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Everything posted by Athyron

  1. Ack double post!!!! This post no longer exists as it was...
  2. Now, you may have joined a clan but dont really care. You neglect talking to the members and dont participate in the supposed "events" I have figured out ways to make you want to join a clan! :thumbsup: 1. A new friends list. An icon on your friends list brings you to the clan members list. 2. Ability for everyone to build a clan HQ which any member can visit anytime. 3. An icon on the clan members list brings you to the events list. You have events, times, and places for members to meet. The leader of the clan can add the events here. They can mass message the members (you can turn this off), or designate an heir if he decides to quit Runescape. 4. An NPC in Varrock where you can register with a clan or start a new one. When you register with a clan you automatically get added to the members list. You need to get 10 members in 5 days upon registering your clan or else it will be deleted. 5. A thumbnail next to the chat panel where you can bring up globalized clan chat. everyone in your clan can speak here. There would be a little symbol next to the clan leader's name. 6. In order to join the clan you must submit an application to the clan leader and they can interview you to decide if you may join. 7. Regulations: the clan leader may set regulations for whether a person can join based on their level. People who dont meet these regulations cannot submit an application at all. Example: less than level 70 combat cannot submit an application Clan Cape: At the clan register the clan leader can design a clan cape. They could choose from among a wide range of design graphics or upload an image from their computer (just an idea....) Clan HQ: There is a chest with a clan stash where you can add or take items. There would be a clan karma system where you couldnt take out much more than you added to the chest. Post if you have ideas! :thumbsup:
  3. It would just quicken the pace of the game. That would be why the first 5 minutes are critical. The other team can get favor too you know. The minigame wouldnt get boring as fast as, say castlewars! :roll: woohoo lets go kill some people as they come out of the respawn gate! As for the rewards maybe we do need some good rewards. Runescape has extremely slow pacing but it's not that way by mistake. Jagex will make sure the rewards arent that good :-w
  4. uhm... i support, but... this idea has been posted like a billion times and Jagex still hasn't paid attention! :evil: why not a trade chat box? you have to either priv message or say "go upstairs" to negotiatate prices. It's alright if you're buying something with an obvious price (nature runes) but it can get annoying, ESPECIALLY if their private message recieval is off :x
  5. hey! u forgot to add me to the supporters list.... btw I dont like the invincibality idea. If u won by becoming immortal for a short period u would never hear the end of it! It may just be a bit too cheap... Although I do like the idea of your farming community "leveling" up using the powerups... but u may have to have a longer game in that case
  6. I guess I'm gonna hafta jump! - Dangeresque 3
  7. that idea is tight. So no villlage survival :
  8. yes, i have some ideas for seasons.... in winter, well there is snow and leaves fall off the trees (obvious) The trees and flowers bloom in spring, heck if I know how summer is gonna be different (errr, greener grass and more..... bugs?). In fall you could have leaves starting to fall off trees with multicoloreed leaves. The runescape year could cycle every month, with each season being a seven days and a half long.
  9. It might be a good idea but for those who are against the mass messaging idea, when you say "bye everbody, see ya", you might get 10 messages back that say "Dont mass message me! I hate that!" There would have to be some way to turn it off... #-o
  10. Since this is such a hot topic I feel obligated to leave my two cents. =P~ This idea is awesome. It would be awesome if everyone in the first 5 minutes could pitch in to build a fort with various things (battlements, maybe. Hot oil vat over entrance !!!hot!!!) Anything that reminds me of Starcraft is awesome, if you remember that game. \ So, I support it! :thumbsup: You gotta refine the idea so much that Jagex doesnt need to spend time on brainwork and can just begin programming. May this idea be implemented ASAP! P.S I dont think it should be in Shilo Village otherwise you would be surviving in the middle of a village :?: and not the deep wilderness (neutral village zombies in the minigame attacking both sides? Who knows! :XD: ). However, it would keep noobs away who havent done the queest of the same name :-k Whatever the majority thinks, rules! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Excellent! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  11. A fight pit would be cool i s'pose. But you are fighting things the whole game. It would be nice to have a genuinely creative and fun minigame. I think Jagex should think about adding a game that we havent all played before (games room, I'm lookin at you!) but requires tactics and is different every time. Hmmmm.... :-k Btw: I guess I'm gonna hafta jump!
  12. oops. I made two same entries. Sorry
  13. Ok everybody, i think you're all missing a big point here! There are Dwarven CANNONS in Runescape!!!! What do you think they operate on? Magic? If so then you could still shoot a bullet out of a gun! The dwarves just need to advance their technology a bit more...
  14. Ok everybody, i think you're all missing a big point here! There are Dwarven CANNONS in Runescape!!!! What do you think they operate on? Magic? If so then you could still shoot a bullet out of a gun! The dwarves just need to advance their technology a bit more...
  15. It's not about how strong your team is. When someone holds the flag, people who run up tryin to kill em get slain instantly by their entourage, and it's very difficult to build a strong offensive force and get organized because everyone is runnin off and doin their own thing! I've never seen a team take the flag from the self-flag carriers. It's just not done. -.-
  16. #-o I think that the game is ruined when someone gets their own flag because people on the other team leave, which sets off a chain reaction in which everybody else leaves so you cant win
  17. The prayers are great except it would tak mythological patience to get prayers that high #-o
  18. sounds like a good quest but i hate evil bob. his random events are crap! :anxious:
  19. :oops: Well, ya, the ham robes guys arent really effective but they are actual people, people who want to at least try to get the flag instead of sittin around for 20 minutes waitin for their 2 tickets
  20. You probably know about how people can carry their own flag around with them, by right clicking [take from (username)] on a dying opponent flag carrier and then right clicking it when they die. If you were a high level you could play keep away for the whole game! :x I suggest Jagex remove this feature to allow more skill in the match -.- Do you agree :?: Its nice if its your own team but if its not the match is hopeless to win :-#
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