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Posts posted by Auberean


    Haha, even though Judaism is a pretty minor religion








    ...are you kidding me?








    Judaism is a pretty small religion. Not even half of one percent in the entire world, I believe.


    Day 1 - Haven't gotten yet








    I don't get much considering I'm 1/2 of both. :x
















    Hanukkah is a Jewish Holiday.












    Never heard of it before.










    I don't want some guy with his Masters performing my laser eye surgery








    You're right about that one, I was referring more to jobs like business where personality can also play a big role. Some jobs like a chirugeon may require 10+ years of work experience in the field and possibly a doctorate. But I was talking about the time immediately after you graduate.








    Yeah, it would seem that the answer to most college and income-related questions is "it depends".



    For example, if you are just a high school graduate, you can never earn a whole lot of money per year. (I believe you can only work minimum-wage.)
















    Words of ignorance (as well as 'doctorates earn more'). In todays world a doctorate isn't even necessary, it will just take you 3 more years (or even more) to graduate and people with a master's degree will earn more by then.








    But that one was ridiculous though.








    There are some occasions where you need a Doctorate, though. I don't want some guy with his Masters performing my laser eye surgery. My point being that some jobs in society require extensive training.








    Still, things like that piss me off. You shouldn't be trying to help people make life-altering decisions when you have information like that.

  5. Every once in a while I'll have a continuation of a recurring dream. I can't think of anything when I try, but when it happens, I wake up and realize "oh, that dream started when I was 6". Then, I promptly forget.








    My subconscious is so weird.




    i quit school because you do not learn much that you need for a job in life.








    im an apprentice carpenter and my I.Q is 144 (44 higher then average) and yea, school was just 2 boring / a waste of time to me so i went out got a job and make cash irl








    Good job in completely screwing up your life. You will be stuck with blue-collar jobs your whole life, and with the rate of unemployment, especially in blue-collar jobs, your future likely could be screwed. Plus. as an adult, going back to get your HS and college degree is extremely difficult. I feel bad for any family you may have in the future.








    Viktor, what makes you think that having a blue collar job will screw up his life?




    Because he's not doing the best job he can. Working at a casino won't screw up his life, but he'll be doing very poorly - and definately not what he's capable of.








    Go back to school man. sad010.gif








    My father never went to college, and he still pulls half a million a year. What am I going to do? I'm going to stay in college as long as possible, and get my Doctorate. Obvious, yeah?








    Sweeping generalizations are bad.

  7. I did, what Im saying is where do i find the tourny on yahoo! ?








    I'll be running the tournament, we're just using yahoo to play the games. I don't really know enough about the yahoo system to feel comfortable with letting it match people, if it can even do that.

  8. I'll join. I should be an easy win for people but oh well.




    My yahoo name is jackalope16








    So this is a round robin type of tournament?








    Er..no. Swiss System.








    I'll join, issy3256017. What kind of chess are we doing? There's Yahoo! Standard or DaVinci Code Chess, lol.








    Just regular chess.

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