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Horgex's Blog of Skilling

Guest Almorzan

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Guest Almorzan

Please, if you take the time to read this, post back. It is greatly appreciated.








Hello Tip.it, I am Almorzan on Tip.it Forums, Horgex in game. I am, sadly, a below average member of Runescape :( , but I am interested in changing that. This is going to be my blog so that I am motivated to change my situation without stopping. First things first, the Table of Contents.








  • 1. Introduction
    2. Goals and Achievements
    3. My Plan
    4. Quest Goals
    5. Screenshots
    6. Daily Progress
    7. Some Extra Notes
    8. People Who Have Helped Me In Anyway








1. Introduction




A little about myself...




Runescape Name: Horgex




Community (Not Clan): I am a Guildmaster in the community G.U.I.L.D.S.




Homeworld: When I am a member: World 123. When I am free to play: World 122. Sorry Tip.Iters, these are the Homeworlds of Guilds.




Favorite Skill: Fishing




Least Favorite Skill(s): Combat Skills




Highest Skill: Fishing-70








2. Goals and Achievements




Well, for this section, I will list my stats like this:












  • Fishing:70-----70-----80








3. My Plan








Fishing-I am going to fish lobsters until 76 and then I will fish sharks.




Cooking-I will use the money I made off of fishing to get to 80 cooking using tuna.




Woodcutting-I will cut maples until 60. Then, I will cut yews until 80.




Fletching-I will use all of the wood that I cut to make bows.




Firemaking-I will burn willows until 45 Firemaking and then I will burn maples from my kingdom until 80.




Mining-I will mine gold from the Between a Rock quest mine.




Smithing-I will smith all of the gold and then I will make steel bars from coal from my kingdom and purchased iron.




Crafting-I will string bowstring from my kingdom




Thieving-I would like some tips on this. I think I might steal from stalls and not pickpocket, but not totally sure.




Agility-Barbarian Outpost course until I can do the higher level courses.




Hunter-Catch random animals




Farming-Farm. Need tips on this one.




Herblore-Maybe make serum 208. Again, tips would be appreciated.




Runecraft-Air runes all the way




Construction-Tears of Guthix and money that I have made from leveling other skills.








4. Quest Goals




1. Fremmenik Trials-I am in the middle of completing this, should not take too long to finish.




2. Throne of Miscellenia-To accomplish this quest, I need to complete Fremmenik Trials.




3. Royal Trouble-To complete this quest, I need to complete the Throne of Miscellenia, have level 40 slayer, and 40 agility.




4. Tears of Guthix-To complete this quest, I need 49 Firemaking.




5. Fairytale Part 2-To complete this quest, I need to complete Fairytale Part 1 and I need 57 Herblore, 49 Farming, and 40 Theiving.




6. The Grand Tree-I have all the requirements.




7. Shades of Mort'ton-I have all of the requirements.




8. Between a Rock-To complete this quest, I need to complete Fishing Contest




9. Family Crest-To complete this quest, I need 59 magic








And any others you Tip.Iters think would be beneficial.








5. Screenshots




Screenshots will go here








6. Daily Progress




Daily Progress starting with February 5th will go here.








7. Some Extra Notes




Any time you would like to contact me in game, feel free to do so, but make sure you tell me that you are from Tip.It or I will have no idea who you are. Please, feel free to join me anytime you like, I would love the company. Tips are greatly appreciated!








8. People Who Have Helped Me In Anyway

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As nuch as i want to support you, lvl 80 herblore, runecrafting and others i can't. You simply won't do it. Sorry. but hey u jsut might so good luck. try setting lower goals.

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Guest Almorzan
As nuch as i want to support you, lvl 80 herblore, runecrafting and others i can't. You simply won't do it. Sorry. but hey u jsut might so good luck. try setting lower goals.




Do not tell me I can't because I have set goals in the past. I understand it will take me a long time. But, goals aren't meant to be easy. If you are here to tell me not to do this because it is too hard, why post at all? Thanks, but no.

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Well i support you, i must say that i would not reccomend doing airs to 80 rc, but im sure you have a reason. As for farming your best bet for fast xp is allotments and trees.


26M Crafting XP

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Guest Almorzan

For runecrafting airs, it just has to do with the closeness of the air altar to a bank. My range and defence aren't high enough for black dhide, red dhide, or blue dhide for that matter so abyssal crafting is out of the question. Thanks for the support though! :D








Also, forgot to mention this, but thanks nephite! G.U.I.L.D.S. FTW!

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Guest Almorzan

Yeah but it is a hassle making that many dueling rings. And, I want to do airs because their will always be a market for them.

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gl with you skills you can do it but it well take a while im going in sain going for 70 ranged lol so this 80ws are mindboglying right now lol. o and anyone ben following you lately?


By 'fittest' do you mean 'most selfish brat with the fastest internet connection?'

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