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legend of the virus


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Mod Simon wasn't to happy, nor was he at least angry. He would have prefered to take a big, wicked, ogre bow, and shoot his stupid Mangus right in his head, point-blank. But Andrew said he wanted him to keep the battle going long. Some sort of diversion. He said he had to go save people in the monastery while he beat the living whatever out of MANGUS. He could see him and his disgusting tattoos.




Just as he finished his message towards Tweak, a Fire Wave rolled in him. He calmly shot his own version made of water to combat the fire. In seconds, the fire washed out, leaving Mangus open again.




"Pity, I was always hoping you would have turned your eyes on more profitabl things then this, Mangus," Simon began slowly. Mangus did not speak, but he had no need to. The fire in his eyes could have lit a peasent's hut. "Is there any particular reason why you have to attack weaklings? I always thought you prefered combaters your level."




The fire that was in Mangus' eye burnt out. It was replaced by a frozen waterfall, like an icicle. Simon watched Tweak stare dumbfounded at the mad demon in front of him. He just had to ask.




"Hey Si, have any clue of what's going on?"




"Quite easy, actually," Simon replied. "It's his version of trading spells for the better ones. I trust you have attempeted the Egyptian quest with those "AnChIEnt MAgIcKs?" Simon rose his depth of voice in a type of Egyptian style, with an annoying staff to accompany him.








"Shut up - " Tweak didn't have chance to finish. MANGUS fired a Freeze spell directly towards him. In the middle of pointing his staff towards him, Tweak froze. His mouth held open in a sort of odd way. A bit of space reamined near his mouth, enough to breath, but not enoguh to utter any spells.




"Mangus, you know what he is NOT capable of. Face me instead," Simon said, firing a casual Fire Wave to get his attention. Mangus responded, by firing a a barrage attack at him. Simon neatly sidestepped the attack as the spell smashed into the mountain side. Tweak could hear dwarves screaming and shouting.




"It iss a ones-siiided battle, Sssimoon," Mangus said, speaking for the first time. "You know you will not wiin. Giivee up, and I may sspare your liffe. You knooow."








"If I knew, then I would not come."








Reaching his hand up into the air, a dragon longsword appeared into his hands out of thin air. Simon gasped. He, personally, had wored hard to put every dragon weapon with a seperate code to keep hackers from making their own from the Jajex. If Mangus could simply hack into the database with two seconds, he'd probably have an army of flying dragon swords whacking him. He needed a plan.




Mangus launched. He seemed to go slowly, but Simon's legs were not capable of moving all the sudden, as if they turned to solid granite. With the nanosecond of time left, Simon's devious mind formed a plan. Use his potty-mouth to get Mangus angry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a good stpry not bad maybe i should right my own......








*runs off to make story*

98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER

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  • 1 month later...

this story is great and although no one listens to mine cos there is no room for error when writing storys of history i have to say this is one of the best. i liked the begining more but thats just me.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have fans? COOL!!!
















Pottymouth? Is that all Simon could think of? May somebody please have pity on his poor brain.








Mangus slammed the blood-red longsword into the side of Simon's head. Fortunatly, Simon had hacked his own system and given himself a good hitpoint raise, going up to 999. The number 100 flashed over his head. Simon was a bit dazed from the whack, but manage to freeze Mangus before he put in another shot. Preparing to fire his new creation, Befuddle, at Mangus, the ice melted as Mangus somehow heated himself up. Mangus barely dived out of the way as Simon's new spell flew from his hands to the spot he had been before. Had the Befuddle spell hit him, his stats would have been changed to lower, all the way back to 1. Assuming Mangus used stats.








Simon and Mangus continued to duel each other for a few minutes, before Simon realised something. How can he keep using a special attack, Simon though. He finally noticed that everytime Mangus struck, the classic red blur would always be there.
















Simon and Mangus both whipped around, and Andrew's teleportation spell sank into Simon's build. Simon felt his entire body be lifted up into the air. The warp tunnel made a passage to Falador, and he flew.








Andrew: It was about time Mangus. I bet you were bored fighting Simon, easy as pie?








Mangus: ...








Andrew: Well, they say action speaks louder then words. So say hello to Dr. Ford. Or maybe to the ground.








With an incredible agility, Andrew leapt foward and sank his poisoned battle axe into Mangus' stomach. He didn't even have time to cry out as his being dissolved into little balls of matter. As they floated around, Andrw drilled a small hole into the ground with the handle of his axe, and guided the matter into the hole. Mangus would stay there, but not forever. Andrew reached into his mind and atempted to call Sieg.








Andrew: Sieg, where in the name of cheese are you?








Sieg: I'm in the burning monastery. Can you do anything about it?








Andrew: Sure. You will not object to getting wet?








Sieg: I do, actually.








Andrew: Too bad. Brace yourself!








Turning to the still-burning monastery, Andrew tensed his arms as he yet reached into his mind again to sum up the largest Water Wave he could. When he felt he was going to explode, he let his mind snap, and a tsunami poured out of hands. Directing his hands carefully, he doused out every flame in sight.








One small spray for firemen, one giant tsunami for the widlerness.

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Tweak watched with exhaliration as Andrew charged foward like a mad monkey and slam his battle axe into Mangus. He dissolved into little pieces and was forced into the ground by Andrew. Then turning around to the monastery, he pumped a good Water Wave at the monastery and put all the raging infernoes out. And yet, Tweak was still trapped in a cube of ice. How original of Andrew.




Before Tweak could send out a loud PM, Andrew flashed out his teleport runes to Varrock and vanished in a mini-ball of cosmic energy. He furiously tried to pund his arms on the ice, but there was no room to mvoe his arms anyways.




Suddenly, he felt the effects of melting ice all over him. When his head was clear, he twisted it and saw Sieg was melting him with the same fire from the monastery on a torch. For some reason, he melted faster then the normal melting rate for fire against ice, but he didn't care. His muscles were stiff and freezing cold.








Tweak: Phew, Th-th-thanks a b-bunch for m-melting me out. (Teeth chatter)








Sieg: No problemo. I have to anyways. Andrew demands another meeting. This time, all of us, Rose, me, you, such and such. I hear Zezima is comin' over too. However, our ranger friend isn't comin' over. He's got his stuff already. Simon told me he's havin fun.








Tweak: Right now? And where? (Teeth chatter) And how did Simon know?








Sieg: Yeppers, right now. In the Varrock castle. Andrew is probably already there. And how did Simon know? Ask Andrew you idiot, not me.








Tweak: R-Right... (tosses Sieg teleport runes) Shall w-we proceed? I havent' seen R-Ro-Rose for some while.








Sieg: Darn too right. Let's go.
















Varrock Palace, noon.








Andrew: It was about time you arrived. I assumed you would have melted Tweak out sooner then that, Sieg.








Sieg, Rose, and Tweak were gathered at on of the towers of the castle. Zezima, as Sieg predicted, was there as well. Despite his reputation as not the best Player-Killer, he was sure an immpresive sight. There wasn't an inch of skin to be seen, as it was all covered by dragon armour. He held one dragon Two-Hander in his hand that was glowing green softly, and his other hand held a Granite Shield, also glowing green. Only his head was visible, and he had short brown hair, ocean-blue eyes, and a soft expression, though anyone doubted whether he was soft enough to kill that easily.








Simon was clad in the best ranger armour, black dragonhide. His magic bow glowed green as well, as if he were about to use a special attack. Attached to his leg was a poisoned dragon dagger, though it was not glowing. Andrew himself was not wearing any armour, but he had done something to his skin: It seemed to look as tough as metal.








Rose: You had to melt Tweak a bit?








Sieg: Yeah. He got trapped a cube of ice. Pathetic, he couldn't melt himself out.








Tweak: Hey, watch what you say!








Sieg: You wanna have a go, Ice Boy?








Tweak: No, actually.








Simon: Gentlemento, I mean gentlemen, please, will you just shut your trap?








Tweak: Why didn't you use one of you awesome powers to shatter that bloody ice, hmm?








Sieg: What if Mangus came out and decided to attack me?








Tweak: Are you kidding? He was buried into the ground, That little piece of -








Zezima: Shut up you ******








Andrew: Times up. I'm gonna mute both of you. (mutes Sieg and Tweak) I apoligize about that annoying censor, Zez. Ah, finally, some peace...








Andrew adorned a face of fake relaxation for a moment, before it returned to its normal stern poker-face.








Simon: Well, today, we're meeting, obviously for a reason.








Rose: (Giggles)








Simon: I'll mute you too. (mutes Rose) Anyways, Andrew made a discovery while he was on his new created island for the F2P players. Each glitch that you see on it represents each feature of Mangus. The room for the strongest players only is the main control center for his arms. We know of this because Andrew manage to destroy a part of it. As Tweak saw, he was buried. And he hasn't dug his way out yet.








Andrew: So, today's mission is to visit our old island and blow up that room so every glitch you saw in it get's out. I wouldn't think Mangus would put his entire soul into one room that could be destroyed a cannon. Most likely, he spread his virtuality all over Runescape, so we're going to have to do bit of searching. But if we destroy the cave with Mangus' glitchery thingies, we'll reduce his strength a major way.








Rose: (raises hand)








Simon: Yes, what is it Rose? (unmutes Rose)








Rose: Well, how the heck do we know this isn't just a trap? For all we know? Mangus could have just let Andrew know that so he could get all the best players in one spot and do one good wipe.








Andrew: Ah, yes. Another point of this meeting is that I need you, so I can clone all of you. Then, we will send in your clones and see what happens. If there is no trap, your clones can proceed to wipe out some of Mangus' data, and we can leave the island and let them do the work. Afterwards, we can wipe them from a distance again. If there a trap indeed, we will get some of Runescape's best rangers, clone them, and have them shoot everything they have into that room.








Sieg: (Raises hand)








Simon: (Unmutes Sieg)








Sieg: Do we get new weapons for this?








Simon: Ooh, we do.








Zezima: What kind? I'm getting tired of holding up this stupid Two-Hander. I'm going to ditch this in my bank, unless you do something about the weight.








Simon: Would you do the introduction please, Andrew?








Andrew: My pleasure. (grins) For Tweak, we've discovered his new Lava Staff we got him in the middle of the battle that Simon and Mangus fought had a glitch, so he was luckly he didn't use it too much. We got him a dragon longsword.








Tweak: (Raises hand)








Simon: (Unmutes Tweak) In case your response to this is, "My attack level isn't high enough," no worries. I'll just hack your system a bit and give you a level 60 A.T.T. The beauty of your new sword is that is works just like a staff as well; you can equip it with a spell and it'll do the work for you. It also fires two times faster then a short bow ranger, so you can put the hurt on enemies BADLY. (turns to Sieg) And we decided Sieg needs a weapon change too. We got a bow for you that acts just like the one we gave you before. (Hands Sieg magic longbow)








Sieg: Um...Then why did you make it?








Andrew: Take a good look at the bottom edge of it. That little notch, you smack hard enough, drop it, and it will blow like a cannonball slamming into an apple pie. At the same time, you have to say, "Retrivieo BombBow," and you'll get a new one to use. Pretty handy, as a distraction, as a lung problem, as whatever you can think of with poision smoke. This will only affect irregularites, basically, the viruses, Mangus, and so on. So you try to blow it up in my face, I'll walk right through that smoke like nothing and can still be able to see through it.








Sieg: BombBow?... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! (falls over laughing)








Simon: ...Whatever, i couldn't think of a better name. And for our lovely Rose here, we're upgrading her Battle Axe. It's special attack has been modified so not only will it damage, but it will hit evey enemy in sight, despite if you're in a multi-combat area or NOT. As well, when it hits, the enemy will be stunned for precisely 10 seconds. And even after, they'll feel a bit funky.








Rose: Thanks. (takes battle axe)








Zezima: And me...








Andrew: Yes, we will reduce the weight of your weapon as well. But you don't need any weapon upgrades. We decided your armour could do a bit of changing though. If a ranging or magical enemy fires at you, you can laugh your head as your Granite Shield bounces it back towards your enemy and blows up in his stomach. When the projectile hits you and bouces back, it gets an automatic sensor-dentonator, so that's how it works. Mind no one jumps in the way though. Same thing with weapons. If an Ice Giant tried to hit you, your armour will grab hold of it and whack them with it, most likely killing them.








Zezima: Grab hold of?








Andrew: Yes, here's a demostration. (grabs hold of Simon and forces his arm towards Zezima)








Zezima's chest armour punched out like sping fist and molded itself into one huge fist. It grabbed hold of Simon and threw him across the room. As Simon screamed at the top of his lungs, the fist melted back into the armour, as if it never existed.
















Andrew: Whatever. But I think you need it.








Simon: Mumble, mumble...Okay, let's go to the island now...
















New Island, noob, er, I mean noon.












Andrew: Alright. Everyone suited up?








Sieg, Rose, Tweak, Simon, Zezima: Yeah.








Andrew: Okay. As we go down to our room, we're gonna have a few more mods here and there join us. After, we'll do a bit of cloning and send them in.








The band of pyscotic adventurers bravely set their foot into a portal, and they were whisked underground, into a cave. Time was the essence now, so they couldn't be bothered to use the stairs. They all felt themselves materialise in front of the room of Mangus' data, the room that decided the future of his arms.








Andrew: Funny, I wonder where Mod Jon is, he isn't here...Oh, there you are, you sneak!








Mod Jon materialised out of the shadows of a long staglamite. He, like Zezima, was clad almost completly with Dragon armour, though it was glowing orange. His head was covered by a Robin Hood hat, and he also had the Robin Hood boots attached to his seemingly small feet. A magic bow dangled from his hand, and his quiver of poisoned Adamant arrows glowed with a threatening blood-red light.








Simon: Hey man, about time we met you. I haven't seen you at work for some while!








Jon: I would have said the same thing, but you beat me to it! (comical laugh)








Simon: Yeah, no doubt. Any progress you actually made? (comical laugh)








Jon: Yes, actually. I did a bit of hacking and made my own personal spyware. I took a goood look at this room we're about to enter and, apparently, we will remove, precisely, his right arm and left. The hands will be left floating in mid air.








Rose: (Saracastic tone) That's useful...








Sieg: Correct, actually. He ain't doing no more magic or holding a weapon anymore. On the negative side, his arms will act like massive clubs now.








Tweak: He said the arms, not the hands.








Sieg: ...Oh.








Simon: We don't have all day, let's get cloning now.








Andrew: Right on.








Jon, Simon and Andrwe all raised their hands at once and pointed at the four other players of Runescape. The effect was different for everyone. Rose felt as though her head was going to blow, Sieg thought his heart would crack his ribs, Zezima was looking close to clutching his throat and ripping it off, and Tweak's leg were trying to do the funky. As they endure the crazy pain, particles floated out from their skin and reassembled themselves. Soon, there were 4 cloned players.








Andrew: ...Let's do it. Jon, Simon, Zezima, send them in.

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Zezima, Jon, Simon, And Andrew launched foward and grabbed hold of the clones. With a quick knock of their weapons, they became stunned, their heads lolling on their shoulders. Right at that moment, 4 Dr. Fords appeared and peered intently at their unfortunate victims.








Dr. Ford 1: Hmm, he's in critical shape. Has a nasty bruise, this one. (points to Zezima clone)








Dr. Ford 3: I agree. But how, is truly the question. Seems as if he were hit by a weapon.








Dr. Ford 4: Yes, I think that's the mark of a Two-Hander. The bump is kind of long but not wide.








Dr. Ford 3: Well, the female looks okay, no, wait, sh'es not...eh heh. (nudges to Rose clone)








Dr. Ford 2: Hey guys, check this one out, he looks kinda physco. His eyes are crossed. (waves to Sieg clone)








Sieg: Hey, i'm not physco!








Dr. Ford 2: Whatever, I'm going to have to do a bit of surgery on this poor man's head. Ok, how many fingers do you -








Andrew: I should have never got this random event. It's a nightmare. (snaps fingers, the Dr. Fords dissappear)








Jon: So...do we? (comical laugh)








Simon: Yes, yes, comeon...








Zezima: And I thought my Two-Hander was heavy...








Clipping their weapons to their side somehow, Zezima, Jon, Andrew, and Simon haul the clones in. Jon whips out a few runes, muttered an incantation and sent a spell flying into the room. Moments later, the Zezima/Rose/Sieg/Tweak clones all screamed at once as they woke up.








Rose: And now...








Tweak: We wait.








Andrew: Movie quotes are bad enough, espicially from Harry Potter. Just shut up and stay alert. (comical laugh)








Sieg: Shut up with the laughing will you? It's bad enough to listen to your annoying voice, but even we can't shut you up!








Andrew: Unfortunatly for you pal, i'm also a prefect, I mean mod, so shut up or you'll get detention, I mean i'll mute you!








Sieg: Hark who's talking about Harry Potter quotes!








Suddenly, Ronald Weasly Apparated into their midst, looknig surprised and having half an eyebrow missing.








Ron: Oops, how did I get here....nevermind...








Scrunching up his face, Ron did a graceful ballet piroutte that would have shamed a professional ballet dancer and somehow Disapparated. Jon and Simon looked at each other as he dissapeared with a funny sort of expression on their face.








Jon and Simon: It was him! Not me!








Rose and Tweak: Shut up!








Simon: OH [garden tool]! LOOK WHOS' GETTING FIERY -








Tweak: No, there's a noise from inside the room.








A sort of snarling noise of a three-headed dog reached their ears, sounding exactly like Fluffy from the first Harry Potter movie.








Jon: ...Felix Felicis anyone?








Rose: Wha?








Jon: Lucky potion.








Rose: Oh, no thanks. Even if I were about to die I wouldn't take a potion or drink from you at all -








The door that seperated the band of adventurous adventurers and the room burst open, and the clones came hurling back. Their eyes had become sunset red, and their weapons glowed red as well. Yet there was something wrong about this red, it seemed to flow and move on its own, as if it were alive. They looked positivly bloodthirsty.








Sieg Clone: ATTTAAACCKKK! GET THAT ONE! (points to Rose)








Rose: Oh, look who's acting sexist now. And don't you remember pointing is rude?








Sieg Clone: (looking ashamed) ...Whatever. (bashes Rose across the face with a Two-Hander)








Jon: Only one this to do...AHHHAAAAHHAHAHHHATAACCKK!








Jon leapt foward and sweeped his hidden Battle-Axe at the Tweak Clone's legs. Tweak Clone flipped gracefully, and landing on his feet, sent a bunch of Air Bolts flying. As the party tried to tell who's spell was who, the Sieg and the Zezima Clones took advantage of this and started attacking. Disoriented, the real Zezima accidently stabbed his Two-Hander into the ground. Whipping out two dragon daggers and twirling them like a ninja, Zezima launched them at Rose Clone, who simply blocked it with her axe.








Andrew kicked out at Sieg Clone, and as he stumbled he ran right into Zezima's Two-Hander in the ground and flipped onto his face. Rose lifted her own glowing Battle Axe and whacked and whacked the crazy clone over and over again like what an old lady does to a gangster who tried to kill her with her bamboo cane.








Simon decided it was time to leap into action. Unleashing his Air Battlestaff, He pelted Air Wave after Air Wave into the air. The turbulence was enough to sweep the Zezima Clone off his feet. Instead of stabbing his Two-Hander into the ground this time, he held it out, so as he flipped, he somehow manage to connect with Sieg's armour as he flopped to his back. Sieg brandished his Granite Shield and used it like a weapon, repeatingly smashing it into Zezima Clone. Zezima Clone kicked out and sent the shield flying, and hopped back onto his feet. Jon practically flew like a bird and conencted his feet with Zezima Clone's face. He fell down again.








The Tweak Clone, Simon, And Tweak were dueling it out, sending out the most powerful spells known to Runescape. Tiem and time again, Simon and Tweak dived into each others way to take the damage that was sent to each other. As Tweak was protected by Simon's body again, he unsheated his new dragon sword, quickly equipped it with a Saradomin spell, and blasted at the Tweak Clone like a machine gun to a dummy. Fire kept burning into the Tweak Clone and he started to follow the fire procedure. In case you don't know, the procedure is stop, drop and roll like a maniac.








Andrew was attempting to keep up with the Rose's maniac speed. Possesing an agility that would have blown the highscore apart, she zoomed around Andrew, whacking him with her axe and evil wit. It was frustrating.








Rose: Only I have the brains to rule the Lylat!








Andrew: Star Fox 64...(gets hit)








Rose Clone: Hey come on! Together, we will ruel the galaxy! JOIN ME!








Andrew: Star Wars, Episode 4, The Empire Strikes - (gets hit again)








Rose Clone: Right back at yah!








Andrew: Kirby...JUST SHUT U - (gets hit)








Rose Clone: Come on little man! Shoot me!








Andrew: Star Fox 64 again...HEY, THANKS FOR THE IDEA!








Andrew used his magical staff to push Rose Clone away from his slightly, and blasted the earth beneath him with a Fire Wave. Protected by flames, he had all the time he wanted to shoot Earth Bolts at her. She squealed like a pig as an Earth Bolt connected with her face.








Rose Clone: MY MAKEUP! HE FOUL, LYING, DIRTY, CHEAP SON OF A - (gets hit by Earth Wave) AAAH, LOOK AT ME!








Jon: Hey guys, wanna teleport out?








Andrew: Yeah. i'm getting tired of this cheapo clone i'm fighting.








Sieg, Tweak, Rose: GET US OUTTA HERE!!!








Simon: SHUT UP! (Teleports Sieg and Tweak out to Falador) Teleport em to Fally!








Jon: Okay. (dodges flying dagger and teleports Rose out)








Andrew: GO GO GO! (teleports out)








Jon: (extremly loud and comical laugh) (teleports out with Simon)








Now, ponder on this question...WHERE DID VAN GO?

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  • 2 weeks later...









Van's cries of help echoed off the cave walls, but no one seemed to hear. An ugly demon that ressembled Mangus, but wasn't, inched closer to him, with a wild and








hungry look on his face. Horrified, Van turned and tried to run out of the cave door, but it turned into a pack of solid earth again and he simply bounced off it.








Trapped in the cave for more then a few days, Van's internal systems were crying out for water and food. His brain demanded he should sleep, but he couldn't sleep








with a demon constantly following him around. Once, he tried staying still, to see what would happen, and the demon attempted to eat him. Already, he had a scratch








on his left arm signifying the torture he endured in this cave. Mimi was in a similar state, but was a bit better off, wearing lighter armour.








Ugly Demon: Ah...how touching...Yum, yum.








Mimi: ...I've had enough, I'LL KILL YOU!








Just as Van lifted up his glowing weapon, the door reopened again and Rose, Tweak, Sieg, and some other uncouncious player tumbled in, the clones the moderators made outside of the room. Van lept at the door, but it melted into earth again.








Van: Woah...completly random...(turns to see clones) ROSE! SIEG, TWEAKO! AAHH!...oh, you're all unconcious...








As Van came foward and attempted to wake Rose, a rumbling filled his very ears. Above him, the ceiling crumbled a bit, exposing a large book. Glowing blue, and








shined forth an aura of evil, but it tempted Van as well. The book fell and flapped onto the floor, and layed opened. As Van stared at it, mesmerised, a spirit suddenly








burst out of the book. As the spirit completed squeezing through the pages, it turned to him. Van felt his very blood chill. Not like the books display it, but as if his








entire body was now made of ice. That chilly. Chilly cold, not hot.








Spirit: So...the heroes of Runescape send some pathetic clones in to deal with me...Quite dissappointing. Personally, this is stupid...








Suddenly, four Air Strikes zoomed into the room and connected with Van's friends and the other stranger. They all woke up screaming and looked widly around.








Rose Clone: AH! VAN! IT'S YOU!








Tweak Clone: Hoy, calm down Rose!








Spirit: Enough of this. I think i'll send some chaos right back in their face. MINGROPHISAL!








Van watched, horrified as the spirit sent a red magic pouring down onto the four adventurers. Crying in fear, Van lept foward, and the demon reached out and pulled








Van back by the toe. He could only watch helplessly as their eye color changed to a blood-red evil. They got up and promptly headed for the door. Van reached out








for it, but the demon snapped foward and caught Van by the toe. The demon snarled at Van's neck like Fluffy and readied himself for a biting position.








Spirit: NO! Get away from him!








The pyscotic ectoplasma ghost pointed his hand and the hungry demon, and it vanished. Rubbing his neck, Van turned to face the spirit, shifting his Virus Sword a bit.








Spirit: So the fate of Runescape is decided by a glowing toy and a starving noobie with his girlfiend -








Mimi: I'm not his girlfriend!








Spirit: Don't interrupt me! And I said girl-FIEND! Anyways, Jejex is soon to be wiped out by the my powers. I am the living word, everything I say is true indeed! Your friends are outside of this room, battling the clones I turned against them. We shall battle too! NOTHING CAN STOP ME!








Van: In the case, (reveals Virus Sword) I'LL KILL YOU TOO! AND BY THE WAY, NOTHING CAN KILL YOU!








Mimi: Here we go again...I really need some sleep, and I have to battle instead. Sheesh.

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Varrock, Abandoned House.








Our current main characters, who have just fought their own clones, are all gathered around a small table. Rose had a number of ugly bruises over her back, Sieg was








cut everywhere, and Tweak had burn marks and hives popping up al over him. The mods, for some bizarre reason, were completly okay. Andrew was running a








god-scan over the Island to pick up any abnormalities.








Sieg: (dryly) So we were ambushed by our own clones at the New Isle. What is this suppose to mean?








Tweak: it means something has gone round the bend for sure.








Andrew: Shut up! I'm trying to concentrate!








Jon: I'll do it. (mutes Sieg, Rose, and Tweak)








Rose: *Sign language* I haven't even spoken!








Simon: Erm, okay, so...I...haven't...played the trumpet for a long...time, I don't...know?








Rose: (silently sighes)








Andrew: OH [garden tool]! I'm picking up a new signal baby! And...Woah, is that Van?








Simon: Him? He's in trouble after all the weapons I gave to that slimy little creep?








Jon: He is our only hope, and to call our only hope a slimy little creep will not help in the slightest for us. *********************.








Simon: Heck. (removes censor from Jon)








Jon: Well, you got anyfink, Andrew:








Andrew: I'm getting more...can you unmute the rest? They will want to see this.








Simon: Right, (unmutes everyone) but I don't wanna still.








Andrew: I...argh...aah!...I can't see anymore. Heck, better store this in memory, oh **************************. STUPID CENSOR! (removes censor) This








little vaudeville show has a decay virus! Come on, Sieg, Rose, and Tweak, get in quick!








With a twirl of his hands, a black hole portal opened up, beckoning the adventurers foward, with a slight hesitations moment, they jumped in.
















Van: In that case, I'LL KILL YOU TOO!








Spirit: Battle NOW!








Screaming like demonic monsters, Van charged foward, Virus Sword held up high, and the spirit unsheathed his own Dragon Scimitar. They raised their swords and slashed at each other. As their swords connected, the Virus Sword's glow brightened even more, and the ghost's scimitar ringed like a death bell. Van brought his Virus Sword back, and the ectoplasma spirit pushed his sword farther into him, catching his armour. His chest armour, which he prided in, began to melt. Van pushed back, and his Virus Sword pushed against his nemesis' robes, and they started to burn.
















Mimi raised a glowing battle axe and shoved it at the ghost's legs. Somehow, he managed to jump, and she tumbled benath him and got stamped on by him. Van took this moment to take a dagger and stab it at his legs.
















The evil spirit raised his sword again, and it was parried away by Van. He dived aside, towards his sword as Van lifted up a bow and fired a Rune Arrow at him. He snatched his sword up from the broken rocks and turned to face Van.








Spirit: You are very skilled....for a noobie.








Van: Funny, Zeon said that too.








Spirit: It runs in the family. You can't actually destroy family you know. (charges foward)








As the spirit stabbed at Van's face, he performed a low sweep kick. The scimitar missed Van by an inch, but, he suceeded in tripping Van. He lifted up his scimitar and prepared for a vertical stab, very much like The Sword and the Stone style.
















The rest of Mimi's words were drowned out as she launched at the freak ghost. She stuck out her foot at his lower abdomen and sent him tumbling. This time, he kept his weapon, and as he continued to roll around, he stabbed his scimitar into the ground and pushed himself up into a flying flip, landing right on his feet.








Spirit: Pathetic, this is power!








The mad spirit stuck out his left hand, and fire issued from it. Mimi dashed aside as Van got up and picked up his Virus Sword. He decided to direct his hand at Van, and in that single split moment, he was covered with fire.
















Mimi: NO VAN!








Spirit: YES VAN!








The ecto-crazy ghost laughed insanly at both of them. Enraged, Mimi launched herself at him, but she couldn't get close to him, because as he poured fire onto Van, his right hand, holding his scimitar, continued to sweep around, so Mimi couldn't get close without getting slashed. This was simply wrong, it was -
























































Andrew: Darn it, end of show. Stupid decay virus.

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