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  1. Yup, maybe next time when I have the free time :)
  2. 1k bolts seems a lot, but remember this is just an little test. But yeah my experiment isn't that accurate :(
  3. I was bored so I decided to help out those who always question, "which bolts is better?" Some says Addy is better than others and some says Broad is better then others. Well I decided to do some experiments with these bolts. I am 99 range and I equipped only a rune cross bow and a skill cape. No other bonus, prayers, or pots and my range attack style was on accurate. The experiment was to shoot out 100 of the same bolts and see: what is their max hit and their constant damages. For Broad-Tipped Bolts: The max hit was 28, and I can hit constant 15's-20's. After 100 shots I ended up with 81 bolts. For Addy: The max hit was 28 same with Broad-Tipped. The only thing different was the hits, I could hit a lots of under 10's then a nice 20 or so. After 100 shots I ended up with 77 bolts. For Runite: The max hit was 31. I could a lots of high 20's and a few lows. After 100 Shots I ended up with 76 Bolts. -- Prices for these bolts as of Monday, Augs 17th 2008. Broad-Tipped Bolts: Minimum price: 60 Market price: 63 Maximum price: 66 Addy Bolts: Minimum price: 183 Market price: 192 Maximum price: 201 Runite Bolts: Minimum price: 773 Market price: 813 Maximum price: 853 -- My Conclusion is that Broad-Tipped Bolts are the best for training, because in my little experiment only 19 bolts were broken compared to the addy's bolts of 23. Plus the cost. 1k BT Bolts = 66k. 1k Addy Bolts = 201k. Which would you pick? Other than Addy vs BT. Runite bolt hits hard but costly. --- So the discussion is that "which is better FOR you" For me it was BT bolts and if you want to try out this little experiment for yourself; go ahead :mrgreen: .
  4. i don't got a picture to post becuase i'm not a member for a while. but a long time ago they had this lil thing by the member bank wildy. if you go west from the mage arena and to the lava. which is between the mage and the ladder hut. guess what that looks like lol.. kinda nasty but i'm not sure if jagex fixed it :-k
  5. buying 40 sharks = 60k having full rune = 200k having the guts to fights metal dragons and forgetting your anti sheild and getting your pixled fired...priceless not everything in rs could be great =\ its ok man i forgot tele runes when i enter the wildy :oops: lol jk sucks that you forget your sheild lol
  6. nice in 3-4 weeks you got all your lost back.. i think lol while on the ohter with me in 3-4 weeks i'm out in the wildy afking and getting pked and losing more than i earn mmm......i think i'm gonna take your life and be smart and not risk again...yet good blog man i love reading it :) -bikbik124-
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