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    Orlando, Florida
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  1. It seems im not the only one f2p, and i share the same problem with autoers. Checkout karajama and rimmington yew trees! I reported at least 100 robots the other day. But they keep coming back, i don't know if jagex really bans them or justs warns them. :wall:
  2. there is a major problem with those robotic noobs called cheaters you know, check it out for yourself.
  3. You guys might not help me but im a f2p. What is the fattest way to make money because i just spent a whole bunch, and all of it came from lesser drops! The best way for me is yews but from all the macreors(not spelled right i know) they have taken over. They are like Agent Smith from the matrix you know. I can't make any money off my skills anymore! :evil: :wall:
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