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Posts posted by Xg4m3r

  1. because your body completes a circuit that allows an electrical current to flow through it




    what is the 6.02*10^23rd digit of pi? :twisted:






    Well, including the 3 at the start, the 23rd digit of Pi would be 3.1415926535897932384626






    6.02 times 10^6 = 6020000






    Why am I currently building a plane out of balsa wood and electronic components?

  2. Today's DK trip was the decider, whether I continued to do it with the usual team of 3 hybriders and our special mage, or drop dk for other goals. What a decider it was.




    Trip lasted the best part of 2 hours, or 120 minutes.






    In that time we managed to reap many runes and knives also collecting:












    Splitting that up gives 1m + 533k + 100k, or 1.63m per person.


    Not bad for one trip's worth.

  3. Indeed, the trip was going as good as it could, until. A rex spawn ON-TOP of us, forces us to move out.. therefore slowing down our supreme attacks. Then prime spawns, I switch my prayer and shout to Hart, too late, he has ran towards prime, movement making prime attack him. BOOM. one hit KO. :(. I run round like a maniac, managing to pluck his helm off the top of the pile.. as I go in and out of the room plucking off pots from the pile. It just wasn't enough to get to the 0 spear at the bottom. I feel so bad!




    My death previously, however.. helped me become more aware of spawns and so I survived, though teleing out with only Hart's helm.






    >.< :uhh:

  4. As I was casually slaying Kurasks, my friend brought up the subject of those little bird eggs you can find in a nest while woodcutting, or get as a paid for reward from Manage Thy Kingdom in Miscellania.




    Currently, there is NO use for a birds egg but to sit gathering dust as wasted bank slot, only kept in hope of a useful update that may require them.




    Then, it hit me. A combat-related idea for these colourful collectables.


    Firstly, i'll start with the introduction of.. the FRYING PAN! Yes, okay there is currently a frying pan in the RFD chest, but since when have you been able to use a weapon to cook food?




    Anyway, if the frying pan in RFD wasn't changed so it could be used as a utensil here is the frying pan, for frying.








    Anyway, the basic idea of an egg + a frying pan is to make a fried egg, right? NOTE: THIS egg would only heal 3hp!





    + eggak3.png = friedeggxh8.png




    So, by implementing the colour of the birds egg into the same method, we get coloured fried eggs! Right so now your probably thinking, poor child. Lol, just keep reading.




    Each of these new coloured fried eggs would have a unique special effect when eaten, not only would this rare food be untradeable, it would heal 35 hp and have an effect that would last 10 minutes depending on the colour, read on.






    ----> friedrbeggkg1.png




    Red fried egg effect = Anti dragon fire for 10 mins. (No shield or potion required).






    ----> friedgbeggoy6.png




    Green fried egg effect = Poison immunity for 10 mins.






    ----> friedbbeggqy5.png




    Blue fried egg effect = Ability to cast water spells without the need for death runes for 10 mins.






    That's basicly everything, comments please, good? bad? childish? i'd like to hear them all.





    Credits to SirHartlar for reminding me about eggs and a slightly odd suggestion that wasn't included in this. :P

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