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6/17 - 50's pre-day party


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just to clear things up, heres who was who. a complete list is below




50: - xxsheepxx (ME)


12345 - mario_sunny


19900 - 888 Link






We just bombed fally with cabbage. Here's a pic:








Oh what fun we had today as the early tetftw attack began!






I'll start all the way from the beginning:






I was bored doing rogues so I decided to get on my tet character(tetftw 12345). While I was there in world 7, another tetftwer showed up and we started to hang out, waiting for new recruits. Sure enough, four others came(one I them I remember at 3052 and another as 50). Well, sure enough we formed what you could call a "gang" and made quite a large train, consisting of 6 people. tet number 50 took the leader position and led us outside of the castle. Now began an adventure of humour and noob scaring!




We travelled all over, while noobs followed us and we scared them away with our constant "HYT"s. 50 started thinking of some chants which were quite entertaining.




One of them went like this, from the first person in line to the last. This was my favorite.




first) nothing


second) snap


third) crackle


fourth) pop


fifth) bang




Hehe... we also shouted various BANGS and KER POWS. I was cracking up. We passed through barb and like 10 noobs started following us asking if they could join our 'clan'. Hehe... 50 didn't like them so he ran to dranor and the noobs slowly ran away Very Happy .




We travelled to lumby to get more recruits, but on the way there I had constant lags and connection losses. If I remember correctly, we finally reached lumby and met up with tetftw 30 and his gang(which only had two people in it rofl). After a short conversation, 30 and his gang joined us and once again we marched out of lumby.




Now if I remember correctly, we then charged through varrock yelling things like "SPAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" and "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" and oh yes "HYT!!!!!!". Man that was funny.




We then went into the wilderness.




While we were near lvl 13 wilderness, a lvl 20 popped up and started following us. We asked if she would go away, but she followed us and started threatening us. This would not do! We wanted to go the the greaters, not get pk'ed by some blood hungry noob! Luckly, she could not attack us until lvl 17 wilderness.




Then 50 came up with the brilliant plan to travel to the castle, in less than lvl17 wilderness and there are usually lots of pkers there.




Sure enough, once we reached the castle a lvl 27 was there, along with some other high lvls. "Everyone kill the lvl 20!!!" we all started yelling. Soon the lvl 27 starting attacking the lvl 20. We ran away cracking up before we could see here again Laughing .




After that, we travelled to the greaters. It wasn't pretty Sad . We teamed a greater, but the greater killed us all d'oh! . How does that work? 4 on 1




Anyways...after we all spawned in lumby, we decided to go to the wildy again. We travelled once again out of the castle and proceeded to the wildy. We walked into varrock again and spammiefied it Mr. Green .




While at the wildy(I cannot remember how I died exactly), but I died.




I was the only one who did and was all alone at lumby castle. At this time I had had too many connection losses and just decided to log.




After about 10 minutes I came back and got pm spammed by all the tetftws. They said they were owning some guy in full iron. "I cerender" I think they said he said. Man I was cracking up. I think they spared him though Wink .




50 got slow at responding now... I was constantly pming him yelling "HELLLLOOOOOOO". Five minutes later he responds. I say to him I will be recruiting new tets at lumby.




Some few minutes later, a tet shows up at the castle, I explain everything to him and he starts following me. A couple minutes later, another tet shows up, same thing. Good I've got two recruits Smile . Right before we're about to leave another tet shows up. The four of us travel to varrock centre.




While travelling there, one of them randomly runs away. I go after him, but he is already gone Neutral . Them while entering varrock another one just randomly logges Neutral . Great... one recruit... oh well.




Thankgod he didn't log rofl... he was tetftw 1900.




Then I get a pm from 50 himself to tell everyone on my friends list to meet in dranor, near diango. I inform all my friends, including 1900 and he runs off to dranor. I run of separtly






WILL CONT. THE STORY TOMORROW... have to go to bed, early breakfast at Denny's for fathers day Smile






that bomb didn't go to well. But we just bombed varrock, level 1, and a few people died from looking at the cabbages mid fight. Halarious. To bad I didn't get a pic.






man, that was brilliant




i never knew that i could have so many people follow me! i think i'll be a little more well known now :










we also bunched up in a group, as them following me, then i went to people, and yelled "ka-zam!" and then they all ran off in differnet directions saying "bam!" with text effects. i had at least ten people how i had cloned myself, even one from a different world pming me asking me that. we also went to the falador garden and linedanced all over their flowers.




complete list of all participating members in my group




50 - me (the leader)


3052 - *1 *2 *5 - man you stuck with me since i started it


14 -


1134 -


13579 - eventually joined 30's group (also the only female!)


30 - *1 then was discontented with me being the leader and formed a new one


97 -


12345 - (mario sunny) *1 *2 *3 man, you were great


201 - *1 *2


19900 - (888 Link) *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 you were awesome. i owe you one


39 - my little brother


54321 - *1 *2 *3 *5


910 - *4


78 -


1990 - *1 *2


54565 - (hyfzyz) *1 *2 *3 sorry man i forgot to add you!






*1 - been in there for a long time


*2 - helped out a LOT


*3 - magic cloning tricks


*4 - recruiter


*5 - snap, crackle, pop




you guys were great. i want to organize another time when we can just go and freak people out.




if you were there, feel free to post up other exploits :)

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That was fun, we should do it again today... I'm gonna log on :mrgreen:


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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