Shahdie Sings �Telephone� (I�ll Be Minin�)
Hello dear blog readers! It would seem that a fair share of friends have been nagging me to pieces about doing another karaoke. As some of you may recall, back in January I debuted a video of me singing the Pokemon theme song. Recently the vid was posted again and I even harkened back to it in my last entry. Ever since that dreaded day I was forced to sing that song for the annual TET Slave AuctionI have received countless pms to sully my pride and sing again XD!
Well, the wait is finally over. I have yet again produced a new video showcasing my ermsinging :unsure: . To those who suffer any ill side effects after listening to it, you have my deepest apologies. So sit back, relax, and listen to a parody of Lady Gagas Telephone called Ill Be Minin. It tells of a crazed miner who was rejected by her love and decides to go out for a night of mining and pub hopping!
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