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Posts posted by Sheynara

  1. you know i was there in spirit!!!




    gratz mate!




    btw... how hot was it today... the wether here is killing me :XD:








    and btw... is that me saying shey at 92? prolly not but meh ::'








    Thanks :D








    No Boy Power, it wasnt you, I got the level about half hour after you logged out. The person saying my name was a fan! :XD: Nahhhhh, it was someone asking if I had red chinchompas for sale, hehe I beat him down and got a marvelous price for it....Now on to buying some herblore stoofsies and get me a few levels there. \:D/








    I ABYSS RUNECRAFTED!!!!! ZOMG!!!!!!!! :ohnoes:




    Yes for the first time ever I used the abyss to runecraft, normally I go there only to repair pouches with nothing but a duel ring and some ess. Tonight I decided to give it a go and whoopieeee...I made 500 deaths before some PKers turned up, good timing as I needed to go cook dinner anyway. :-w








    *Shey ticks another thing off her scaredy cat list!* pwned!

  2. Yayyy you got your Fletch level \' Nice pics, I'm in them <3:
















    Loved the Penquin Island Oreo thanks for taking me there. :XD:








    Well I had a couple of hours to go before sleep time, so I decided to pop over to Port Phasmatys and burn some Maples I had sitting in the bank.








    So busy lighting the fires I missed the screenie! :wall:
















    Which brings my total now to 1787! :shock:












    Off to sleep now....nini Tip.It!

  3. YAYYYY!!!!!! \' \' \'








    After 2 days of solid woodcutting I did it. 94 Woodcutting. I still have a long way to go, but I can see the end now.








    Tomorrow will fletch the 4k yew logs I cut to get 92 fletching and then might go hunting for a couple of days.








    Thanks for stopping by Oreo and distracting me for a few minutes and letting me wear your hawtness robes. <3:








    And thanks everyone who has posted, the supportive messages are so awsome and give me such great motivation. :thumbsup:









  4. [hide=My Blog Archives]




    Thursday 10th May 2007




    What a party!!! Thanks everyone for coming along!!!








    We all met up outside Castle Wars and had a dance party untill it was time to go. So off we went, following Leesters. I got stuck behind a wall and Leesters group went ahead and we lost them. So wandered on down to the chinchompa hunting ground, and they werent there. Hmmm PM Leesters Where are you?" his reply "In Yanille!" eh??








    So we finally all met up at the hunting spot and there were so many people there Valerie couldn't find me, I couldn'd find her and then we finally did.








    Leesters sung his song to us! You can read his song in Valeries Blog!








    So we were ready to go!!








    Valerie set her trap, I set mine!....we waited......no chinchompas.




    We reset them up again...waited....I got a chinchompa and Valerie didn't. What a mix up lol well we finally leveled and the messages of congratulations filled the entire screen...oh my it was fantastic!!!








    After that we took off and got our capes, and had a Hunter Cape Frenzy!!! hehehe how much fun!! I love my cape!!!








    Then to Castle Wars!!! I only played one game that was enough, and it was a brilliant game..I was on Zammy and thanks to Misterxmans bailing Valerie up, I managed to get 4 flags on my own and Zammy won the round 7 - 0.




    The next few games I sat out, and stood on the wall chatting to Oreo, Mirr, crave and Wizz and greeted fellow tipiters from the wall.








    And that was it....Finally that much worked for Hunter Cape is ours! Congratulations Valerie on a job well done, it has been a pleasure to skill with you, and I'm sure we will keep in touch for long after this.








    Go go Girl Power!!!!












    Wednesday 10th May 2007




    Today, with only 98xp till my hunting level, I spent the day doing nothing much! A little bit of alching here and there, then logging out to have many naps, as I am still in recovery from getting 1.3mill xp in 1.5 days!








    A visit to the Chaos Elemental was in order, and a group of 5 brave warriers waddled on up to him and poked the hell out of him! We managed to kill him about 8 times before we all agreed that we should head back. And surprise surprise, none of us were skulled for a change! rofl!








    Then I was on my way to bed tonight when I was invited to go to DK's as a suicide. So off we went, through tunnels up ladders down ladders omg omg where am I going ....wheres all the green dots gone? what....Fally??? ooohh no and I didnt even get to the kings!!








    Well thats enough excitement for the day...anyone wanting to take me through the waterbirth dungeon for a few trips so I can get to know my way around is welcome!!!!




    Party tomorrow...yayyyy












    25th April 2007




    Today I achieved another of my main goals. Getting 99 Fletch and Trimming my Woodcutting Cape!








    I started Fletching Tuesday last week, and with the 30k odd yew logs that I had cut in achieving my woodcutting goal, I started cutting.








    42k yew longbows and 8 days later it is mine!








    Living in Lumbridge Basement was interesting, with lots of visitors for support and meeting new people I really had fun, although I think some of the tan that I got woodcutting has faded. :P My hand is aching quite badly from the repeated clicking and the last level was the hardest, but I was so motivated I would not let myself stop. 1.3mill xp in 26 hours! :-w








    As you can see by my first post that my main goals were Woodcutting, Fletching and Hunter, so my next stop is Feldip Hills with QueenValerie. I will take a few days out first and do a bit of fishing with Oreo, maybe some fight pits and even a bit of slayerer, then I'm running for the hills. =D>








    I didnt get a very good screenie of my level so I borrowed Kris's and added my level messages and stats in. (thanks kris)








    Thanks for all the support everyone, and for those who managed to dash to see me get my level wooot thankyouuuuuu!!!! lub you all!!!!
















    15th April 2007




    99 Woodcutting and 1800 Total = Pwned!!! :thumbsup:








    My buddy Norman Biggs and myself have had a friendly race to 1800 and today was the day! We went outside for her to get her 1800 total first, then stepped back inside while I used a genie lamp to get my level. with the delay with the genie lamp it was hard to get the screenie of everyone saying grats. Thanks for coming along to share this with us. Was awsome to have so many friends there. <3:








    Got some lovely gifts from Evil and Nekyia. thankyou.








    4th April 2007




    Got 97 Woodcutting \'












    2nd April 2007




    Been a busy week for me, I got 2 levels in woodcutting. No other main skills worked on except some xp playing Trouble Brewing on the weekend with QueenValerie, Oreo, Chris, Dalcyte (for a short while) and a bunch of other friends. Went to QueenValeries 99 Thieving party, and Wolfhunterxz's 100 Combat party.








    [hide=Click here to see screenshots]




    Total level 1792
























    24th March 2007




    This week saw me get a pile of levels including:




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot]updated24marchlevels.png [/hide]




    Which gave me a total of:




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot]1790total.png [/hide]








    20th March 2007




    Did a bit of RC so that I could fletch some bows, and got the following levels.








    [hide=Click here to see screenshot]fletchandrc.png[/hide]








    Also hiscores has me in the top 12k and I didnt even realise it. Heres a pic of my hiscores and current total level. :shock:








    [hide=Click here to see screenshot]hiscores20thmarch07.png[/hide]




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot]total17thmarch07.png[/hide]




    A day of hunting, collected me some genie lamps, and went to Edgy to level with a few friends around me. Have been working on wc for the past day or so and am only 300k from level 94. :D








    [hide=Click here to see screenshot]92hunt.png[/hide]








    March 17th 2007












    Levels Achieved this week. Been a busy girl, only 3 levels under 70 to go.




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot] 17thmarch07levels.png [/hide]








    March 1st 2007




    Well my closest friend and myself have decided to have a friendly race to 1800 total. Let the fun begin.








    Nothing like a bit of competition to get you motivated.








    My quest for the Hunter Cape is still a goal of mine, but I am taking a break to work on some other levels, and to regain my sanity.








    I have still got my Quest Cape, but the scars on my back over the past few months are still healing from the amount of times its been ripped off.








    HereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s an update on a few of my latest levels and my current total.




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot] thisweekslevels.png








    Totallevel1stmarch07.png [/hide]








    Febuary 8th 2007




    OK now its 2 more hunter levels and im getting a bit tired! Heres the pic!








    No comment on what my character looks like its doing.








    Oh yes another pile of genie lamps




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot] 83hunter.png [/hide]








    February 6th 2007




    More hunting levels, and more Genies.








    Ranked about 971 in highscores for hunter now. OMG!




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot] hunter81.png [/hide]












    January 19th 2007




    Another 70




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot] hunter70.png












    January 15th 2007




    Well one goal down!!








    Just got 1700 total by levelling farming of all things lol.








    My goals continue with getting all skills over 70 and maybe even a 99 or two.




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot] 1700totalshey.png [/hide]








    February 1st 2007




    This week I decided to work on one of my least favourite skills.... mining.








    I knew I would be distracted easily so I disappeared off to Crandor to mine mithril, I know its not the best xp etc, but I knew that I could keep on task.








    After mining 950 mith ores and complaining and whinging the whole time, a wonderful friend offered kindly to give me some mith ores, so that I could do some smithing.








    So off I toddle to Port Phasmatys, and run into quite a number of friends there, but I smelted and smelted, then wandered over to Varock and smithed mith platebodies.








    Then after that I decided to relax and do some alching at Edgeville, and after that I made a few pray pots.








    This is the result of my day.




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot] Smith68.png
















    herblore61.png [/hide]








    And after all that hard work I reached one of my long term goals, I am in the top 15k outright in hiscores, not bad for 14 months of playing eh. I hope I keep climbing that ladder but its going to get harder now I know.




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot] hiscoretop15k.png












    January 25th 2007




    TodayÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s catch bought me 76 hunter and another pile of genie lamps, yes one days hunting see below!!!




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot] hunter76.png [/hide]








    January 10th 2007




    Whoot my first half way point!!!!








    Also have 89 firemaking, 79 fletching, 65 runecraft and a few other odds and sods.








    Have neglected my combat skills a little lately so will most likely do a little of that for the next few weeks.




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot] 92woodcutting.png [/hide]








    December 25th 2006
















    Hardly any skilling done, having too much fun with mates








    December 16th 2006




    In the last 4 days I have achieved one level in all of the following:








    woodcutting now 89




    firemaking now 71




    prayer now 63




    combat now102




    defence now 82








    December 12th 2006




    Well after much hoo haa and hee hoo I finally did it. All levels over 60!!!




    I actually briefly did make it to all skills over 60 about 1.5 hours before they bought out the hunting skill. So I had to start again with brand new skill at 1.




    [hide=Click here to see screenshot]60hunter.png [/hide]




    Anyway my next goals are to:








    1)get a skill to 99 (closest is wc currently on 89)




    2)raise a few combat levels




    3)aim to get all skills to 70+[/hide]








    [hide=Fun with Friends Archive]




    KBD Visit with Leesters, Queenvalerie, Trojann, Wakka and Who LeOw








    Varock Museum Update with fellow Tipiters








    A trip to the Kings with Dusty and Mirror








    Chaos Elemental with Friends








    Cabbage Bomb in Lumby Basement with Mirr and Oreo








    Keeping me company on the road to 99 Woodcutting








    Which one is Shey?








    Fun in Edgy








    Mime Santas in Edgy








    Mah Buffday








    Contact - Done!








    King Black Dragon with Chenw








    Kalphite Queen with Friends








    Barbarian Assault








    Scaredy Cat doing Desert Treasure








    Quest Cape Display








    Evil Santa




















    [hide=Special Thanks Archives]




    Special thanks goes to:




    AJC100 for a pile of mith ores to help me with my smithing levels




    NormanBiggs for being the bestest mate a gal could ask for!




    Oreo, Dalcyte and Mirror for giving me the inspiration to create this blog




    Laikrob for her pressies to help me with herblore




    Oreo for giving me reason to work on one of my least favorite skills - Farming (thanks for tha seeds <3: )




    Oreo for the hawt Toy Cat!




    Oreo for my new Avvy and friendship and support through a rough day, thankyou for making me smile




    Andufus for a kind donation of food, and Cosmic Runes.




    Everyone who has posted words of support in my blog, thankyou.




    Evil and Nekyia thankyou for the lovely gifts for my 99wc and 1800 total.




    Everyone who came to Norman Biggs and mine's combined 1800 total and my 99 wc level up.




    Mirrrrr for the special gifty he gave me




    Laikrob, Gayle, and AJC just cause I lub you guys!!!




    Oreo for being a fantastic friend!




    Ranged for having fun in Edgy alching away towards our mage goals.




    Peter for nice gee pee pressie! (wouldn't take no for an answer)




    Gutenmorgan for wishing me well at Lumby Basement while I was slaving away at fletching.




    Gayle for dragging me off to do quest when I got 98 Fletch to get my mind off it and rest my fletching hand.




    All my friends for turning up last minute when I got my Fletching Cape.




    Momeydragon, the #1 Hunter, for joining me and QueenValerie at the hunting grounds and giving us some great tips on hunting.




    QueenValerie, for joining me on our hunter cape goal, I'm sure this next few weeks will be great fun.




    Mirror for popping by for a visit while we were hunting, and giving me a dstone for getting 93 hunter.




    Dustyyyyy for lending me Veracs so that I can go and poke KQ for real soon!!




    Dusty again comes to the rescue helping me get 70 Herblore with vials and herbs.




    Mirror for the amazing gift and poem that he gave me for getting 99 Hunter, one of the most wonderful friends I could ever have. Bought tears to my eyes for real.




    The amazing group of friends who came along to Valerie and myselfs 99 Hunter celebration which continued into CastleWars.




    Gayle, for being my lifeline through some emotional ups and downs. lub u hunni.




    Oreo, for dragging me into F2P so that I could appreciate members more and more and more and more! lol




    Thing1116 for the kind donation of 156 Yew logs towards my FM Goal.




    Leedragon8 for the lovely donation of 223 Yew logs towards my FM Goal.




    Builtom for the amazing donation of 1k yew logs and 1k magic logs to help me get a Firemaking Level.




    Evil Wisp for the donation of 54 Mith Bars




    Evil Gizmo for being a good friend last week when I needed a rant! heheh




    th3 crusader for the gift of the Ahrims Staff and 5k maple logs




    :D you all rock!!!




    th3 Crusader gave me a heap more maples, some unids and crushed birdsnests :0 wow thanks.




    AzureChaos gave me a heap of Maple Logs towards my FM Goal! <3
















    First Update!








    Did a bit of RC so that I could fletch some bows, and got the following levels.
















    Also hiscores has me in the top 12k and I didnt even realise it. Heres a pic of my hiscores and current total level. :shock:
















    A day of hunting, collected me some genie lamps, and went to Edgy to level with a few friends around me. Have been working on wc for the past day or so and am only 300k from level 94. :D












    [insert cool banner here]



    MAX TOTAL ACHIEVED 9th June 09






    ACHIEVED TRIM COMPLETIONIST CAPE -  15th March 2014 (465th to Trim)



    Some of you may remember me from way back, others perhaps more recently! :D I am one of the few who has still kept my original name. Anyway Im a Runescape Mother (well technically not anymore since my sons all grown up now), and I used to play a lot of Runescape, but now I play a lot less, real life is awesome! I still love playing Runescape, and finally have a bit of time spare to read forums again. :D


    I started playing F2P Runescape in late October 2005. In I loved it. I joined Tipit in 2006, and not long after became one of the very first TET AU team members, then became TET Leader. I then retired from TET as it all got a bit too much for me. Being Leader is a lot of work, and I'm really proud of how TET is still going strong. After a break, I created my own clan Skill n Chill, which was a phenomenal success, but as with most clans, the inactivity was its downfall, we all love to play but real life just has to be first. I've spread my wings and flown, and I somehow still keep coming back to Tipit, I just think everyone here are amazing people. Anyway, I also was staff at The Slayers Guild, Skillers United and Divination during my adventures as well as being a proud member of Guardians of Fate (GoF), but now I enjoy the placitude of Playing Runescape without any responsibilities or dramas. I am in a clan named True Maxed. 



    One of my long term not sure but still keep on trying goals, is to get 200 mil Agility XP. :-D


    I also set myself small personal challenges as I may post here. The whackier and zanier the better! Which reminds me! Zeddude!!!! I miss our chats!


    Have fun reading my adventures, and say Gday if you like. :)


    Enjoy my Blog!!



    My Current Stats


    Total level 2595


    Combat 200


    Quest Cape 





    Current Goals


    Get 1 Billion Total XP


    Goals Reached and Levels


    [hide=Stats at the Start of this Blog]Stats at the start of this Blog


    [hide=Special Goals Reached]Special Goals Reached

    Max Cape



    Completed all Diaries



    Full Void



    Statue Fully Built in POH



    Rank 1 in Runescape - 14th April 2010 (for about half an hour heheh!)



    1000th Slayer Task



    A ship




    [hide=99's Reached]99s Achieved


    99 Dung and Max Total (AGAIN) - 22nd May 2011



    99 Mining and Max Total - 9th June 09



    99 Construction - 9th June 09



    99 Herblore - 23rd May 09



    99 Agility 12th May 09



    99 Farming 26th April 09



    99 Smithing 3rd April 09



    99 Thieving 24th March 09



    99 Runecraft 22nd February 09



    99 Summon 23rd January 09



    99 Slayer 10th November 08



    99 Attack 2nd August 08



    99 Defence 2nd August 08



    99 Strength - 136 Combat 2nd August 08



    99 Hitpoints 9th April 08



    99 Range 8th April 08



    99 Prayer 25th December 07



    99 Mage 25th October 07



    99 Crafting 9th October 07



    99 Cooking 27th July 07



    99 Firemaking 27th July 07



    99 Fishing 25th July 07



    99 Hunter 11th May 2007



    99 Fletching 25th April 2007



    99 Woodcutting 15th April 2007




    My Bank

    [hide=My Bank]

    Taken 31 December 2010





    Friends and Fun

    [hide=Fun with Friends]Fun With Friends


    Sara GWD



    Hitpoints Emote with Colo, BigDuck, Gayle and myself



    Range Emote with Colo and Olly



    Mass Bandos Trip



    Skillin and Chillin with SnC Event



    Mass DK Trip with GoF



    My first trip to Daganoth Kings with Sjakie



    Bloggers kqing



    Visit to KBD with friends!



    KBD Fun



    Barehanded Shark Fishing



    Chicken Run to KQ and KBD Fun


    [hide=Poems and Special Messages from my Blog]Poems and Special Messages from my Blog


    Here ya go shey, a limerick I made for ye, its a type of poem. ;-)


    I once knew a lady called shey

    whose skills you could not hold at bay

    She crafted and skilled

    She skilled and willed

    and she did all of this every day!


    Heh, like it?

    Shey the skiller,


    Shey the killer,

    Shey the best bud,

    Never acts crud

    Shey, she rocks,




    ^ Heh, like it?

    LOL i wrote a poem cause i was bored


    I know this girl named Shey.

    She's working on slayer, each and every day.

    Hopefully someone gives you dust devil for a task.

    So you can come and fight them with you-know-who,

    Dont be saying you dont know who cause you knew,

    What I would do,

    If I knew.


    I know this girl named shey,

    and I hope she is here to stay.


    Oh yea.


    The Golden Bowl


    By: Mirrorforced




    One of the greatest things invented,

    It can hold so much.

    Retains water, food, and even help you out,

    But this could only be done with someone's touch.

    This thing is so amazing,

    It can even be made of gold.

    But what amazes me the most,

    Is how it is so wonderfully bold.

    I would never sell this,

    If I did, everything would be a mess.

    The memories I have and will to come,

    Are nothing short but priceless.




    You are the greatest.

    You can do so much.

    You help me out all the time.

    All thanks to our friendship.

    You are amazing.

    You truly have a heart of gold.

    You amaze me so much!

    You are the best.

    I could never trade you away.

    I will never be the same.

    I have so many great memories.

    You are priceless to me.

    Thanks so much for being my friend Shey, and congratulations on getting 99 Hunter. I love you so much Shey, never change.

    :D Cool KBD fun!

    Heres ur poem Shey!


    Shey is working hard on her goals

    Helping TET as she patrols.

    Everyone knows that Shey is always advancing

    And make sure that she's known for her 99 Dancing!

    Working for some new awesome capes

    Which come in a matter of colours and shapes

    99 fishing, 99 cook

    And she'll do it by hook or by crook*

    So good luck shey!

    From Zeddude and TIF


    OT:Darn you hayfever

    *itch* and *sniff*


    When you complete your goal

    We'll all say gratz

    and maybe later on

    Show off our cats

    Thats that!


    *by hook or by crook = by any means neccesary.


    [hide=My Cats]Meet Sammy and Marty


    Marty is 9 years old and Sammy is 8 months old, and they are the best of friends!













    Special Thanks

    [hide=Thank You]

    Special Thanks to some of my oldest and dearest friends, most of who I have lost touch with


    Oreoo!!! <3

    Sjakie, Heph, Hart and Colo for being there for me, wonderful friends!

    Deal - Awesomerific mate! kay!

    Saru - for having faith in me though troubled times. ILU

    Olly, inspiring me to keep runecrafting no matter how mental I am feeling.

    Laila and Gayle. *hiccup* *burp* *fart* *Hags*

    Haze for being a great friend and great Clan Coleader

    Chazza babe!! The one and only!

    Wispy for advice on forum admin of SkillnChill

    Metoo - Met Metoo at Impling Hunting update, he shoved me aside to get a Dragon Impling in the maze hahaha I told him off we became friends.

    QueenValerie - I just admire this lady soo much!

    Kirke and Metool - GOF Leaders - awesome MH Clan back in the good old days

    EmSee - <3333333

    Appy - Don't see each other much nowdays cause of my work but wonderful mate! <3

    Darlok - Another great runecrafting friend who inspired me and kept me going through the rough times.

    Vann, Fruit, Azure - *slap*

    Scorp! Nooob!

    Mirror - Did anyone ever tell you your amazing? Cus you are

    Erad - Great motivator and awesome skiller.

    Tipit Staff and Admin, for working their backsides off to bring our Community Back

    Sentry - my online bestie, we had the greatest friendship and had the best fun in Runescape

    Misa *licks* tee hee

    Sau - *hugz*

    Th3 Crusader - Master of the Universe!

    Lady Heinous - Miss Modddddddddddddd@@@@@@@@@@@@



    Thanks for reading my blog! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed reading everyones support and encouragement throughout my RS Career. Its an honour to be part of this wonderful community.

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