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Posts posted by Babybyers

  1. Heyyyyyy you did a sig for me a long while back,


    And I need a new one


    And I couldnt think of anyone else I would want to do it <3: :thumbup:




    Size : Sig limit on hurr


    Text : Weezy


    Subtext : Four tears on my face and you ain't never heard me cry


    Render : http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/4117/lilwaynebm01uy5.jpg


    Additional : Can you put the render on the left side, and you can place the text how ever you feel looks best.


    Thanks <3:

  2. He slipped slowly past the trees. The night covered his every step, and except for the nearly unnoticeable sound of his breath, he was silent. His gear camouflaged him into the empty night. His feet stepped quickly now as he approached the building. He climbed quickly up the side and onto the roof. The building was small, and it was alone in a large dark forest. Desolate and dark it sat in the depths of an un-kept forest, and it had been left that way for many years. Only one man lived there; only two men knew it ever existed. The man on the roof sat quietly for the next three hours. There was no light from the cabin, no sound, and no sign of life.


    As the sun broke upon the horizon and brought small light into the thickly grown forest, the sound of life came upon the cabin. Footsteps could be heard through the cabin, and the man in the roof drew his sword quietly. The long thin blade shined dimly in the morning, enchanted with a long and ancient magic. His face, covered by a dark wrap showed only his eyes, and if you were under him, like most of the unfortunate people who crossed him, you could see where his wrapping allowed him to breath through his nose. He dropped to the ground without a single sound. He was in front of the cabin. There was only a small door, with no windows. He waited silently, five feet in front of the door. Slowly it opened; and out stepped Halder. He was short, an old dwarf whose beard touched his belt. He wore solid gold armour; the plated armour was rusted and dented.


    I knew youd come eventually, The dwarf spoke quietly.


    He didnt speak, he merely raised his sword above his head, grasped firmly by both hands, one leg lunged towards the dwarf.


    It wasnt my fault! They made me, the made me Halder pleaded hopelessly. He slowly accepted the fate of the fight and drew his long silver spear. The long pole stood taller than the dwarf, slightly taller than the man opposite him too. It was topped with a long blade, which added at least a foot to the pole. It was sharp and gleaming on both sides.


    The dwarf stabbed towards the cloaked man and his blow was struck aside by the sword; which quickly returned to the idle hold above his head.


    Dont do this You know they will find out. You know, they already know. Can't you see they want you to kill me! They will find you! Halder pleaded helplessly with the dark, silent man.


    The man jumped towards the dwarf and it seemed time slowed as the man gracefully cut through the air. As he got close to the dwarf his blade fell quickly, slicing into the dwarf at his neck and stopping in the middle of his chest. The man starred deep into the dwarfs eyes, then pulled the blade out, quickly spinning and cutting off the dwarfs head; which fell to the ground, along with the rest of his body.

  3. Creeepppyyy :)


    Amazing detail and explinations, I have a perfect picture of the hospital in my head. This is the first piece I have read by you in a long time :oops: , I won't be making that mistake again ;).


    Thanks for the very scary, descriptive story.


    10/10 :thumbsup:

  4. RpgGamer that's amazing :shock:


    Do you think there is anyway you could move the text over and put it so it all fit without the whitespace? And if you dont mind changing the font to something... more... statement making?


    Thanks so much for that though, it's fantastic.

  5. Render : http://www.soadfans.com/index.php?module=PhotoGallery&do=showpic&pid=259&orderby=dateD


    (Im not sure this is complete, but it is superclose to an all black backround)


    OR if you want to render this one...




    (from the waist up is the only needed area)


    Text : Retaliation Against The Retaliation


    IF you use the first one, can you put him on the side (right) and then the text on the left, with some sort of graphical backround to fill in blank space?


    IF you use the 2nd one, could you put him on the left-centre




    Thanks if you try it out,


    Thanks for looking if you dont ::'

  6. I'm looking for someone to make a sig for me.


    Its based around System of a down's lead singer, Serj Tankian.


    Unfortunately, it's very hard to get a render of this fellow, is there someone who can render some of these? :












    It only needs to be the upper body&face.


    IF that could be thrown onto a black/red themed backround?


    And prehaps some sort of cool font that said "Retaliation against the Retaliation"




    Thanks to anyone who gives this any attempt!



  7. Hmm...


    Cool idea, but there isn't enough detail. More descriptions about the people, places, weapons ect. could make the story have a lot more depth.




    Sentence structure was also off, and some punctuation. "An" instead of "a", just small things.


    It's a good start, but revising and adding detail will get you much more response for your work.

  8. Wow. I have been gone from this site from ages, hopefully there are some familiar faces around. I have slightly changed my style, I got really distracted with poetry and film making. But I will make this return, hopefully it isn't temporary.


    Heres my newest peice, I have 2-3 parts done ahead, but I will post in a manner that leaves you with a regular post/update.


    So here is the intro....




    Untitled Story


    Chapter 1.0




    Byron tumbled down the stairs, breaking the railing and some steps as he went. The weak wood cracked and snapped beneath his weight. His foot caught near the bottom and sent him flying through the air. He flew right through the unlatched wooden door into another, an un-expecting adventurer, who was knocked to the ground, Byron atop of him groaning from his fall. The adventure pushed Byron off of him, and slowly returned to his feet, he was panicky.




    ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅWho are youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ what the heck just happened!ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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