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Redesigning the Wilderness


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If you choose pker option the following rules apply:




No level restrictions-you can attack anyone any level in any part of the wildy


No tele at any level


All wildy Multi combat




For non Pkers




Can only attack or be attacked by NPC's


No level restrictions on where you can tele


After 20 minutes in wildy you scull. leaving wildy resets timer. (wilderness is meant to be dangerous, this is price you pay for not being able to be pked)




1) pker.




i) I agree. (read my first reply. Same page.)


ii) Disagree. When you want to finish pking, teleing is a good option. Besides. Teleing is the best idea ever. It allows quick movement between towns and cities. Again, disagree.


iii) Disagree. Otehrwise, many will be teamed up on. That's not fair or right. Part should be multicombat. Some should not be multi combat.




2) non- pkers.




i) no comment.


ii) agree.


iii) Disagree. The point of wilderness is to be dangerous, yes. But the monsters fix that. you must have attacked another player before being skulled. That's a fair rule.

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Not being a pker and only using the wild for clue scroll locations I can't really say how I'd like it to be. But from reading alot about the wild from other players I think the most wanted thing would be...




If a player initiates an attack on another player the attacked player MUST let that person beat him. Else they are a (insert whatever applies) noob.





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i think they should put white trees out there and that if die with more than three items you keep them all but the person who killed you still gets the items sorta like you both keep the items that would rock. lol. they should also make it more dangerous and put some banks out there.

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i think they should put white trees out there and that if die with more than three items you keep them all but the person who killed you still gets the items sorta like you both keep the items that would rock. lol. they should also make it more dangerous and put some banks out there.




:notalk: i disagree with your ideas.




1) white trees? I'm confused :?


2) No way. If this happens then the amount of items increases two fold. With this sudden increase in rarer items. Demand for tose items go down. which means the prices go down. NOt only that. But soon, everyone will have really items. Even at level 3.


3) If there were banks out there. It would be less dangerous.

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I must say, some great ideas and arguements here guys. Here is an idea a friend told me about a little while ago, I'm not sure where he got it, or if he invented it:




The wilderness is no longer just a place to go to fight, north of civilization, it is a place of caravans and theives.




Instead of the wildy going from 1 up to 54 (or whatever) levels, there would be a group of cities and an area at teh bottom, and there would be different cities up in the north. These two civilzations would be separated by the wilderness.




When you are in the southern area, and you want to go to the northern cities this is what would happen. You enter the wildy at lvl 1, it increases into the very middle where it is around 54 wildy. Once it reaches lvl 54 the levels begin to come down, until lvl 1 and you walk into the northern area.




So, sounds so-so/silly. But here is a twist, there are two separate banks. If there is someone in the north, who wants to trade with a person in the south, one character must travel with the cash through the wildy, or the other person will bring the item(s) to the south. This would create a new type of clans/pking. Caravans. High level characters would be hired to defend a group of characters carrying the goods.




However, why would you use a caravan when you can...teleport? Well, the spell book would be divided into northern spells and southern spells and would automatically switch when you cross the middle of the wilderness. They books would be the same as now, only differ in the teleports available.




To combat the caravans there would be groups of theives who would raid the caravans and attempt to steal supplies and items by killing the people. To protect some items, characters who were wearing no weapons when they were attacked or when they died would keep 5 items, or 6 with protect item prayer. This would allow for people to move a little more freely in the wildy when they were not pking/theiving, and only transporting items.




One problem however with this is that separate economies would grow in the north and south. Because of different people, doing different things there would be more or less of certain items, and cause there to be price changes between the two areas.




Well, that is about it. Please check out my One Simple Potato and see what you can trade!

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i think they should put white trees out there and that if die with more than three items you keep them all but the person who killed you still gets the items sorta like you both keep the items that would rock. lol. they should also make it more dangerous and put some banks out there.




:notalk: i disagree with your ideas.





Sorry to double post, but I agree with Darkforaster's disagreeing. If you duplicated items when you died, then why wouldn't people just go out with 3 phats and have a friend kill them a few times? Silly silly idea.

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i agree i must have been tired lol. shame on me they were pretty stupid ideas. i got the white tree thing from i scene in a movie. and two fold of expencive items bad idea -.- . but i wish there was like one bank out there still and yet and more dragons they could make the bank hard to get to. make it only so lvls like 40 and up could without to much trouble get in it. what do you think? :uhh: i have no more greattttt ideas (sarcasm)

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