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Posts posted by warrior5024

  1. you won't get a noticeable difference with the 10% magic boost, so use a water staff.

    Well its actually a 10% boost to damage, meaning you will get a notice in how much exp u get.


    Not different in charms per hour, and I'm positive the money saved by using water staff will far outweight the extra EXP granted by a small damage boost,

  2. It started off as a good day...


    Snow day in Georgia! We receive half an inch of snow down here and the grocery stores are absent of any milk, bread, or eggs, and the schools cancel since the busses can't handle the icy roads, heh. Up in Philly you'd get six feet and you'd still have to report to work in the morning.

    Well, I logged on, and proceeded to drain my Crystal bows at Pest Control for two reasons, both relating to the incident. The first reason was that I needed full bows to hybrid Dks, and the second reason was so I could *again* get a Void Knight Mace for maging Dks. Yes, if you haven't picked up on it by now, I was getting ready for a Daggnoth creature massacre. GWD requires to many high levels, TD's haven't dropped me claws in well over 500 kills, and Dks are loads of fun for me, so I figured it would become my new hobby.

    The day goes on, I take a dry mage trip down there to get a feel for maging again, then, when all my friends decline any interest, I decided to solo Mage again. The incident is a bit over two hours away...

    My entrance into the lair is fine, Supreme fell rather easily under my Balmung axe, and, though he was a bit stubborn, I shook off Prime with Karil's Cross. Now it is just you and me, Rex, all alone. For the first half hour I was so nervous that Prime would spot and snipe me that I kept prayer points up and my mouse was constantly hovering over the quick-prayer button, but, as time went on, I relaxed. I was safe, so long as Rex's pot-shots didn't actually lead anywhere and those spinlyops kept their distance. Not an hour into the trip, I see a funky colored circle on the ground, and smile as I pick up a Beserker Ring. Yeah! 4.8M for me! Day one is starting off fine, and this luring system is as smooth as politicians lie. Things are looking good.

    90 minutes or so later, I decided I needed a break. I look at my options: One, teleport. Safe... but I have so many supplies left. So that leaves Two: leave through adader and re-enter later. Easy enough, done it loads of times. I click west and start to run toward the ladder, while I click quick-prayer to activate Magic Protection.


    That's when things went horribly wrong.


    Oh, right, Spinlyops drain prayer! Dammit.

    Easy enough, I'll just teleport...


    Alright, tab number is still two, but sometimes this happens, I must not have seen the breaking animation...

    *click click click click*


    Hell! I'll run to the ladder!...

    Why can't I click the ladder?...


    Right as this mayhem of graphic lag stops, I click my tab right as Prime's water wave came crashing down upon me.


    "I'm sorry, you are dead."





    I just lost 7.7m in supplies...

    No, wait...

    I lost my ring too! Gah! I just lost 13m!


    It started as such a good day...

  3. My first solo hilt ^^



    did you examine a canadian goose or a terrorist or a realy bad mechanic?


    but gratz on hilt, 7-8 a trip is nice but u could do 10 with overload, reason being that you can use full brews (still some restores of course) due to overloads restoring ability


    It would be far more efficient to use a Tanker + healer duo conjunction.... :rolleyes:

  4. It started off as a good day...


    Snow day in Georgia! We receive half an inch of snow down here and the grocery stores are absent of any milk, bread, or eggs, and the schools cancel since the busses can't handle the icy roads, heh. Up in Philly you'd get six feet and you'd still have to report to work in the morning.

    Well, I logged on, and proceeded to drain my Crystal bows at Pest Control for two reasons, both relating to the incident. The first reason was that I needed full bows to hybrid Dks, and the second reason was so I could *again* get a Void Knight Mace for maging Dks. Yes, if you haven't picked up on it by now, I was getting ready for a Daggnoth creature massacre. GWD requires to many high levels, TD's haven't dropped me claws in well over 500 kills, and Dks are loads of fun for me, so I figured it would become my new hobby.

    The day goes on, I take a dry mage trip down there to get a feel for maging again, then, when all my friends decline any interest, I decided to solo Mage again. The incident is a bit over two hours away...

    My entrance into the lair is fine, Supreme fell rather easily under my Balmung axe, and, though he was a bit stubborn, I shook off Prime with Karil's Cross. Now it is just you and me, Rex, all alone. For the first half hour I was so nervous that Prime would spot and snipe me that I kept prayer points up and my mouse was constantly hovering over the quick-prayer button, but, as time went on, I relaxed. I was safe, so long as Rex's pot-shots didn't actually lead anywhere and those spinlyops kept their distance. Not an hour into the trip, I see a funky colored circle on the ground, and smile as I pick up a Beserker Ring. Yeah! 4.8M for me! Day one is starting off fine, and this luring system is as smooth as politicians lie. Things are looking good.

    90 minutes or so later, I decided I needed a break. I look at my options: One, teleport. Safe... but I have so many supplies left. So that leaves Two: leave through adader and re-enter later. Easy enough, done it loads of times. I click west and start to run toward the ladder, while I click quick-prayer to activate Magic Protection.


    That's when things went horribly wrong.


    Oh, right, Spinlyops drain prayer! Dammit.

    Easy enough, I'll just teleport...


    Alright, tab number is still two, but sometimes this happens, I must not have seen the breaking animation...

    *click click click click*


    Hell! I'll run to the ladder!...

    Why can't I click the ladder?...


    Right as this mayhem of graphic lag stops, I click my tab right as Prime's water wave came crashing down upon me.


    "I'm sorry, you are dead."





    I just lost 7.7m in supplies...

    No, wait...

    I lost my ring too! Gah! I just lost 13m!


    It started as such a good day...


    Here's my list:

    Verac Helm

    Sara Stole

    1k Bolt Racks

    Karil's Crossbow


    Infinity boots (Damn, got those myself years ago)

    Void Mace (AGAIN)

    And my Ring drop.


    I currently have 17m in the bank, an offer for 300 Prayer Potions, 147 Runite Ores, Guthans, ZGS, and my Armadyl Armor.

    I want to re-cooperate my loss with minimal bank losses, and keep 10m in the bank incase death runes rise again and I need to fund my shop runs.

    So, the plan? It's looking like I'll be spending time at the lonely Dark Beast rock or jetting down to Barrows to reclaim my lost armor pieces. If I ever find a decent team, Zilyana or K'ril might be an option aswell, but GWD doesn't do much for me.


    Those Kings owe me. You think I would have learned the first time I brought a Void Mace down there....






    Jan 9


    Long, busy day, with little RS time.


    I realized after sleeping upon it that my main problem fell under the category of Verac's Helm, as everything else was easily replaceable.

    I sold the remaining Bolt racks I had, after, all I can just use my Crystals now, and, when I need to drain them, I'll go back to PC for my Mace. Gah, I've had to have spent 4k points on clothes there.

    With the spare cash from some coconut and broad bolt sales, I managed to buy back my Infinity boots and Sara Stole, and was pleasantly surprised when I received my Balmung for free. Back on my feet, ready to Hybrid some Kings once I find a Partner and some Time.

    By the way, if anybody is interested in DK'ing, just post, PM, or whatnot. If I have the time, odds are I'm ready.


    Limited time today, so I decided to replenish my lost blood rune supply and maybe my lost Verac Helm at Barrows. Salamander rocks down there, just freeze and sidestep. If Dharok isn't dead after 6 flame throws, run around the Coffin and refreeze after a moment. I only use Prayer on Karil, and remainder on Ahrim, and my Guthans heals me up in the tunnels for the next round each time (Whew, I'm glad I didn't lose that set). Simple, easy, fun, profitable. Or it should be.

    DId about 10 trips with nothing but a half key. Bah. The last amazing drop I found there was a Guthan spear almost three years ago, back when they were worth something. Ah well, I gotta keep the machine going.




    The party went well, busy the whole time. To tired to really write well, hence why this post is riddled with incoherent ideas. See you sober in the morning.





    January 25


    Well, until my friend bumped this, I was simple going to let it die since I had no idea where I was going with it, but maybe I'll rebirth it.

    Got back up on my feet fine with a Guthan Helm drop from barrows, so bought back my lost supplies, yay.

    Anyways, it has been a fairly uneventful two weeks. I managed to have a HUGE bank sale in order to afford my SGS, and, despite the loss of my guthans, and ZGS, it was worth it. My major set back, however ,was in herbs. I train my herblore DIY, so when I sold my 19m worth of herbs, it set me back slightly, but now I'm back to farming and gathering, hopefully it'll replenish itself.

    For the pat week I've been rather lazy on RS, one because of school, and two because my internal hardrive crashed. Ah well, got everything but my music backed up (gotta break out a terabyte hardrive for that). I spent most of my time mining until I had 200 runite banked, then sold it to fund 1-2 weeks worth of my daily shop run.

    I'm back to my daily shop run/farm runs/Bork, now all I need is direction. I've been debating 92 Summon, but other then that I'm rather lost.


    Always up for Dks, SGS + Unicorn lets me hybrid with very few brews, and I can only imagine maging.

    But it'll be a bit before I go back to mage




    January 26

    I finally have direction!

    After some debating and extra cash from my shop runs, I decided to cash in some supplies and buy Dharok's. I might not seem like a major purchase, but there is a reason. Dharok's is my favorite way to kill waterfiends, since spending 40+ hours there to get 88 with spear was too slow, even at 100 crims an hour. With Dharoks I can achieve 120 an hour constantly, for little to no loss, and the high hits are just lovely. My first goal is 92 Summoning (I have charms for 90 currently.) From there I'll see if Wolpertinger + Void Melee in CT is worth it or not, and how bored I am of fiends. I'd love to have 96 one day, but that would mean around 11k crimsons, so that's just a dream right now.

    So that's my goal, or rather, two goals. First and main goal is Summoning. The second is a side-effect of Dharoking fiends, and one of my favorite hobbies of RS: Clue scrolls.

    About a year ago, I decided to fill up my armor closet in my costume room entirely DIY. After spending hours playing minigames, running around, and escorting hundreds of temple trekkers, I closed that closet with many pieces of armor bulging out of it. I went in that room today, proud of my armor sets, but upset that neither my treasure trail box is full. So, I'll be doing every single clue scroll Fiend drop me and collect the rewards.

    Seem pointless? Well, I enjoy it. It's nice to see those full sets stored away, and collecting them is most of the fun!


    Once again, a rather boring day. I see my Palm and Yew trees running out, without much care. I love farming, but I'll train it casually. Speaking of farming, reached level 88 today, and realized that I have nothing else to work for in that skill but 99, and I certainly don't have 80m to spend on that. Oh well, life goes on.

    Shop run, farm run, bought Dharoks.. blah blah blah. Rather tired and lost for any good words. Just signed my life away for my senior year with AP Calculus and AP Statistics.

    Hopefully things will pick up on the weekend




    January 28

    School has been pounding me down, but I've somehow found time to play a bit. Nothing really new, just my daily Farm run, Shop run, Bork killing, ect ect.

    Did two trips to fiends with my Dharoks, and I've broken the 1k crimsons marker. Yay. Second trip ended early however, when I attempted to ignore my 9 HP and heal with SGS instead of unicorn. I don't know why, but SGS seems rather inaccurate on fiends, but needless to say, I died. No major losses, made it back in under a minute, it'll just cost me 100k to repair the Helm and Axe. I ought to pay more attention I suppose, but, once again, very tired.

    I've developed this theory after spending hours upon hours at fiends. It seems to me that they only drop clue scrolls along with a Blood rune drop. They are the only monster I've witnessed with this phenomenon, so kinda cool. Makes me excited every time I see blood runes on the ground.

    On the topic of Clues, I received one of my first trip, and decided not to undress from my Dharoks and complete the Clue in that. While energy degrades very quickly, It is loads of fun to see the Zamorak wizard fall in 1-2 hits. Saradomin is just as easy, so long as I poison cure myself after the right (Gotta love Lunars). Clue yields the classic: Rune items, some more firelighters, and a handful of sharks. Well, I knew this collection goal would take awhile, but I was hoping for some beginners luck.

    After I checked the Exp on my last load of Trees, I found myself 210k exp away from 89 Farming, so the rest of that will be done with Herbs and Bushes. I can't wait for bushes with Wolpertinger, double exp and profit? If only these charms would gather themselves....




    Stay tuned

  5. I use guthans, with rune def, whip and Nietiznot helm normally equip, putting on Guthan helma dn spear for healing. Bones to peaches tabs also help. Pray range if you have 2 or more cannoners on you, and USE A FIGHTER FAMILIAR. They greatly speed up kills down there, and healing isn't an issue with guthans. 5%-15% prayers work, but guthans has low prayer, so I'm not sure if you wanna use those. If you don't, use beserker prayer on Curse prayer book, the drain ti very slow and deflect melee is good against dwogres.


    Dunno what else to tell you except good luck

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