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Posts posted by Auberean

  1. All games will be played using Yahoo Chess. All games will be G/45, with 0 second increments. This means that each player will have 45 total minutes of game time to use before they surrender on time. If you don't know what this means, or if you need any help setting it up using the yahoo system, just ask. Everyone will be paired using the Swiss System, an explanation of which can be found at that link. There will be five rounds.








    The Players/Current Rankings




    Forum Username -- Yahoo ID








    unknownmasterofnothing -- kenneyy88 (0-0-0)




    hiimben -- hiimben1 (0-0-0)




    knightlite -- purebloood (0-0-0)




    issy2 -- issy3256017 (0-0-0)




    devilsdragon -- dark_wolf274 (0-0-0)




    speedofsound -- A_fishers_son (0-0-0)




    jackalope14 -- jackalope16 (0-0-0)




    Auberean - AubereanC (0-0-0)




    incognito -- Tarty_Knickers (0-0-0)




    darkmage099 -- Bassguitarxplyr (0-0-0)




    azntemplar_00 -- harken203 (0-0-0)




    Notorious_Ice -- notorious_ice90 (0-0-0)




    sanday79 -- illogikal79 (0-0-0)




    fadfdfd -- mikenep24 (0-0-0)




    kelem_ryu -- kelem_ryu (0-0-0)








    Pairings For December 10th, 2006




    Left=White, Right=Black








    unknownmasterofnothing -- Auberean




    incognito -- hiimben




    knightlite -- darkmage099




    azntemplar_00 -- issy2




    devilsdragon -- Notorious_Ice




    sanday79 -- speedofsound




    jackalope14 -- kelem_ryu








    fadfdfd (Bye)








    The winner reports the games. Any instances of lying should be brought to me. We have 15 players so someone had to get a bye for the first round, sorry about that.








    You have until Sunday, December 17th, 3 P.M. E.S.T. to complete your games. If one player does not show up for a game, the other wins. If both players do not show up, the game is drawn. No games after that date will be accepted, because we'll already be in the next round.








    I think I'm forgetting some things, so...if you have any questions, feel free to ask.




    Typing class was pointless...They FORCE you to type in a way that may not be natural to you. For instance, typing in the "proper" (home-row) fashion, I type like 20 WPM, but typing in my own way, I type over 90.








    I thought they taught that style because when done properly, it's faster? Or maybe it just does less damage to your hands? Heard that somewhere.








    They probably teach it because they like to give everything it's own system and discourage people from being creative, lol.








    Personally, I never typed "properly" in the class. I passed doing it my way.








    I think it's because Frank Gilbreth Sr. taught his kids that system, and they became the fastest typists in the state(as well as being able to do two digit numbers in their heads faster then calculators)








    Yeah, that sounds a little more likely.



    Is the policy out of date? Yes. The aliens sneak into our country illegally, have a child, then are allowed to stay here and are given money! All of my living family (and many that are no longer living) were all born here in the US but we don't get free money from the government. I don't mind if they stay in the country, but why should we give them money!? They broke the law to get here, don't give the criminals money! Gah, makes me angry..








    I can relate. I despise welfare. I'm not saying some people don't use it correctly, but some just use it to buy uneeded things. For example, I remember this kid who had gotten $2000 welfare, so what did he do with it you ask? He went out and bought a $1000 pair of shoes!! Garhh!! That makes me angry, because that's my parents well earned money. Given to these lazy people who can't work and earn a living like everyone else. You should not be buying these kinds of things unless you deserve them!! This is one reason I don't agree with Democrats, because they support higher welfare. :XD:








    I don't know how a kid got $2k welfare, but he's dumb if he spent half of it on some sneakers. They should be rather handed food coupons and other stuff non-exchangeable for money if they're caught doing that.








    They're still allowed to take money from the government without paying back








    It's not that simple. You pay less rent for your house if it was built by illegal immigrants, because the building costs were less. You pay less for some products because illegal immigrants may have produced them.








    If they really were an economic threat, they'd arrest all millions of them and send them back to Mexico. They're not. They will do jobs some american people wont even accept. They are an economic benefit.








    I've never really thought of it that way. I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject, so I'm open to most other people's ideas.








    Still, doesn't a system like this just perpetuate poor education? And what do you think it is saying to people who actually took the steps to obtain their citizenship?

  4. The deficit is caused because:








    Among the largest costs are Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion).











    I don't see anywhere being said the money is just shoved in front of them, they use the same services as other americans do (they *are* humans with needs). The $2.7k per household is clearly caused because they work below minimum wage. How do you expect them to earn more, say $40k a year like an average american?








    They're still allowed to take money from the government without paying back. What is it that makes America responsible for helping out the uneducated? This isn't about race, it's about citizenship. The first thing an illegal immigrant does is break the law by entering illegally. If that's the first thing they do and they get away with it, it says little about our system and teaches that the government can be stolen from. What I'm concerned with is that these people take the steps necessary to become citizens.


    That's not to say every single immigrant sits around and does nothing all day, but there still are a large portion who do, costing states (mainly California) billions of dollars each year.
















    I'm not real big on online sources, but this should be enough. You can search around on google if you want to find more links.
















    Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $26.3 billion in costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only $16 billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of almost $10.4 billion, or $2,700 per illegal household.








    Many of the costs associated with illegals are due to their American-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth. Thus, greater efforts at barring illegals from federal programs will not reduce costs because their citizen children can continue to access them.








    Although, there is another interesting factor to this.








    If illegal aliens were given amnesty and began to pay taxes and use services like households headed by legal immigrants with the same education levels, the estimated annual net fiscal deficit would increase from $2,700 per household to nearly $7,700, for a total net cost of $29 billion.








    The tax problem also seems to be caused by low education levels. It's interesting to see what we'll do and what will happen, because I'm really not able to predict anything with any degree of accuracy right now.

  6. Typing class was pointless...They FORCE you to type in a way that may not be natural to you. For instance, typing in the "proper" (home-row) fashion, I type like 20 WPM, but typing in my own way, I type over 90.








    I thought they taught that style because when done properly, it's faster? Or maybe it just does less damage to your hands? Heard that somewhere.





    Where do we draw the line between helping others and preserving our own quality of life











    That's not the immigration issue at all. Allowing immigration isn't altruistic. Immigrants tend to do lower paid work, which means that you can buy things like houses, and get service in restaurants, for a cheaper price.








    The UK has recently had a similar debate... since the UK recently opened up its borders to some Eastern European countries, and had 600,000 immigrants (in a country with a population of about 60m) when the government had predicted 16,000. Sounds like a disaster? Far from it:








    "80% of new arrivals in the UK are working people aged between 18 and 35"








    "One study, by the accountancy firm Grant Thornton, concluded that as much as one percentage point of UK growth in 2005 and 2006 was contributed by migrants."








    Most people in this thread are talking about immigrants getting welfare. But no one has posted any figures. I expect the figures are similar to the UK. Immigrants work hard, and aren't on welfare.








    And this is related to the debate about the 14th Amendment... because you are all assuming that the problem with it is that immigrants are cheating the system to get citizenship, and then lounging about taking your tax money. Far from it.








    (and for the record.. I'm not massively liberal when it comes to these kinds of social issues. I've lived in an area of the UK that has a high proportion of migrants, and it makes me a bit uncomfortable. But, you can't argue with figures like those above.)








    Maybe I was going a little off-topic there. The main point of my argument, or what I was trying to make it, is that immigrants protected by their citizen children are given federal benefits regardless of whether or not they pay taxes. That's not to say every single immigrant sits around and does nothing all day, but there still are a large portion who do, costing states (mainly California) billions of dollars each year.

  8. To be honest, you won't learn anything through playing with play money online. People cold call for the hell of it, see the blind with whatever hand, just because they can.











    Some of the better information in this thread.


    I've never really liked how most of the people recognized as "smart" work so hard for their degrees because their parents told them to, and never really thought about what they wanted to do with their lives. Otherwise, school isn't so bad.








    But put yourself in the parents' shoes, when you (if you do) became a parent, wouldn't it be nice to have a cute little robot bidding your will all his/her life? Tell him to get good grades, check. Make a million and give half of it to daddy. Check.








    You are right though, most "smart" people only study because they've been brainwashed by their parents. I have to disagree partially though because when I was in school I did meet some truly smart people who studied and were good at it because of their own motivation.








    I know, not everyone is like that. I just think one of the more important factors of education (or at least, one that makes it enjoyable) is wanting to learn about what you're interested in.








    I once asked a previous high school Valedictorian why she wanted to become a doctor. "Uhhhh.....".

  10. The main point of this post is "Does the 14th Amendment need updating?"








    Everyone else seems to be turing it into a discussion of illegal immigration and immigrants' rights in general. Which is basically a whole 'nother issue in itself ("Where do we draw the line between helping others and preserving our own quality of life").


    Going past the international date line does nothing. I've crossed it over 10 times, if not 20. All it is is a way to keep the eastern hemisphere away from the west. Nothing happens when you cross it, you don't fly back in time or anything.








    I ment fly around the WORLD and cross it withing a day.








    Then...you'd be back where you started, albeit you arrived there at an astronomical rate.













    I believe that was it's basic intention though, I think it was supposed to be a constitutional affirmation of the (reversal) of the Dred Scott case.








    Yet the supreme court does not agree with your belief. How strange.








    You've lost me. Elaborate?








    The supreme court has always seen this law as being applicable to all races, not just blacks.








    Oh, of course. I was just stating that African-Americans were one of the main reasons the Amendment was brought up at that time. The whole Citizenship issue was already delt with in the Civil Rights Act of 1866.











    I believe that was it's basic intention though, I think it was supposed to be a constitutional affirmation of the (reversal) of the Dred Scott case.








    Yet the supreme court does not agree with your belief. How strange.








    You've lost me. Elaborate?












    The Government does not deport the child, and instead, allows it and any members of it's family (legal or not) to remain in America, while receiving welfare benefits.








    Has it ever occurred to you that maybe immigrants, you know, come here to work and build up their savings so that their children can have normal lives? Living on welfare isn't as fun as you two think it is.








    My point there was that the illegal immigrants collect benefits without paying taxes.












    This Amendment was passed shortly after the Civil War, mostly as protection for all of the African-Americans that had recently been released from bondage.








    The 14th amendment is based on english common law. If it was only intended for blacks, it would have had the words "African-Americans."








    I believe that was it's basic intention though, I think it was supposed to be a constitutional affirmation of the (reversal) of the Dred Scott case.

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