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All the small things



Oh boy. Suddenly I hadn't posted here in 3 weeks. I blame RS. And RL. But a lot of fun stuff has happened both places so it's all good.


And so on to the elephant in the room, or should that be dungeon. Dungeoneering. Well, my first impression is that I cannot bring myself to think of it as a skill. I mean, what's the skill part of it? picking up different keys and unlocking doors? That's questing in my book. Killing various monsters and bosses? Well, ain't that combat/fighting? Solving various puzzles? Again, questing. And Jagex, there IS a reason why I have so many undone quests....


However, in general I like to DO dungeoneering, whether it should be called a skill, minigame, activity or just a fun way to train various other skills. I like that I can toddle along and train pretty much every other skill in one way or another. I like the sound of the gembag and the bonecrusher (although at the rate I'm going it'll be christmas before I get enough tokens). I like that you can, but don't HAVE to play with others. (If Jagex had forced me to socialize I would probably had to kill myself.) I see great potential in the fact that the skill goes to lvl 120 instead of 99. I'm guessing Jagex may be preparing to launch the other skills to 120 aswell, now that so many players are maxed (pre-dungeoneering maxed, that is. I still chuckle when I think of Trixstar who maxed the Sunday before it came out =D> )


My heart also bleeds a bit for our wonderful crew. They have been slaving away with the new skill, working all hours to get a skill guide out and ready. This is a massive update, and they've done a fantastic job. However there is still a lot of work to be done and I urge each and every one of you to visit the update forum: W U&C and see if there is some bit of info you have that they need. If your submissions are used you will of course be credited on the site and have eternal web-glory \:D/


In RL I have discovered a new hobby. Sausage making! It's actually a lot easier than it sounds (and I thought). It requires a bit of work, but you get to work with pigs intestines (or hog casings which is the slightly more PC term.) And you get to decide what to put in your own sausages. So I'm guessing next week I'll be testing bacon and cheese sausages. Mmmmmmm.......


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Sausage making? I used to make it too! I never thought of putting anything in the intestines other than the ground up meat though, do you ground the meat yourself or just buy the already grounded ones?

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I ground up my own pork meat and added 2 different spice mixes. One heavy in pepper, garlic and paprika for a spanish chorizo-style sausage, and fennel and coriander in the other one for a sweeter, italian style sausage. They were both tasty, but the spanish one was the bigger hit. I can't wait to try out sausages with about 40% fatty bacon and some shredded Jarlsberg cheese. And eventually, when I become more experienced I hope to delve into the wonderful world of cured sausages :) Can't wait for fall when I plan on buying half a pig stright from slaughter :D

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I actually just remembered I never add anything too complicated in my sausages. When we finish making sausages we like to hang them dry, the flavor just sink right in. I do remember adding powder in it though, I did a google translate and the name apparently is called Allspice? There are of course salt and pepper, I doubt garlic was involved though. Cured sausage is a new concept to me since I don't think it was ever popular in China. Where did you get the intestines from anyway? I actually wanted to make some sausages after a boring day but there are never any at the market. Do the supermarkets over there just sell them?

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