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Posts posted by luker2d2

  1. --- INTRO ---












    Hi before I start saying anything i would just like to ask if this is in the right area after you've red it please tell me. This is nothing that jagex can fix but its something that I can point out to other players and hope they'll stop it. It's mainley about the term "noob". What does it mean? most people will say its a low level person with nothing of any value. although I think there wrong.








    --- N00b Test ---








    So what do you think a noob is?








    So who do you think the noob is here?




    Im trying to show you a noob is an anoying person even if they are both have compete rubbish armour. the first one is not a noob because hes a friendley person. however the other one is a noob because he is asking for things that he cant do himself, asking for others things because he lost his things. So you walk up to number one and say noob! Then you reilise he in some sort of dressing contest. He quickley dashes to the bank and whips out a santa. then your like "OMG FREE STUFF PL0X?".








    so now this high level with some good armour decides to start insaulting number 1. but he dident do anything wrong he was just being friendley. sure he was wearing bad armour but does that make him any diffrent to us? If i saw this i would stand up for him but if he said it for number two i would just join in.








    --- Conclusion ---












    I hope i have changed what you think in your head about the word noob now. Basicley its someone annoying not low level and bad armour they should be able to level and work among us. The supporter list is to show that you think that noob is what i think it is not what most do.








    Supporter List





































  2. Thats an interesting sorta guide, it might come in handy in my f2p combat training. Also i would like to see the numbers after 1000 kebabs, but maybe ill havta do that myself lol, considering its just for my interests sake. (unless of cource you feel inclined to do it yourself :pray: )








    as if anyone else would be stupid egnough to

  3. Great artwork, but I can see no gun, where are the guns?








    Anyway this is great. Nice job. \'








    Wait, I see it, I thought for first that gun was a sword, silly me. By the way, is that some kinda undead beast?








    i think i saw some kind shoutgun dangeling from his arm

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