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Camo outfit and Mime


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There's probably an answer for this already, and I can't work with the search thingy...








Considering I am F2p...




How can i get camo outfit?




And can i complete the mime outfit considering i lost my mime boots a while back?....Thanks for the help.

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they randoum events so the only way is to get the randoum event








some tips to getting more randoums is to do stuff like chat as little as possible, dont spin the carma angle, and other stuff like that, and try and follow the same path, and do the same task like woodcutting or something

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stilev saying "pretend you're a macro" would have been enough...thanks for the help =D>








EDIT: btw i just did what you said and got 4 randoms :shock: 3 Wise Old man's and 1 Sandwich lady. Only got junk lol.

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