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Posts posted by warrior5024

  1. There was an update to make Magic viable in Edge; Mage's are no longer interrupted while casting Spells, and are considered in combat.


    But I suppose we can debate Range, though I don't find Void to be the solution. Range can definetly hold its own, with such weapons as Zanik's crossbow, for rushers or praying retreaters. Hand cannon, while not incredibly accurate, still gives Range incredible KO potential, much like a Dark Bow. Remember, in Pk'ing, you mainly want larger hits for KOs. However, you don't want to rely on such weapons as primaries mostly, but even the popular Rune Crossbow stands up with great accuracy and good hits, great hits with Diamond and Dragonstone specials.

    For weapons like the Hand cannon and rune crossbow however, I find that accuracy plays a larger role, which is why I find Void a rather unnecessary move. While a max hit of 10-50 might be added with Void, you lose out on accuracy considerably, which is a major part in Cannon and Crossbow.

  2. Magic is good in safe pvp but this thread is about dangerous pvp where there are safezones and teleports.



    Fair enough. Let's take a closer look:

    Fire Surge is on the Modern spellbook, where, conveniently, Teleblock also resides. Fire Surge is the most accurate Spell ingame, and is actually viable for toe-to-toe combat, Edge Pk'ing, and other situations.

    However, there are many faults with the modern spellbook, so lets look at the gifts Zaros has given us: Ancient Magic and Curses. Pk'ing at the Mage Bank or other high level wild spots are very viable, especially conjoined with Leech Run, which drains opponents energy by 30% each time it activates. Let's not forget the Spells either, Ice still being the most practical and efficient, but, perhaps more devastating to any would-be-heros, are Miasmics. With a max of 425 or so, and the ability to slow weapons, any opponent will be greatly hindered, while you remain at full power, increasing at every moment with Leech bonuses.


    Oh, and as far as Magic vs. Hybrid, its very feasible. You need knowledge and instinct, but its very possible. Look at Duel Tournaments: you could use Magic on almost every duel and pull through, if you are smart about it.


    With a Whip, SGS, DDS, Void Melee and Piety, I couldn't kill DutchPlease once in the Duel arena, while he used Fire Surge. I'm only 10-15 combat levels higher then him, and I lost. I even brought along Void Range and Karils cross to hybrid in, and he still pulled through with a victory. That's Edge Pk'ing tactics right there, with a Mage beating the [cabbage] out of a level 130.

  3. How useful is Soul Split for dueling? I realise its uses in multicombat, but it seems to me as if a Deflect curse such as Deflect Ranged would be better for 1v1 combat, since it doesn't depend on damage dealt and acts as a disincentive for the opponent to use ranged.



    I haven't used Soul Split, but, much like blood barrage, I doubt the healing will be significant in dueling. Without a doubt in single combat, Protection/deflect prayers are far more useful.

  4. elevenicy - 3


    wiveren1 - 2


    crimson607 - 1



    I can respect a good outfit without being in the season. If it is adamant that a theme needs to be applied, then I have no problem following that, but, since this is the first time, it seems fair game.

  5. I loved this update. Yes, it took ages to get used to, but nowadays it makes calculating hits, accuracy, maximums and what-not far easier. Plus, as an added bonus, unicorn scrolls actually heal close to 15%, instead of the lazy 14 hp we received before. Skills like Defense and Attack are far more noticeable now and, before anybody starts, I took the same amount of damage before and after the HP change down in the Dk lair.

  6. Most people forget that, if you win, you receive far more reward credits. It is also far more fun to play for victory, but I suppose RS isn't about fun for most people.

    Hoard is nice an easy, average about 9-10 ranks an hour i estimate with that. Distractors are your best friend.

    Conflict is easy and raked in 12 ranks an hour for me when I went to get 300 rank. Just get a good tactic down and you'll be perfect. If you look on beginner guides, a few pages back, Cantris has a short guide on conflict.

  7. If you are going to say "Just buy the Chain" then don't bother posting. I want a goal that will be fun, enjoyable, and personally rewarding.


    I've always loved the Dragon Chain as an armor piece. I remember when they were twice the price of a Blue Partyhat and seeing them today makes me feel like it still is the coolest armor, aside from the lustrous 3rd Age. So, since I'm far to frugal to buy one myself, I've decided to hunt for it.

    At 91 attack, 95 Strength, 97 Defence, 99 HP, 99 Magic, 99 Range, 83 Prayer and 92 Summon, what would my best set-up be?

    And does anybody know the drop-rate of the Chainbody?

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