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Coming back from the bowels of that Dungeon.



Well, all told it took about 3 weeks. 3 weeks for me to sink very deep into the dungeons of Daemonheim. 3 weeks to see about all it has to show me. 3 weeks to realize that sadly there is no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow.


I guess a part of me was hoping there would be something fantastic, something magnificent offered for reaching the bottom floor of the dungeon. Yes, I understand how insane this sounds. No, I have not been drinking.


I've already gotten the best non-rare armor (pro plate). I've acquired the best non-rare weapon (pro spear p++, arguably the best weapon period). What is left? Perhaps I can be driven by raw levels; I'm closing in fast on 2300 which would be a nice, round total. I still have a couple floors left to clear, maybe I can trick myself into thinking you're given some reward for clearing floor 35.


Perhaps I can hope for some of the better rewards the dungeon has to offer; I've already pulled in the bonecrusher, and have my sights set on things like the tome of life, the gem bag, coal bag, etc.


Maybe I just need a better excuse to keep chasing levels that offer no benefit aside from total level?


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Sadly, the only thing to look forward to is the rewards. I hear it's pretty fun in itself if you're doing a 5:5 floor, but I'm personally a rewards kind of guy.

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For some reason I love charging the floors at 2:1. Demolishing everything so fast seems like the most fun I've had in a while.

Oh, and keep going to floor 35. It makes you feel as good as Thok. :thumbup:

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I think the people who are good at Dungeoneering must just be HUGE loudmouths. Based on the community feedback, I definitely felt like I was -way- behind on Dungeoneering. Upon checking hiscores, however, I found that it is now my highest ranked skill.


Interesting, since I have no skills under 85 aside from Dungeoneering (66), and very few under 90.

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