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Posts posted by Auberean

  1. It's easy to dislike people sometimes. People can be rude, start fights for no reason, or do things that can't even be explained. But have you ever reached a point where you really, in the truest sense of the word, hated someone?




    Here's how I feel. I believe that people do bad things to each other all the time, but I highly doubt that actions are carried out solely because it feels good for some people to cause harm to others, except maybe in a few of the stranger circumstances. It's really hard for me to hate someone when I start to think about the fact that maybe they don't have total control over what they're doing.




    Make sense? I don't know. Is there anyone out there that you really hate, and why?

  2. It wasn't so much a problem with my organizational skills as it was a problem with half of the games not being reported, even though I extended the deadline a week. From those dismal results there seemed to be no reason to continue, even with my game. Half the people that signed up never showed their faces again.

  3. This isn't about the format of the tip.it forums themselves, I have no intention of having anything changed. This is just a discussion. Go look up irony.








    One of the main functions of the Off-Topic forum is to discuss things that aren't within the realm of Runescape. Things like religion, economics, and the NFL playoffs. But what seems to happen aren't so much discussions as they are lots of different people voicing their opinions, and ignoring everything else. Most of the time, people post information without any thought to the reality of the situation.








    What I wonder is: What do you get out of discussions in the Off-Topic forum? How do you find it possible to deduct any type of conclusion from the information of others, information which is steeped in opinion? Do you even try? Do you really find any point in rational discussion when most people have their idea of truth deeply embedded within themselves?

  4. I wouldn't say easily, it'll probably be a tough battle. I don't see much problem from Edwards, but Hillary clinton has a strong group of supporters, although she suffers from not being "likable". Obama does seem to be a Kennedy-like figure, but unless the Republicans fail to find a votable canididate, Obama's inexperience will probably lead to his downfall. But that's just what I think right now.



    You cant complete end racism, but one thing the government does to support it is having hate crimes, that just supports the fact that we are different








    I don't understand what you're saying.








    A hate crime is basically a crime, but if you do it against someone who is not your race then your sentencing could be A LOT worse. All this does is seperate us into groups and supports the fact that we are all different








    Oh, I agree. I just wasn't making the connection for some reason.

  6. Some people just weren't born with natural ability, or were placed into a situation where they were unable to build up what can be called "intelligence".








    You can go around calling people stupid, but the truth of the matter is that you don't have enough information to make that kind of decision. How hard people worked to get wherever they are isn't entirely in their control, so you can't do things such as make fun of people who work at Taco Bell just because they dropped out of college. You don't know the problems that person may have faced. Sure, it works sometimes, but there's also the chance that you'll just come off as an [wagon].








    Edit: I can't say that? I'm suprised.

  7. Enslaved? That's a little extreme. I don't know, I suppose that there are people who say that they don't care about what other people think, and wear whatever they like. I also suppose that those people are liars. Still, enslaved is a pretty big word to use.

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