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Posts posted by Babybyers

  1. 1pixel0kt.png




    All C/C is welcome.. this is my first attempt at a pixel sig, thought i would give it a try :P








    Here is my second attept..i dunno if its any better .. but hopefully its progress :lol:






    All C/C is welcome again. it really helped last time :)


    ps*ignore those crazyyy lines in the backround lol those were a mistake




    Redid the 2nd one (the sky) and got this :) i like it more



  2. How about an addy miner (me) at the hob gob mine, dead goblins sprawled over addy/mith/coal rocks, the miner(me) with addy ore all around me, and my rune pick in a full rune pkers chest. You could put text along the lines of "Miner, fighter, crazy" or something including mining and fighting..just an idea, ask me for more details if you like it :pray:

  3. Maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions about this whole 'copying' idea. It seems odd, that you changed your type of story, after the great story from Minoture. I don't know for sure, but calm down man, they can't ban you, just be careful what you say in defense. I think it is a little too much like Minoture's story, try going for something new, unseen, on the forums.




    Just my opinion



  4. Last story didn't really work out, and I will continue to write it, but i decided to write this, and see what the response was like... Enjoy!




    Chapter One


    I lay quietly in the bushes, hidden under the shrubs. Beside me was my best friend, Ben, who I had grown up with and trained with for the past 15 years. We lay in silence, hearing the footsteps pass us on the nearby path. I nodded in silence to Ben and we both sprang from the bushes and landed on the two bandits.


    ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅOuch! Get off of me!ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  5. **Ooppps, i missed that you spelt my name wrong, thanks for catching that lol, so could you compress it, add in the 'e' and could you possibly change the font to someling along the lines of 'Tempus Sans ITC' on micro word process.??




    THanks again!

  6. In a far land, Alladunia where gods ruled and good reigned, 4 sons were born. These 4 sons were born to Haradok and Masyll. Haradok, son of Harufor was a great God. His powers were endless and his reign over the kingdom was powerful. He was respected and feared. His family had sat on the throne of Alladunia for centuries and centuries. Masyll, daughter of Thasllyet was another powerful and feared Goddess. Her bloodline ran directly back to the forging of the world, when men were placed on the island, and Alladunia was formed. Of these men, few were chosen to govern and rule as Gods and Goddesses. She was the fairest and the wisest in all the land, and immortal, like her husband. Haradok and Masyll were not full bred man or woman. They had been created with the blood of all races.




    Their 4 sons, were all found to be different. The first was that of man, named Thurdok. The 2nd son, an Elf, named Haladur. A Dwarf 3rd, Huggaf. The last son was what could only be named a giant, was named Aldafur. The 4 sons grew on the island, learning the ways of their fore fathers and gaining knowledge of their race.


    Aldafur, the giant of a man, grew to be 15 feet tall, and largely muscular. He never excelled in learning, but spent most of his time fighting and eating. He enjoyed being the biggest of his siblings, enjoying power, and domination.




    Haladur, the Elf son learned to be a sharp shooter with his bow, and gained the knowledge of healing and foresight.




    Huggaf, stout and strong, learned to mine, build and smith deep in the mountains.




    Thurdok, learned the way of knighthood, chivalry and honour. He spent most of his days shadowing his father, learning the way of bow and sword.




    The 4 sons grew strong, and when the time came, their parents called them to their council, among the other Gods and Goddesses of Alladunia. Here they learned their fate. Their parents had decided to send them east, by ship, over the great sea, where none had ever travelled. The Gods had a need to spread their power, and the 4 sons had been chosen to do it. Their mission was to establish a new colony on the new land, and under the guidance of their father, who could speak to them, through their rings, make it strong and worthy of the Gods. Each son was also gifted with 8 seeing stones. Round orbs the size of a manÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s head, glassy and foggy, until their time of use. The sons were each given 2, that could be used to see the future, but not predict it. Each son was given 1000 men each, respectively of their race, and boarded on ships and sent east.




    The journey took them 1 year, and their lives would forever change. They found the land after 1 year of journeying and named it Esternia. The 4 men decided on setting up individual kingdoms and communicating through their rings. They each decided on an area of land.


    Haladur, decided on the southwest shore of Esternia, covered by lush trees and wildlife.




    Thurdok, king of men, decided on the northwestern corner, with vast amounts of land, trees and water.




    Huggaf, dwarf lord decided on the northern mountains, where he would mine, and build a strong fortress deep underground.




    Aldafur the giant, decided the lonely land to the east, where mountains surrounded his castle and only one entrance was seen, other than through the deadwoods, which were deemed non-navigate able.




    The men started their kingdoms and build strong and prosperous cities, towns and halls. All except for one. The great giant Aldafur, had not been contacted by his brothers for many years, the entrance in the mountains, had been blocked by a huge gate, the mountains around him were huge, unable to be climbed or mined through. When the three other brothers tried to contact Aldafur by their rings, the received no answer. Seeing no other choice they turned to their father, who told them he too could not reach the great giant, and deep, dark magic had been cast about, so that no other magic could see in or find out what he was doing. The brothers gave up hope and left their brother, to rot in his wasteland. The other three brothers decided that until the time was necessary that they would stop visiting each other and concentrate on their own lands, that needed their guidance and support.




    Many thousands of years passed here, and the brothers grew further apart, no word was heard from the giant of a brother, but all travellers that way had told stories of dark clouds above the mountains, deep and thick. The forests had become dark, and light never shone there. Creatures of the night, beasts and unknown evil grew there, and few lived to tell of there travels into the surrounding forests. The area became a wasteland, no lush environment was seen, and none could be seen inside.




    The brother eventually passed from knowledge, thinking to be dead. The three brothers returned home, deciding never to return to the place they had so well established. The 3 left their kingdoms, and went back across the seas. They destroyed their rings decided them to be useless now. Of the 8 seeing stones, the 6 the brothers had knowledge of were left respectively among their own peoples. The other 2 were deemed lost. For many centuries the people lived in peace, but soon this would all change, as word of a dark shadow in the east was spreading.




    Thus beginsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ




    The Esternian Chronicles




    More to come soon with positive feedback :D Tell me what you think, i know its a bit dry to begin with, but once we get through this part, then its all action and love and heroes and every other theme there is... so leave some comments 8-)








    Chapter 2






    The kingdoms that the 3 brothers left grew, and new towns and cities formed outside castle walls. They had no evil to fear, for all that was evil lay in the mountains and the deep dark forests. In the great city of Thindun, a king sat at his throne, awaiting a guest from the mountainsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ




    ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅThe dwarves come to my council this day. Prepare a feast of great proportion!ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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