanted abbies and I got bored burthorping so I did the steels. Got a clue and:








Saradomin vams AND Magic comp bow in one :shock:




3rd good clue in a row :o

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After one month of no dks I decided to go again and get my 50th axe.




Went soloing. Stayed there for 1.75 hours and didn't get lured a single time. One guy loged into my world, but he was nice and hopped when no spinnos were attacking. But I didn't get my 50th axe, or any rings :cry: Best drop was one rune axe, and two loop half keys :wall:












BUYING ALL SUPER ANTIPOISONS / UNICORN HORNS pm me here or ingame pl0x0z0rx

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PCing and stuff is getting boring. I need $$ tbh l0l :P Since I already have like 15k ess in bank i'm going runecrafting nats w00t. Wow the xp is so slow I don't think i'll ever reach 99 runecrafting, or even 91 rc lol. Deaths aren't too bad to rc either, I use a lot of death and they give more expeh :XD: .




Haven't runecrafted for so long, since before the pure essence update. Ess is so darn expensive tbh. Good thing i already have 15k banked heh :P









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PCing and st00f is getting boring. I need $$ tbh l0l :P Since I already have liek 15k ess in bank i'm going converting essence into r00ns nats w00t. Wow teh xp is so slow I don't think i'll ever reach 99 converting essence into r00ns, or even 91 converting essence into r00ns lawl. Deaths aren't too bad to converting essence into r00ns either, I use a lot of death and they give more expeh :XD: .




Haven't runecrafted 4 so long, since before teh pure essence update. Ess is so darn expensive tbh. Good thing i already have 15k banked heh :P








EDIT: ERM [what teh heck]^^








Yeh the converting stuff is hilarious :XD:

CLICK HERE FOR MY BLOG!Mostly Retired, Small Goal For When I actually play.

My Youtube Vids


3,221st Person To Reach 99 Firemaking - 7/14/07 ~ ~ Quit RS - 2/26/08

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Someone trying to get pouches :P








Pm me when your rcing, ive got 65k nats left to make ::'




Ya well i did a few invos and got booooored. No wonder my runecrafting is my lowest skill at level 65.








So I went soloing. I wanted to get a dragon axe and that 50th axe to be all mine. So Troj and his team let me in. I world hop and I find a friend soloing. He was almost done and told me I could have the world. First Rex:








Then he got a food drop and I hoped.








After about an hour and a half a team of like 6 (only one mage) came in.




Their leader lured supreme on them.. sad tbh. They all teled but two hybrids. The leader and another one in rune legs and karils top was there. The one in rune was getting PWND HARD by supreme. So I brought rex on him lawl








They both managed to teleport though <.<








I was kinda mad. I really wanted that 50th dragon axe. And then last rexy...








No food/pots left lol that was really my last one. 50th D axe including those with team. 24th Dragon drop ::'








I did the clue. After my last 3 clues being so good, I started liking clues again. I have all the uri's emote stuff to wear in bank lol








Guthix Platebody \' . 4th ownage clue in a row. Gave it to a friend for his bday. Happy Bday word!




I'm doing all my cl00s now :XD: :XD:

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