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Posts posted by Borei

  1. Edited to add: I realize this was pointed out before, I was putting extra emphisis on the point of "but Jagex might not be partial to it". Or at least I felt that I was. Possibly as much as doubling expenses has never been a popular thing with companies, and jagex, although I'm sure they care about their players, is a company. I find this would most likely be the biggest problem with the entire suggestion, and so I put extra emphisis on it.




    Edited a second time to add to the first edit.




    Edited a third time to add: Possibly the ability to view this rating for a small extra payment per month? I'm sure some people would pay for the extra knowledge of how they were doing and the possible rewards that would come with it. People who didn't care could just continue on their merry way.


    Confucius Say: Too much editing without bumping bad for health. (OK, he didn't really say that. So sue me. :P )




    Aside from the initial development costs, there should be little to no financial implications in this. (Yeah, you heard me.) After being fully implemented and everyone given time to adjust to the change, the only thing that would really change on Jagex Customer Support's side (as far as what they have to do) is that when they review a report one of two things happens. Either they have to rate the individual report on a scale they determine for themselves (after which it's averaged into the overall reports rating of the player that sent it), or it's programmed so that after a decision is made on the report a +1/-1 type deal is applied to your rating automatically. I personally prefer the first one, but I can live with the second.

  2. I've added a Concerns and Responses section to the end of my first post.




    Please post any additions for it, or suggestions regarding legibility, you may have here. If posting a suggestion regarding legibility, please remember that when I do put this on the Official Forums that it will be a simple copy and paste job, and that the Official Forums don't support things like font colours.




    Thank you.

  3. This is the sort of thing that would be very interesting.




    You couldn't have a thing that tells you what's happened to the person you reported, people do get some privacy you know.




    And I'm not entirely sure about not being able to report people for a while, but it's an interesting idea. I think it would be good to post it on the official forums once you have a few things worked out.




    First of all, it would be an amazing amount of work for the staff. While I agree that it could easily save them a great deal of work later, the group of staff that handles reports is seperate from the group that codes stuff on the site. So they could be hard to convince. :)


    Good point. You (or anyone else) have any workable suggestions on that?




    Second, how would you show player mods on this? Would they be on it, or not? If they are, are they held tothe normal set of rules that everyone reports from, or the more complicated and specific ones that only mods have to follow when reporting?


    Yes, mods actually have a very long set of guidelines to use when reporting, and that could cause a bit of a problem with this. Would you have a seperate list for mods, or would they be included in the normal one, or would they not be in a list at all?


    Player Moderators would continue to be held to the same standard as they are now. Normal Players would as well. Also, there would be no "list". Just a rating you see when you log on and in a "Report Center" (kind of a Message Center of sorts).




    Player Moderators wouldn't really have much to be concerned about. This is simply for the fact that a player has to prove him/herself to become a mod in the first place. The only way you'd have anything to worry about is if you do something to lose "Moderator Status".




    Also, would the list be publicly viewable? There are good and bad things about it being public (peer pressure to be higher, peer pressure to be lower, teasing others about being higher/lower, ect.).


    Again, no actual list, so not really an issue.




    Would everyone be on this list right from the start? Or would it be something optional that you could sign up for? And would new players start on this list right off the bat? Would this be mentioned on Tutorial Isle, or left to be found by the players on their own?


    The rating system would be mandatory, simply because people that purposely abuse the report button could simply opt out and abuse away. Of course, with something like this it would have to be implemented into Tutorial Island. A (relatively) quick, hands-on in-game tutorial to get new players off on the right foot when it comes to reporting abuse.




    And the most important question I have: what's the chance that us player mods will get all sorts of question and complaints because of this?


    About as much chance of absolutely anything else in RuneScape causing the same effect. I may not agree with it, but that's just the mentality a huge portion of RSers have towards Player Moderators. For you and the other Player Moderators, it would likely serve as yet another PM Spam topic that tends to further fuel why most Player Moderators tend to keep Private Chat on friends.




    As well, I'm betting you would get a fair deal of questions in Public Chat, too; though that would undoubtedly die down after people got adjusted to the change.




    It needs a bit more thinking before it could be put on the official forums, but it is a good start. Sorry if I seem overly critical, I just would like to make sure this good suggestion doesn't get turned away because it wasn't fully thought out. Also, there are a lot of things us player mods have to deal with that players don't, and I'd like to make sure you see our point of view. :)


    I'm actually thankful for this approach of yours. It wasn't completely agreeing, but the way you present your criticism brings up some good points as well as giving me something to work with. At current I still see no need to change anything based on this; however, your post does point out that some aspects need to be better defined/explained.




    In all fairness, though, I see now that perhaps a couple of the previous posts have done the same (even if to a smaller and less noticeable extent). Perhaps I should tack on a section to the end with all the points that have been brought up and addressed.




    Anyways, any further feedback based on this new information would be appreciated.








    BTW, I'll do that tacking on a bit later. I'm a tad tired right now and need my sleep, lest I put something a might too stupid. :P

  4. They probably were, and you could've reported them for what they say they reported you for.






    #-o saw this as soon as i logged in .. poor kid




    i'm sorry if his parents really did die in a car accident, but why would he use that as an excuse to get free items in runescape? didn't he inherit enough irl?


    I have to agree. I'm willing to bet that's a scam. In fact, varying versions of that scam have been around longer than Jagex/RuneScape.




    Mining iron in varrock west mines.I was mining both iron rocks.




    May have seemed "noobish" to you, but I say he was just messin' with ya. I have a few friends that would say something like that just foolin' around. In fact, don't be surprised if you see me say something like that from time to time...to get a chuckle or two out of the confusion I cause if nothing else.

  5. See now, I've sent in several reports over the time I've been playing (all of which I believed, and still do, to be legit), and I've never once received any message from Jagex about any of them.




    Also, this isn't just to help Jagex Customer Support determine how likely a report is to be legit (though that is part of it). It's also to help players that try to send in legit reports be sure that they're going about it in the right way. I don't know about anyone else, but I would personally like to know that my reports are actually helpful. If they're not I'd like to have a way to be sure I don't screw up on future reports. After all, if every report I send in is more or less worthless, then what's the point of reporting at all? I'm sure you can see how that scenario/mind set would cause a problem. That's another reason for this suggestion.





  6. My avatar shows how I used to dress. I still dawn that from time-to-time.




    Though now I usually wear Full Zamorak Robes, Zamorak Castle Wars Hood, Black/Red Mystic Gloves and Boots, Mirror Shield, Mystic Lava Battlestaff, Obsidian Cape, Amulet of Magic, and either Ring of Charos(u), Ring of Dueling (to save space), or Ring of Forging if I need to smelt Iron.

  7. my noob account (lvl 14) is killing men and and a noob (lvl 3) come in the room and starts picking up all the money. the conversation went like this:


    Me: N.O.O.B


    lvl 3: R.E.P.O.R.T.E.D


    Me: y?


    lvl 3: 1&2 (offencive language and item scamming)


    Me: Oh no u reported me im gonna get band?!?!?!


    lvl 3: shut up noob and leave my house!!!


    I then logged out because it was lunch time


    Might just be me, but it sounds like you were the one being immature or "noobish" in that scenario

  8. For now: Finish Runecrafting all runes up to (and including) Nature Runes (save Astral since I lack the requirements for Lunar Dimplomacy) to a minimum quantity of 1k. After that I'll worry about the rest.




    I'm sure a lot of you are thinking 1k isn't much, but I'm lazy and merely need a person stock. :P

  9. A free trial is defined by it's designer, and RuneScape F2P could hardly be considered unlimited. The limits to a trial can either be defined in levels, time, or (in this case) features.




    Anyways, it appears you missed the point entirely. We need to stop comparing Jagex with companies like Westwood and Blizzard. They aren't the same type of company, and aren't even after the same thing, so to compare them would give warped results every time.




    Jagex simply wants to appeal to a certain audience, work on their game, allow players to enjoy gameplay within the rules, and support their game so that these things will be possible. What you need to keep in mind is that if you can't cope with the rules, Jagex, and/or the game, it's possible you're not part of the target audience. As I've said, there's no rule saying you have to play it just because it's there, and not every game is going to be right for every person. You might enjoy something like WoW or Everquest more. Who knows?




    Point is that Jagex still does their part to make the game better for us, and we should be thankful for that much. A very common wise phrase: Fret not over all that you do not have, but rather, be thankful for the things you do. (Obviously not the exact wording, but means the same thing.) If a few people leave because Jagex doesn't do what they want, then that's no skin off their bones. In fact, chances are that people that do leave simply are not part of the target audience, and (more importantly) will inevitably be replaced by people that are.








    BTW, I typed this while I was half-asleep. So if you have to actually think at all to reply to it you may as well not.

  10. Haha owned =D>




    If he's 14 and his neice is 17, that doesn't really make sense. Technically that would mean his sibling had a child who was older than him which means his brother/sister had to be at least 31 years old....actually I'm not sure if I'm doing this right....SOMEONE HELP ME pl0x! #-o




    Actually it is technically possible for siblings' ages to differ to that extent (and then some). It isn't very common, mind you, but possible all the same.

  11. I think many of you are forgetting that the game belongs to Jagex and not us. Even our very own characters which we've spent countless hours building up are not our own, but rather, the sole property of Jagex Ltd. We're even made to e-sign an agreement acknowledging this fact before we can play.




    Because of this, Jagex could potentially take the game in any direction they wanted without us having any legal grounds whatsoever to object. They could even start deleting features at random just to piss us off, but do they? No.




    Like them or not, Jagex still chooses to continually make updates to the game. They continue to take input from players and use that to improve the game. They opt to set rules and assign Player Moderators to help enforce the rules, not to make the game restrictive, but as a way of dealing with those who would be purposefully disruptive. Sure, both Jagex and RuneScape have their flaws, but you need to remember that absolutely no one (not even Jagex themselves) is claiming that either one is perfect.




    As for F2P updates, get over it. As I've seen stated somewhere before, F2P isn't the actual game, but a mere free trial. It may be a very good trial which never runs out and has lots of features, but it's a trial all the same.




    On that note, if you were to download a trial for a game like Command & Conquer for example, would you expect Westwood Studios to provide you with updates for your free trial/demo? I think not. So what makes you think RuneScape's F2P (effectively demo) version should be any different?

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