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Dynamic signature by nitr021 & im4eversmart


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All images are the property of icefuzion.com & Im4eversmart.








My service is to provide high quality dynamic signatures under 30kb for free.




here is wot we got.
















and to make a signature:

    [*:2948kuea]Go to
[*:2948kuea]Press the signature link on the left
[*:2948kuea]Now there is 2 options

    [*:2948kuea]If you have all stats on hiscore list write your username,combat,quest, and choose your font color and theme in the 1st form
    [*:2948kuea]If you have some lvls not on the hiscore write your name in the second field and press submit.. This will show your stats. edit the ones that dn't show and choose a font color and theme and press submit

[*:2948kuea]After you have submited you will get a url which you can use in forums tha dn't enable .php images.








*Note* All stats will be auto updateable except the ones not on the hiscore, quest points and combat.








i will try put in a combat forumla but sometimes it doesn't give the right lvl so i rather you update it yourself








here is a sample












note as its dynamic the image will not hold any file size but i can show proof to an admin or mod that it is under 30kb

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