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Posts posted by HoMM88

  1. I thought this thread would rather be like "OMFG the government of Holland/Netherlands stole my RS acc!!!!!"




    Firstly, selling of Runescape accounts and gold is legally a service. Its like washing someone's car. Runescape accounts don't exist in real life - car washes don't exist as a matter either.


    Think of the same case, but replace the Runescape stuff with car washing. :mrgreen:


    (and now make some conclusions yourself after doing that)




    Secondly, threatening with a knife and beating up etc is legally punishable. The Runescape part might even not matter in question if it was a crime or not.




    Thirdly, you people view Runescape accounts/gold as something virtual and non-existant. I view it the hard effort to get higher levels, as the hours and days of gameplay you put into it, as something that does exist but just in a different way.

  2. I like most of the ideas, but this one really has me scared:



    Level 96: Ray of Light: Restore one 1 hp for every 4 damage inflicted (overhead) (Drain rate 1 every 2 seconds, same as Piety)




    It could possibly work against PVP, but it should NOT work in PVM. Seriously, any monster hunting instantly becomes easy. Food, SGS, Unicorn\Buniyp and whatnot would all be far, far outdone by this prayer. Think of how fast damage can be dealt in PVM - this is literally giving guthan-like abilitys to every weapon in every combat style.




    Inv of brews + super restores + this prayer... I don't want to even think about it. :D

  3. I am p2p, on 2 accounts, and I support.




    I pay, yet I honestly believe that f2p deserves more. Maybe that is because I have played f2p for 3 years, but still.




    This would be an excellent demo for f2p, some might be interesting in hunting more advanced monsters in p2p - KBD, KQ, etc - this could make them interested in getting members.


    Not some cheesy Gnomecopters. :P




    100% support.

  4. When you can solo this jaw dropping creature, you should have your thirst for challenge quenched for now.


    No, that actually is impossible. There's nothing out there that could let you hit often enough on the Beast, and let you heal yourself at the same time.





  5. Macroing, RWT'ing and bug abuse has never been gone.




    SRL macroing forums:


    Threads: 33,515, Posts: 432,565
    Members: 52,594, Active Members: 2,079 




    RSCA macroing forums:


    Total Members:  	35649
    Total Posts: 	218685
    Total Topics: 	6491
    Most Users Online: 	305 - June 27, 2007, 01:52:44 PM
    Average posts per day: 	470.51
    Average topics per day: 	41.33




    Both sites have been before Dec 10, and are successfully working after it too.


    I am not telling the full names of the sites, those who know, know, and those who dont, shouldn't.

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