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Posts posted by Drgn01

  1. Well, like Twr, it depends weither he took something or not. When the time's up, whatever is in the bank will be under the protection of the PIN. However, this is a very unlikely situation, so it's hardly something you should worry about :?




    If you don't want the PIN anymore (not really recommended, as it's always good to have a second defence agains't hackers), there is an option, once your PIN is up, to take it off.




    Hope that answered your questions #-o




    Edit: Sorry, answered while you asked other question.

  2. Well obviously... Without a pin your bank can be opened with just a single click.


    Exactly. I'm pretty sure it takes a while to take the PIN off, so during that time you could use your Recovery Questions to get your password back and change it.

  3. Are you asking how to make cash without having to spend any? The only way of doing that would be to mine the ores and smelt them yourself :?




    Not exactly sure of the precise number of bars, but you'd have to calculate how much GP you use per bar (cost of iron and coal), then find out how many bars you need to make to get 500k, then find out how many to cover expences of how much you spent.




    Hope that's understandable :shock:

  4. Personally, in my opinion, PKing in F2P isn't a good way to make cash (especially if you aren't a really good PKer and don't have a really good pure/PKer)




    This really belongs in PK Help section, so if you posted this there, you'd probably get better answers and suggestions.

  5. First off, thank you for explaining everything that you mentioned. I've had quite a few experiences, out of this forum, where topics would just be crushed, and people would just say "Your so dumb, who cares??!" But like you said, Tip.it does seem to be quite different.




    I was under the impression that communities had quite a few things in common. As I now see, I was wrong #-o




    I would also have to agree with the fact that there would need to be a lot more work for the mods. So as much as I think it's not fair to double-post, to, like you said, enforce that rule would be a huge amount of work.




    I never exactly thought about that, but you're right :P If the topic isn't that good, and no one replies, then it doesn't really need to be kept active/alive. I was just really used to RSC, that I guess I didn't think it would be a big difference between the two communities.




    Thanks for the reply :)




    Any other comments?

  6. Well, I'm not sure either to be honest, but you could probably find out by making comparisons. Like, if you stop burning sharks at 94 with gauntlets, then monkfish are most likely before that (if you can used gauntlets to help with them), since you can cook monkfish before sharks.


    Sorry if that didn't really help, but that's the best info I could find/think of :?

  7. Here are just some questions I've been wondering about:




    1) In the stronghold of security you can double click the door so that you don't have to answer the question to pass through the door - is this bug abuse?




    2) Often when ranging, swarms appear but they can't attack you because you are on a safespot, so they stay around for 20 minutes or so - is this bug abuse?




    3) What does ftw stand for?




    4) What does Pl0x mean?




    I appreciate your answering these questions.


    1) Was it for the door that you have to answer? Not just the first door before the question door? If it was the questions door, I'm not quite sure. I think this also happened to me once as well, but I thought it was a just the first door. Jagex has probably already gotten other comments about this as well, so if they haven't fixed it yet, then I wouldn't call it exactly bug abuse. Sorry if that didn't exactly help.




    2) I'm almost positive that that isn't bug abuse. The swarm, as well as other attacking random events, normally disapear once you run a certain length away. But if you're on a safespot, and it doesn't/can't attack you. It will just stay there for approx. 20 minutes (not sure about exact time, but you know). This is just like using the safespot to attack in-game monsters. It isn't abuse.




    3) FTW stands for For The Win.




    4) Sometimes people will say "Pl0x" or "plox" or "pl0xors", ect. They normally say this to "sound 1337", or to sort of make fun of someone or themselves -.- It's kinda hard to explain in words :P




    Hope this helped! :D

  8. You're right, the only white cape is Legends. However, there are "non-official" white gloves and boots.




    Simply use cooking gauntlets and desert boots. :wink:


    Although, to wear cooking gauntlets, you need to have completed Family Crest. Mime Gloves can be used instead, however I find they are slightly darker :?




    There are also actual "white gloves and boots", but a quest is needed to wear them.

  9. Sorry mate, don't think so.




    If his name is "QuickDeliver", then you should be able to find it. The maximum number of letters in an account's name is 12, and that's 12 letters.


    thast not his name correctly anyways its a variation like quckdeliver or something like that darn my bad memory


    Sorry to hear that man.




    But like everyone else said, there isn't any system out there like that :( It would probably be extremely hard to find it, even if there was, because there would be several accounts with variations of that name as well :?

  10. You can get good, matching boots and gloves at a very small price at the Canifis Clothing shop. There are also good capes at the Relleka Clothing shop, however you'll need to finish the quest Freminik Trials.




    If you're looking for a pretty good cape without having to complete a quest, perhaps you should get a team cape.

  11. What other type of data are you looking for? I'm assuming your asking that you want to know weither a weapon is slow, medium or fast? Rather then just the speed in seconds?




    If so, I'm quite sure they have that in the Knowledge Base at Runescape.com

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