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Everything posted by colinr54

  1. I will never understand the motive behind what Jagex has done today, and in the recent past, to attempt to stop people from breaking the rules. There's a saying that goes something like "cut off the head of the snake, and the body dies," which is usually applied to situations where a leader is killed and its followers disappear. Metaphorically speaking, if runescape were a snake, its community would be the head, the biggest thing keeping us together. A lot of the important things in our community, the things that kept us addicted to this pixelated game, were/will be cut off due to recent updates. Me and a friend have coexisted in a well known runescape environment just shy of three years, sharing rares, expensive items/weapons, supplies for skilling, and much more, giving gifts on holidays, almost like a runescape brotherhood. I was the skiller, he was the PKer, two parts of a whole runescape experience. Now, after the new update, he is most likely going to quit, and it has made me think alot about the time I spend on this game, and its made me realize how much my life of skilling depended on my friend being there with me, eating up the things i made/helped him get, making everything run smoothly. Take that away, and why am I here? To achieve skill capes, try to make money, achieve wealth, and wallow in my self righteousness? I don't play this game for wealth/fame/money/success, I play it to have fun with my friends, and as a group progress bettering ourselves in runescape. *sigh* I don't care if anybody reads this or not, it feels good to rant either way. The one question I have to jagex; is getting rid of the real world trading really worth the enjoyment of thousands of players? Is it really that big of a problem, that they have to ruin the game? Maybe I don't understand the big deal about real world item trading, so what if somebody gets wealthy by buying it, as long as jagex keeps it under some control, so the prices of items aren't outrageous, does it really hurt the game?
  2. wow your idea is great and really well thought out i wish jagex would make this the bank... have any mods or p mods seen this sugestion lol
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