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  1. I tried posting on the official forums but no response so I'm going to copy and paste. I'm currently doing love story and I got up to the point where I need to do the puzzle in the chipped tablet. I'm having tons of trouble with the top of the puzzle. The bottom was finished within 2 minutes and was quite simple for me. The top however has been pestering me for a while now, and I've tried many different combinations to route the power. I attempted to look for a solved variant of the puzzle and it appears different from mine, while the top looks the same. All the dead spaces are consistent but the point from which power starts the flow from is placed differently. Are there many variants of the puzzle or am I experiencing a glitch? If needed, I can take a screenshot. Edit: never mind, can a mod please delete this?
  2. This is all part of Jagex's plan! You see, with the statuettes and 26king, the market suffered tons of inflation. With not being able to save items, it'll take money out of the game reducing inflation. Perhaps when we are back where we started Jagex can think of a better idea. Time will tell if this update is good.
  3. Quite a boring read. All I want to know is where the postbag for June is!
  4. Awesome update! 7-11 is much closer to my home than Target, within 7-8 mins walking distance. Makes it a lot easier to get members now for me.
  5. Double cosmic, deaths, and double astrals aren't bad money.
  6. What is the best method to get 70 ranged in both p2p and f2p. What is the typical exp per hour? What equipment should be used. If p2p, pref. through slayer.
  7. As of now, I am f2p with 79 firemaking. I was wondering if it would be worth it to get the flame gloves and the ring of fire when I become a member, or if I should just get 92 firemaking in f2p, and then light all the beacons in members for the adze. Will I ultimately lose exp by going for the gloves/ring?
  8. Well, since I'm f2p, I plan on superheating a lot but I don't know which ore to superheat for a balance of best mage exp, best smithing, and smallest loss possible(profit is good too :)) Should I use addy or mith bars(stats in sig).
  9. How should I go upon completing this task? It's my first greater task and if possible, I would like to use melee.
  10. I did that for the most part from 20-63, is there anything that gives a little loss, and gives alright exp?
  11. What should I make to get from 63 to 64 herblore>
  12. What can I make a minimal loss with?
  13. What should I high alch. To make a small profit, or no profit(no loss). I need to alch 1722 times for my desired lvl.
  14. So the rest of the quest can be done without boosts?
  15. About how many boosts will be needed for WGS if I have 62 farming, 63 herblore and 72 magic. At what points of the quest will I need to take the boosts?
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