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Posts posted by Zandalf

  1. If you're looking for an interesting way to make cash and train skills at the same time, you could try battlestaffs. Not many people do this because it's a bit of work, but it's great cash.




    First, raise your crafting 3 levls to 54. Shouldn't take long if you offer free flax spinning at seers. Probably half an hour if you've got two or three flax runners.




    Then make a lot of glass orbs. Check around for the best methods on making molten glass.




    Then enchant them all at the water obelisk.




    Then go to the mage guild and buy battlestaffs for 7k. Add your orb and alch for 9.3k. Switch worlds whenever the store runs out of battlestaffs.

  2. Kilo - Even easier is to go to the desert wearing a god cape and let the bandits attack you for hours and hours. But many (including myself) consider this AFK training, and don't really like it.




    However, this list is for simple things. I'm not listing the easiest way to gain combat/skill exp. I'm listing the most efficient way to get simple tasks done.




    Thanks for your input anyway :wink: . Do you have any tricks involving simple tasks you think I should put up?

  3. Malhavok:




    I've never mined gold in Keldagrim - is there a bank nearby?




    I'm gonna put the nix on the crafting guild for clay - I can think of several clay mining places with closer banks.




    Can you fill in any of the other question marks on the list?




    Thanks for the support!

  4. Thanks for the input, um_bong0. But I think those are a bit too "complicated" for my list.




    Raising skill or combat xp is really a subjective matter. I only want objective facts on this list. Anyone with a stopwatch can tell that varrock is the best place to smith (or at least until someone posts a faster place... :) ), but if I put down that spiders are the best place to train combat in f2p, many people will have different ideas.




    Got anything simpler? I'd love to get your name on the list.

  5. It struck me today that a lot of people in runescape do really inefficient things just because they don't know any better.




    I'm trying to write a guide about the fastest place to do simple tasks. This will be a simple guide for doing simple things. It will be a list. It will list a simple task and the best, fastest, and most efficient location in which to do that task.




    I am not listing complicated tasks like merchanting, making friends, raising combat/skill levels, or playing minigames. I'm listing simple tasks like collecting snape grass, filling vials with water, mining clay, collecting seaweed, and so on and so forth.




    I am compiling this guide with input from users of this forum. If you think you know a fast and efficient way of doing a simple task, please post it here and I'll credit you. If you think something on my list is wrong, post your correction, and if you're right, I'll change it and credit you. Likewise, if you want to know the fastest place to do something, please post your question here too.




    If the list gets long enough, I'll move it (or ask a mod to move it) to the Archive of Wisdom.




    The List:







    • [*:335t12xv]Mining iron to keep: Fishing colony (swan song) (Nezikchened)
      [*:335t12xv]Mining iron to keep: Khazard mine (without swan song)
      [*:335t12xv]Mining iron to drop: Al-kharid (bashful)
      [*:335t12xv]Mining gold: Keldagrim (Malhavok)
      [*:335t12xv]Mining clay: Grand tree (Malhavok)
      [*:335t12xv]Mining pure essence: Magic guild (bashful)
      [*:335t12xv]Mining coal: Mining guild (Malhavok)
      [*:335t12xv]mining coal: coal trucks(snipersas)
      [*:335t12xv]Mining mithril:New Lumbridge mine (Malhavok)
      [*:335t12xv]Mining adamant:New Lumbridge swamp mine (Supermonk)


    • [*:335t12xv]Collecting seaweed: Rellekka shore with lyre tele
      [*:335t12xv]Collecting snape grass: waterbirth with lunar magic
      [*:335t12xv]Collecting flax:Lletya
      [*:335t12xv]Collecting flour in f2p:?
      [*:335t12xv]Collecting eggs in f2p:?


    • [*:335t12xv]Chopping magic logs:Lletya(Supermonk)
      [*:335t12xv]Chopping maples: Behind seers bank (ragusprime)
      [*:335t12xv]Chopping willows: draynor
      [*:335t12xv]Chopping willows, no bank: North east of Ardy mining spot (JoeDaStudd)
      [*:335t12xv]Chopping willows for dropping: South of rimmington(Free Steel1)
      [*:335t12xv]Chopping yews: Seers (bashful)
      [*:335t12xv]Chopping oak: Seers/CW (bashful)
      [*:335t12xv]Chopping regular trees : North fally or north Yanille (bashful)

    Altering items

    • [*:335t12xv]Filling things with water: lumbridge basement
      [*:335t12xv]Spinning flax: Lumbridge (bashful)
      [*:335t12xv]Fill buckets with sand: Yanille
      [*:335t12xv]Cooking on a Fire: Rogue's Den (Malhavok)
      [*:335t12xv]Cooking on a range: Catherby (Multiple people)
      [*:335t12xv]Smith in bulk: Varrock
      [*:335t12xv]Smelt in bulk: Port Phantasmys


    • [*:335t12xv]Fletching bows: CW bank chest
      [*:335t12xv]Killing chickens: Champions Guild (jonas_berggren)
      [*:335t12xv]Fly Fishing: Shilo Village (deadpolkadots1)
      [*:335t12xv]Firemaking with banked logs: Yanille- down the side of the bank(Wizard111111)
      [*:335t12xv]Whatever YOU know how to do well: wherever (yournamehere)










    If you have a NEW item for the list and want to make my job easier, copy this green stuff into your post and change the relevant information (include the "code" business):


    [code][*][b]Whatever the task is[/b]: The place ([color=green]yourname[/color])


  6. I've read through the posts here and I think most of the posters (heh heh heh) are missing the grand picture.




    Every skill (except stupid firemaking) has advantages for getting high levels. In most cases, this advantage consists of making you increasing amounts of money. Examples: When you get your fletching high enough, you can turn fairly cheap raw materials into alchable goods for a substantial profit. When you get your agility up, you can save time by using shortcuts.




    I could list advantages for every skill. (sidenote: actually, thieving might also fall into the firemaking category. But I digress.) People increase their skill levels to gain these advantages.




    The Slayer skill is no exception. But with the falling whip prices, the incentive to raise the slayer skill levels falls as well. Think about it: why does anyone increase their slayer level past 55? To kill mutated zygomites? To camp out at the dust devils? To try to get granite legs from skeletal wyverns?




    I don't think so.




    Everyone who levels slayer past 55 has his (or her) eye on 85. If the price of the whip falls below the point where camping out at the abyssal demons is no longer profitable, people will quit raising their slayer levels. It's not like dragon chains, where any kind of training will eventually make you able to battle the kq. To get to 85 slayer, you have to do a whole lot of specific - and sometimes unprofitable - training. People won't do that training if there's no decent incentive at the end of the rainbow.




    Expect Jagex to come out with a new slayer monster (with a 87-95 slayer requirement) that drops something spectacular - better than the whip. Expect this to happen when the whip market plateus below the profitability line. Could be within 3 months.

  7. Hey y'all.




    I, like many of you, am running short on bank space. I am NOT trying to sell stuff in this post. I want advice about stuff to dump/sell/otherwise get rid of.




    I've already gotten rid of the seeds I don't intend to use.




    I have to keep the unids because that's how I purchase my herbs (if you don't understand, ugh, I guess I'll explain if I must).




    I keep the green d hide etc. because I like taking occasional trips into f2p.






    Here's the pic. Don't make fun of me.





  8. Great guide! You've really put some great thought into this. =D>




    One major problem: The crystal bow shoots at 25 shots/minute while the msb shoots at 35 shots a minute. So while your damage/arrow and cost/arrow analyses are great, you can't say that one will be faster than the other using this analysis.




    But again. Other than that, great job.




    I'm pretty impressed by your English too, considering you're from the Ukrane/Norway. Here are some tips:


    "Averagely" is not a word. Try "on average".


    "Boni". It's "bonuses".


    "Brutto" and "Netto." Do you mean "gross" and "net"?

  9. I don't know HTML, but I do know that if you write something in microsoft word, and then view the source code in HTML, and then copy that into a web document, it should come out looking fairly spiffy, right?




    At least I used to be able to do that.




    I just tried posting on this forum by copying source code from a word document, and it didn't work. It came out with all the tags and everything still there.




    Any tips?




    UPDATE:I am an idiot. This forum uses BBCode, with which I am unfamiliar. I will research this and figure it out.




    UPDATE: Figured it out. Thanks :wink:

  10. I love clues. In fact, treasure trails are one of the major reasons I like this game. I always get a big burst of excitement when I see I've gotten a clue drop.




    But two simultaneous clue drops? Wow!




    I was doing cave horrors for slayer. I dds spec'd one, taking it past half damage, but before it could attack me back, another one attacked me. I killed the second one, and it dropped a clue. Hooray! Then, before picking up the clue, I finished off the first one. The first one dropped a clue too! On the ground at my feet were two clues!! I picked one up, and then clicked the second one. "You already have a clue scroll," the game said.








    I snapped this screenshot at that point:






    I took both clues back to the mos'le harmles bank (via an awkward series of dropping and picking up) to see if one could be deposited and the other picked up. No dice. I picked the one with coordinates outside the wildy, and sadly watched the other one disappear at my feet.

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