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at least I reckon it is. I achieved 99 fletching yesterday morning, and on the way got 86 smithing, which is nice. I'm now working on 80 mining, from 79. So things are going well.


But I now have much less time available as I realised I should be working harder, as i've been slacking a little. I finished my gymnastics classes this evening, and started brazilian jiu jitsu yesterday. In the BJJ class I managed to submit the club president after a well fought 8 mins, although I'll admit that my horrible technique caused way more damage than I realised at the time. I also grappled with another of the club members, submitting him twice, once with an armbar, and once with an omoplata. I used an arm triangle from the bottom as a sweep to gain top position then mount in one of the bouts, but didn't finish the bout with the submission as again my technique in some moves is poor.


My back pain is subsiding, as I'm constantly doing stuff to keep me active and strengthening the area thats been feeling rubbish.


My lab work is going ok, although I still haven't got any further in my reactions, but am hopeful my key reaction will pick up soon.]




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